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       They did not hate; but they saw a Darkfriend when they saw him。 And Byar; at least; was capable of anything。
       He had had to do it; but he thought maybe it would not be such a bad idea to let Dannil and Ban and the others follow him around the way they wanted to。 He was not going to be able to sleep easy without somebody guarding his door。 Guards。 Like some fool lord。 At least Faile would be happy。 If only he could make them lose that banner somewhere。

Chapter 46
(Female Silhouettes)

       The crowds were thick in the confined winding streets of the Calpene near the Great Circle; the smoke of countless cook fires rising above the high white walls gave the reason。 Sour smells of smoke and cooking and long unwashed sweat hung heavy in the humid morning air with the crying of children and the vague murmurs that always clung to large masses of people; together enough to muffle the shrill caws of the gulls sailing overhead。 The shops in this area had long since locked the iron grilles over their doors for good。
       Disgusted; Egeanin threaded her way through the throng afoot。 It was dreadful that order had broken down enough for penniless refugees to take over the circles; sleeping among the stone benches。 It was as bad as their rulers letting them starve。 Her heart should have been gladdened … this dispirited rabble could never resist the Corenne; and then proper order would be restored … but she hated looking at it。
       Most of the ragged people around her seemed too apathetic to wonder at a woman in their midst in a clean; well…tended blue riding dress; silk if plainly cut。 Men and women in once fine garb; soiled and wrinkled now; speckled the crowd; so perhaps she did not stand out enough for contrast。 The few who seemed to wonder whether her clothes meant coins in her purse were dissuaded by the petent way she carried her stout staff; as tall as she was。 Guards and chair and bearers had had to be left behind today。 Floran Gelb would surely have realized he was being followed by that array。 At least this dress with its divided skirts gave her a little freedom of movement。
       Keeping the weasely little man in sight was easy even in this mass of people; despite having to dodge oxcarts or the occasional wagon; hauled by sweating bare…chested men more often than animals。 Gelb and seven or eight panions; burly rough…faced men all; shoved through in a knot; an eddy of curses following them。 Those fellows angered her。 Gelb meant to try kidnapping again。 He had found three women since she sent him the gold he had asked for; none more than casually resembling any on her list; and had whined over every one she rejected。 She should never have paid him for that first woman he snatched off the street。 Greed and the memory of gold had apparently washed out the hide…flaying tongue…lashing she had given him along with the purse。
       Shouts from behind pulled her head around and tightened her hands on the staff。 A small space had opened up; as it always did around trouble。 A bellowing man in a torn; once…fine yellow coat was on his knees in the street; clutching his right arm where it bent the wrong way。 Huddling over him protectively; a weeping woman in a tattered green gown was crying at a veiled fellow already melting into the crowd。 〃He only asked for a coin! He only asked!〃 The crowd swirled in around them again。
       Grimacing; Egeanin turned back。 And stopped with an oath that drew a few startled glances。 Gelb and his fellows had vanished。 Pushing her way to a small stone fountain where water gushed from the mouth of a bronze fish on the side of a flat…roofed wineshop; she roughly displaced two of the women filling pots and leaped up onto the coping; ignoring their indignant curses。 From there she could see over the heads of the crowd; Cramped streets ran off in every direction; twisting around the hills。 Bends and white…plastered buildings cut her view to less than a hundred paces at best; but Gelb could not have gone farther than that in those few moments。
       Abruptly she found him; hiding in a deep doorway thirty paces on; but up on his toes to peer down the street。 The others were easy enough to locate then; leaning against buildings to either side of the street; trying not to be noticed。 They were not the only ones lining the walls; but where the rest huddled dispiritedly; their scared; broken…nosed faces held expectation。
       So it was to be here; their abduction。 Certainly no one would interfere; any more than people had when that fellow's arm was broken。 But who? If Gelb had finally found someone on the list; she could go away and wait for him to sell her the woman; wait her chance to see if an a'dam truly could hold other sul'dam besides Bethamin。 However; she did not mean to face again the choice between slitting some unfortunate woman's throat and sending her off to be sold。
       There were plenty of women climbing up the street toward Gelb; most in those transparent veils; their hair braided。 Without a second glance Egeanin ruled out two in sedan chairs; with bodyguards marching alongside; Gelb's street toughs would not tangle with near their own number; nor face swords with their fists。 Whoever they were after would have no more than two or three men for pany if that; and none armed。 That seemed to include all the other women in her view; whether in rags of drab country dresses or the more clinging styles Taraboner women favored。
       Suddenly two of those women; talking together as they rounded a far bend; seized Egeanin's eye。 With their hair in slender braids and transparent veils across their faces; they appeared to be Taraboners; but they were out of place here。 Those thin; scandalously draped dresses; one green; the other blue; were silk; not linen or finespun wool。 Women clothed like that rode in sedan chairs; they did not walk; especially not here。 And they did not carry barrel staves on their shoulders like clubs。
       Dismissing the one with red…gold hair; she studied the other。 Her dark braids were unusually long; nearly to her waist。 At this distance; the woman looked very much like a sul'dam named Surine。 Not Surine; though。 This woman would have e no higher than Surine's chin。
       Muttering under her breath; Egeanin jumped down and began pushing through the jostling mass between her and Gelb。 With luck she could reach him in time to call him off。 The fool。 The greedy; weasel…brained fool!
       〃We should have hired chairs; Nynaeve;〃 Elayne said again; wondering for the hundredth time how Taraboner women talked without catching the veils in their mouths。 Spitting it out; she added; 〃We are going to have to use these things。〃
       A weedy…faced fellow stopped drifting toward them through the crowd when Nynaeve hefted her barrel stave threateningly。 〃That is what they are for。〃 Her glare might have encouraged the man's loss of interest。 She fumbled at the dark braids hanging over her shoulders and made a disgusted sound; Elayne did not know when she would bee used to not having that one thick braid to tug。 〃And feet are for walking。 How could we look or ask questions being carried around like pigs to sale? I would feel a plete fool in one
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