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       It was Luc's turn to shrug casually。 〃I have seen him here and there since ing to the Two Rivers。 A disreputable…looking man; and those who follow him no less。 The sort who might have been careless enough to allow a Trolloc attack to succeed。 Was he there? If so; one can hope he died for his folly。 If not; one hopes you have him here with you; close under your eye。〃
       〃I do not know where he is;〃 Bornhald snapped。 〃Or care! I did not e here to talk of Ordeith!〃 His horse pranced nervously as Bornhald flung out a hand; pointing at Perrin。 〃I arrest you as a Darkfriend。 You will be taken to Amador; and there tried under the Dome of Truth。〃
       Byar stared at his Captain in disbelief。 Behind the barrier separating the Whitecloaks from the Two Rivers men; angry mutters rose; spears and bills were hefted; bows raised。 The farther Whitecloaks began spreading out in a gleaming line under shouted orders from a fellow as big in his armor as Master Luhhan; sliding lances into holders along their saddles; unlimbering short horsebows。 At that range they could do little more than cover the escape of Bornhald and the men with him; if they did indeed manage an escape; but Bornhald appeared oblivious of any danger; and of anything at all save Perrin。
       〃There will be no arrests;〃 Bran said sharply; 〃We have decided that。 No more arrests without proof of some crime; and proof we believe。 You'll never show me anything to convince me Perrin is a Darkfriend; so you might as well put your hand down。〃
       〃He betrayed my father to his death at Falme;〃 Bornhald shouted。 Rage shook him。 〃Betrayed him to Darkfriends and Tar Valon witches who murdered a thousand of the Children with the One Power!〃 Byar nodded vigorously。
       Some of the Two Rivers folk shifted uncertainly; word had spread of what Verin and Alanna had done that morning; and the deeds had grown in spreading。 Whatever they thought about Perrin; a hundred tales of Aes Sedai; almost all wrong; made for easy belief in Aes Sedai destroying a thousand Whitecloaks。 And if they believed that; they might e to believe the rest。
       〃I betrayed no one;〃 Perrin said in a loud voice so everyone could hear。 〃If your father died at Falme; those who killed him are called the Seanchan。 I don't know whether they are Darkfriends; but I do know they use the One Power in battle。〃
       〃Liar!〃 Spittle flew from Bornhald's lips。 〃The Seanchan are a tale concocted by the White Tower to hide their foul lies! You are a Darkfriend!〃
       Bran shook his head wonderingly; pushing his steel cap over to one side so he could scratch his fringe of gray hair。 〃I don't know anything about these … Seanchan? … about these Seanchan。 What I do know is that Perrin is no Darkfriend; and you are not arresting anybody。〃
       The situation was growing more dangerous by the minute; Perrin realized。 Byar saw it and tugged at Bornhald's arm; whispering to him; but the Whitecloak captain would not; or perhaps could not; back away now that he had Perrin in front of his eyes。 Bran and the Two Rivers men had their heels planted; too; they might not be willing to let the Whitecloaks take him even if he confessed to everything Bornhald claimed。 Unless someone tossed some water fast; everything was going to explode like a fistful of dry straw tossed on a forge…fire。
       He hated having to think quickly。 Loial had the right of it。 Hasty thinking led to people being hurt。 But he thought he saw a way here。 〃Are you willing to hold off my arrest; Bornhald? Until the Trollocs are done with? I won't be going anywhere before then。〃
       〃Why should I hold off?〃 The man was blind with hate。 If he went on; a good many men were going to die; including him most likely; and he could not see。 There was no use pointing it out。
       〃Haven't you noticed all the farms burning this morning?〃 Perrin said instead。 He made a sweeping gesture that took in all the dwindling plumes of smoke。 〃Look around。 You said it yourself。 The Trollocs aren't content with raiding a farm or two each night anymore。 They're up to raiding villages。 If you try to make it back to Watch Hill; you may not get there。 You were lucky to e this far。 But if you stay here; in Emond's Field。。。〃 Bran rounded on him; and other men shouted loud noes; Faile rode close and seized his arm; but he ignored all of them。 〃。。。you will know where I am; and your soldiers will be wele to help our defenses。〃
       〃Are you sure about this; Perrin?〃 Bran said; grabbing Stepper's stirrup; while from the other side Faile said urgently; 〃No; Perrin! It is too great a risk。 You must not … I mean。。。 please don't … Oh; the Light burn me to bloody ash! You must not do this!〃
       〃I won't have men fighting men if I can stop it;〃 he told them firmly。 〃We are not going to do the Trollocs' work for them。〃
       Faile practically flung his arm away。 Scowling at Bornhald; she produced a sharpening stone from her pouch and a knife from somewhere; and began honing the blade with a silk…soft whisk…whisk。
       〃Hari Coplin won't know what to think; now;〃 Bran said wryly。 Straightening his round helmet; he turned back to the Whitecloaks and planted his spear butt。 〃You have heard his terms。 Now hear mine。 If you e into Emond's Field; you arrest no one without the say…so of the Village Council; which you will not get; so you arrest no one。 You don't go into anybody's house unless you are asked。 You make no trouble; and you share in the defense where and when you're asked。 And I don't want to so much as smell a Dragon's Fang! Will you agree? If not; you can ride back as you came。〃 Byar stared at the round man as if a sheep had reared up on its hind legs and offered to wrestle。
       Bornhald never took his eyes off Perrin。 〃Done;〃 he said at last。 〃Until the Trolloc threat is gone; done!〃 Wrenching his horse around; he galloped back toward the line of his men; snowy cloak billowing behind him。
       As the Mayor ordered the wagons rolled aside; Perrin realized that Luc was looking at him。 The fellow sat slumped easily in his saddle; a languorous hand on his sword hilt; blue eyes amused。
       〃I thought you would object;〃 Perrin said; 〃the way I hear you've been talking people up against the Whitecloaks。〃
       Luc spread his hands smoothly。 〃If these people want Whitecloaks among them; let them have Whitecloaks。 But you should be careful; young Goldeneyes。 I know something of taking an enemy into your bosom。 His blade goes in quicker when he is close。〃 With a laugh; he pushed his stallion off through the crowd; back into the village。
       〃He is right;〃 Faile said; still stropping her knife on the stone。 〃Perhaps this Bornhald will keep his word not to arrest you; but what is to stop one of his men from putting a blade in your back? You should not have done this。〃
       〃I had to;〃 he told her。 〃Better than doing the Trollocs' work。〃
       The Whitecloaks were beginning to ride in; Bornhald and Byar at their head。 Those two glared at him with unabated hatred; and the others; riding by in pairs 。。。 Cold; hard eyes in cold; hard faces swung to regard him as they passed。 
       They did not hate; but they saw a Darkfriend when they saw him。 And Byar;
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