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t bad enough; until he sent them off to guard the men who had gone back to felling trees along the Westwood。 It seemed that Tam had told them some tale about something called the panions; in Illian; soldiers who rode with the general of an Illianer army and were thrown in wherever the battle was hottest。 Tam; of all people! At least they took the banner with them。 Perrin felt a right fool with that thing trailing after him。
       In the middle of the morning; Luc rode in; all golden…haired arrogance; nodding slightly to acknowledge a few cheers; though why anyone wanted to cheer him seemed a mystery。 He brought a trophy that he pulled out of a leather bag and had set on a spear at the edge of the Green for everyone to gawk at。 A Myrddraal's eyeless head。 The fellow was modest enough; in a condescending sort of way; but he did let slip that he had killed the Fade when he ran into a band of Trollocs。 An admiring train took him around to see the scene of the battle here … they were calling it that … where horses were dragging Trollocs off to great pyres already sending up pillars of oily black smoke。 Luc was properly admiring in turn; making only one or two criticisms of how Perrin had disposed his men; that was how the Two Rivers folk told it; with Perrin lining everybody up and giving orders he certainly never had。
       To Perrin; Luc gave a patronizing smile of approval。 〃You did very well; my boy。 You were lucky; of course; but there is such a thing as the luck of the beginner; is there not。〃
       When he went off to his room in the Winespring Inn; Perrin had the head taken down and buried。 Not a thing people should be staring at; especially the children。
       The questions continued as the day wore on; until he suddenly realized the sun stood straight overhead; he had had nothing to eat; and his stomach was talking to him in no uncertain terms。 〃Mistress al'Caar;〃 he said wearily to the long…faced woman at his stirrup; 〃I suppose the children can play anywhere; so long as somebody watches to make sure they don't go beyond the last houses。 Light; woman; you know that。 You certainly know children better than I do! If you don't; how have you managed to raise four of your own?〃 Her youngest was six years older than he was!
       Nela al'Caar frowned and tossed her head; gray…streaked braid swinging。 For a moment he thought she was going to snap his nose off; talking that way to her。 He almost wished she would; for a change from everybody wanting to know what he thought should be done。 〃Of course I know children;〃 she said。 〃I just want to make sure it's done the way you want。 That's what we'll do; then。〃
       Sighing; he only waited for her to turn away before reining Stepper around toward the Winespring Inn。 Two or three voices called to him; but he refused to listen。 What he wanted done。 What was wrong with these people? Two Rivers folk did not follow this way。 Certainly not Emond's Fielders。 They wanted a say in everything。 Arguments in front of the Village Council; arguments among the Council; had to e to blows before they occasioned ment。 And if the Women's Circle thought they kept their own affairs more circumspect; there was not a man who did not know the meaning of tight…jawed women stalking about with their braids all but bristling like angry cats' tails。
       What I want! he thought angrily。 What I want is something to eat; someplace where no one is jabbering in my ear。 Stepping down in front of the inn; he staggered; and thought he could add a bed to that short list。 Only midday; with Stepper doing all the work; and he already felt bone…weary。 Maybe Faile had been right after all。 Maybe going after Loial and Gaul really was a bad idea。
       When he walked into the mon room; Mistress al'Vere took one look at him and all but pushed him into a chair with a motherly smile。 〃You can just give over handing out orders for a while;〃 she told him firmly。 〃Emond's Field can very well survive an hour by itself while you put some food inside you。〃 She bustled away before he could say Emond's Field could very well survive by itself without him at all。
       The room was almost empty。 Natti Cauthon sat at one table; rolling bandages and adding them to the pile in front of her; but she also managed to keep an eye on her daughters; across the room; though both were old enough to be wearing their hair in a braid。 The reason was plain enough。 Bode and Eldrin sat on either side of Aram; coaxing the Tinker to eat。 Feeding him; actually; and wiping his chin; too。 From the way they were grinning at the fellow; Perrin was surprised Natti was not at the table with them; braids or no。 The fellow was good…looking; he supposed; maybe handsomer than Wil al'Seen。 Bode and Eldrin certainly seemed to think so。 For his part; Aram smiled back occasionally … they were plumply pretty girls; he would have to be blind not to see it; and Perrin did not think Aram was ever blind to a pretty girl … but he hardly swallowed without running a wide…eyed gaze over the spears and polearms against the walls。 For a Tuatha'an; it had to be a horrible sight。
       〃Mistress al'Vere said you had finally gotten tired of your saddle;〃 Faile said; popping in through the door to the kitchen。 Startlingly; she wore a long white apron like Marin's; her sleeves were pushed up above her elbows; and she had flour on her hands。 As if just realizing it; she whipped the apron off; wiping her hands hastily; and laid it across the back of a chair。 〃I have never baked anything before;〃 she said; shoving her sleeves down as she joined him。 〃It is rather fun kneading dough。 I might like to do it again someday。〃
       〃If you don't bake;〃 he said; 〃where are we going to get bread? I don't intend to spend my whole life traveling; buying meals or eating what I can snare or fetch with bow or sling。〃
       She smiled as if he had said something very pleasing; though he could not for the life of him see what。 〃The cook will bake; of course。 One of her helpers; really; I suppose; but the cook will oversee it。〃
       〃The cook;〃 he mumbled; shaking his head。 〃Or one of her helpers。 Of course。 Why didn't I think of that?〃
       〃What is the matter; Perrin? You look worried。 I don't think the defenses could be any sounder without a fortress wall。〃
       〃It isn't that。 Faile; this Perrin Goldeneyes business is getting out of hand。 I do not know who they think I am; but they keep asking me what to do; asking if it's all right; when they already know what has to be done; when they could figure it out with two minutes' thought。〃
       For a long moment she studied his face; those dark; tilted eyes thoughtful; then said; 〃How many years has it been since the Queen of Andor ruled here in fact?〃
       〃The Queen of Andor? I don't really know。 A hundred years; maybe。 Two hundred。 What does that have to do with anything?〃
       〃These people do not remember how to deal with a queen … or a king。 They are trying to puzzle it out。 You must be patient with them。〃
       〃A king?〃 he said weakly。 He let his head drop down onto his arms on the table。 〃Oh; Light!〃
       Laughing softly; Faile ruffled his hair。 〃Well; perhaps not that。 I doubt very much that Morgase woul
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