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       〃If you ride even one step near the Westwood;〃 Faile said calmly; 〃I will haul you back to the inn by your ear and stuff you into that bed myself。〃
       〃I wasn't thinking of it;〃 Perrin lied; turning Stepper so his back was to the woods。 One man and an Ogier might escape notice; make it to the mountains safely。 They might。 The Waygate had to be locked permanently if Emond's Field was to have any chance。 〃You talked me out of it; remember?〃 Another man might find them; knowing they were there。 Three sets of eyes could keep sharper watch than two; especially when one set was his; and he was certainly not doing anything here。 His clothes stuffed with straw and set on Stepper could do as much。
       Suddenly; above the shouting and carrying on around him; he heard sharper shouts; a clamor from the south; near the Old Road。
       〃He said they wouldn't e again soon!〃 he growled; and dug his heels into Stepper's flanks。
Chapter 45
The Tinker's Sword

       Galloping through the village with Faile at his heels; Perrin found the men on the south side in a cluster; peering out over the cleared fields and muttering; some with bows half…drawn。 Two wagons blocked the gap the Old Road made in the sharp stakes The nearest low stone fence still standing; bordering a field of tabac; lay five hundred paces off; with nothing between taller than barley stubble; the ground short of it sprouted arrows like weeds。 Smoke curled up in the far distance; a dozen or more thick black plumes; some wide enough to be fields burning。
       Cenn Buie was there; and Hari and Darl Coplin。 Bili Congar had an arm around the shoulders of his cousin Wit; Daise's bony husband; who looked as if he wished Bili would not breathe on him。 None smelled of fear; only excitement。 And Bili of ale。 At least ten men at once tried to tell him what had happened; some were louder than others。
       〃The Trollocs tried us here; as well;〃 Hari Coplin shouted; 〃but we showed them; didn't we?〃 There were murmurs of agreement; but just as many or more eyed each other doubtfully and shifted their feet。
       〃We've some heroes here; too;〃 Darl said in a loud; rough voice。 〃Your lot up at the wood aren't the only ones。〃 A bigger man than his brother; he had that same weasel…narrow Coplin face; the same tight mouth as if he had just bitten a green persimmon。 When he thought Perrin was not looking; he shot him a spiteful look。 It did not necessarily mean he really wished he had been up facing the Westwood; Darl and Hari and most of their relatives usually found a way to see themselves being cheated; whatever the situation。
       〃This calls for a drink!〃 old Bili announced; then scowled in disappointment when no one echoed him。
       A head lifted above the distant wall and hurriedly ducked back down; but not before Perrin saw a brilliant yellow coat。 〃Not Trollocs;〃 he growled disgustedly。 〃Tinkers! You were shooting at Tuatha'an。 Get those wagons out of the way。〃 Standing in his stirrups; he cupped hands to his mouth。 〃You can e on!〃 he shouted。 〃It is all right! No one will hurt you! I said move those wagons;〃 he snapped at the men standing around staring at him。 Taking Tinkers for Trollocs! 〃And go fetch your arrows; you'll have real need for them sooner or later。〃 Slowly some moved to obey; and he shouted again; 〃No one will harm you! It is all right! e on!〃 The wagons rolled to either side with the creak of axles that needed grease。
       A few brightly garbed Tuatha'an climbed over the fence; then a few more; and started toward the village in a hesitant; footsore half…run; seeming almost as afraid of what lay ahead as whatever lay behind。 They huddled together at the sight of men dashing out from the village; balancing on the edge of turning back even when the Two Rivers folk trotted by; looking at them curiously; to begin pulling arrows out of the dirt。 Yet they did stumble on。
       Perrin's insides turned to ice。 Twenty men and women; perhaps; some carrying small children; and a handful of older children running; too; their dazzling colors all torn and stained with dirt。 And some with blood; he saw as they came closer。 That was all。 Out of how many in the caravan? There was Raen; at least; shuffling as though half…dazed and being guided by Ila; one side of her face a dark; swollen bruise。 At least they had survived。
       Short of the opening; the Tuatha'an stopped; staring uncertainly at the sharp stakes and the mass of armed men。 Some of the children clutched their elders and hid their faces。 They smelled of fear; of terror。 Faile jumped down and ran to them; but though Ila hugged her; she did not take another step nearer。 The older woman seemed to be drawing fort from the younger。
       〃We won't hurt you;〃 Perrin said。 I should have made them e。 The Light burn me; I should have made them! 〃You are wele to our fires。〃
       〃Tinkers。〃 Hari's mouth twisted scornfully。 〃What do we want with a bunch of thieving Tinkers? Take everything that isn't nailed down。〃
       Darl open his mouth; to support Hari no doubt; but before he could speak someone in the crowd shouted; 〃So do you; Hari! And you'll take the nails; too!〃 Sparse laughter snapped Darl's jaws shut。 Not many laughed; though; and those that did eyed the bedraggled Tuatha'an and looked down in disfort。
       〃Hari is right!〃 Daise Congar called; bulling through; pushing men out of her path。 〃Tinkers steal; and not just things! They steal children!〃 Shoving her way to Cenn Buie; she shook a finger as thick as Cenn's thumb under his nose。 He backed away as much as he could in the press; she overtopped him by a head and outweighed him by half。 〃You are supposed to be on the Village Council; but if you don't want to listen to the Wisdom; I'll bring the Women's Circle into this; and we will take care of it。〃 Some of the men nodded; muttering。
       Cenn scratched his thinning hair; eyeing the Wisdom sideways。 〃Aaah。。。well。。。 Perrin;〃 he said slowly in that scratchy voice; 〃the Tinkers do have a reputation; you know; and …〃 He cut off; jumping back as Perrin whirled Stepper to face the Two Rivers folk。
       A good many scattered before the dun; but Perrin did not care。 〃We'll not turn anyone away;〃 he said in a tight voice。 〃No one! Or do you mean to send children off for the Trollocs?〃 One of the Tuatha'an children began to cry; a sharp wailing; and he wished he had not said that; but Cenn's face went red as a beet; and even Daise looked abashed。
       〃Of course we'll take them in;〃 the thatcher said gruffly。 He rounded on Daise; all puffed up like a banty rooster ready to fight a mastiff。 〃And if you want to bring the Women's Circle into it; the Village Council will sit the whole lot of you down sharp! You see if we don't!〃
       〃You always were an old fool; Cenn Buie;〃 Daise snorted。 〃Do you think we'd let you send children back out there for Trollocs?〃 Cenn's jaw worked furiously; but before he could get a word out Daise put a hand on his narrow chest and thrust him aside。 Donning a smile; she strode out to the Tuatha'an and put a forting arm around Ila。 〃You just e along with me; and I'll see you all get hot baths and somewhere to rest。 Every house is c
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