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 horses; darting back and forth as though driving the Trolloc charge before them。 Their dead black cloaks hung motionless no matter how their mounts dashed or whirled。 The horn sounded continuously in sharp; urging cries。
       Twenty arrows leaped out as soon as the first Trolloc appeared; the strongest shot falling nearly a hundred paces short。
       〃Hold; you lack…witted sheep…brains!〃 Tam shouted。 Bran jumped and gave him a startled look; no less incredulous than those ing from Tam's friends and neighbors; some muttered about not standing still for that kind of talk; Trollocs or no Trollocs。 Tam rode right over their protests; though。 〃You hold till I give the word; the way I showed you!〃 Then; as if hundreds of shrieking Trollocs were not galloping toward him; Tam turned calmly to Perrin。 〃At three hundred paces?〃
       Perrin nodded quickly。 The man was asking him? Three hundred paces。 How quickly could a Trolloc cover three hundred paces? He eased his axe in its loop。 That horn wailed and wailed。 The spearmen crouched behind the stakes as if forcing themselves not to edge back。 The Aiel had veiled their faces。
       Onward the screaming tide came; all horned heads and faces with snouts or beaks; each half again as tall as a man; each shrieking for blood。 Five hundred paces。 Four hundred。 Some were stretching out in front。 They ran as fast as horses。 Had the Aiel been right? Could there be only five hundred? It looked like thousands。
       〃Ready!〃 Tam called; and two hundred bows were raised。 The young men with Perrin hurriedly formed up in front of him in imitation of their elders; ranking themselves with that fool banner。
       Three hundred paces。 Perrin could see those misshapen faces; contorted with rage and frenzy; as clearly as if they were right on top of him。
       〃Loose!〃 Tam shouted。 Bowstrings slapped like one huge whip…crack。 With twin crashes of beam against leather…padded beam; the catapults fired。
       Broadhead arrows rained down into the Trollocs。 Monstrous shapes fell; but some rose and staggered on; harried by the Fades。 That horn wove into their guttural bellowing; sounding forward for the kill。 The catapults' stones fell among them … and exploded in fire and shards; ripping open holes in the mass。 Perrin was not the only one to jump; so that was what the Aes Sedai had been doing with the catapults。 He wondered wildly what would happen if they dropped one of those stones loading it into the cup。
       Another flight of arrows leaped out; and another; another; and again and again; and more stones from the catapults; if at a slower pace。 Fiery explosions tore at the Trollocs。 Broadhead points hailed down on them。 And they came on; shrieking; howling; falling and dying; but always running forward。 They were close now; close enough that the bowmen spread out; no longer firing in flights but choosing their targets。 Men screamed their own rage; screamed in the face of death as they shot。
       And then there were no more Trollocs standing。 Only one Fade; bristling with arrows yet still staggering blindly。 The shrill shrieks of a Myrddraal's thrashing horse peted with the moaning bellows of downed and dying Trollocs。 The horn had fallen silent at last。 Here and there across the stump…filled field; a Trolloc heaved and fell back。 Under it all; Perrin could hear men panting as if they had run ten miles。 His own heart seemed to be pounding out of his chest。
       Suddenly someone raised a loud huzzah; and with that men began capering and shouting euphorically; waving bows or whatever they had over their heads; tossing caps in the air。 Women rushed out from the houses; laughing and cheering; and children; all celebrating and dancing with the men。 Some came running to grab Perrin's hand and shake it。
       〃You've led us to a great victory; my boy。〃 Bran laughed up at him。 He had his steel cap perched on the back of his head。 〃I suppose I shouldn't call you that; now。 A great victory; Perrin。〃
       〃I didn't do anything;〃 he protested。 〃I just sat on my horse。 You did it。〃 Bran listened no more than any of the others。 Embarrassed; Perrin sat up straight; pretending to survey the field; and after a while they left him alone。
       Tam had not joined in the celebrating; he stood close behind the stakes; studying the Trollocs。 The Warders were not laughing; either。 Black…mailed shapes littered the field among the low stumps。 There could be five hundred of them。 Maybe less。 Some; a few; might have made it back to the trees。 None lay closer than fifty paces from the pointed hedge。 Perrin found the other two Fades; writhing on the ground。 That accounted for all three。 They would admit they were dead eventually。
       The Two Rivers folk raised a thunderous cheer; for him。 〃Perrin Goldeneyes! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!〃
       〃They had to know;〃 he muttered。 Faile looked at him questioningly。 〃The Halfmen had to know this wouldn't work。 Look out there。 Even I can see it; now; they must have from the start。 If this was all they had; why did they try? And if there are more Trollocs out there; why didn't they all e? Twice as many; and we'd have had to fight them at the stakes。 Twice that; and they might have broken through to the village。〃
       〃You've a good natural eye;〃 Tomas said; reining in beside them。 〃This was a test。 To see if you would break at the sight of a charge; perhaps to see how quickly you could react; or how your defenses are organized; or maybe something I've not thought of; but still a test。 Now they see。〃 He pointed to the sky; where a lone raven winged over the field。 A natural raven would have lighted to feast among the dead。 The bird pleted a last circle and peeled off toward the forest。 〃The next attack will not e right away。 I saw two or three Trollocs reach the forest; so word of this will spread。 The Halfmen will have to make them remember they're more afraid of Myrddraal than of dying。 That attack will e; however; and it will certainly be stronger than this。 How strong depends on how many the Faceless have brought through the Ways。〃
       Perrin grimaced。 〃Light! What if there are ten thousand of them?〃
       〃Not likely;〃 Verin said; walking up to pat Tomas's mount on the neck。 The warhorse allowed her touch as meekly as a pony。 〃At least; not yet。 Not even a Forsaken could move a large party through the Ways safely; I think。 One man alone risks death or madness between the closest Waygates; but。 。 。 say。。。 a thousand men; or a thousand Trollocs; would very likely draw Machin Shin within minutes; a monstrous wasp to a bowl of honey。 It is much more probable that they travel no more than ten or twenty together; fifty at most; and the groups spaced out。 Of course; the questions remain of how many groups they are bringing; and how much time they allow to elapse between。 And they would lose some anyway。 It might be that Shadowspawn attract Machin Shin less than humankind; but。。。 Hmmm。 Fascinating thought。 I wonder。。。〃 Patting Tomas on the leg much in the manner she had patted his horse; she turned away; already lost in study。 The Warder heeled his horse after her。
       〃If you ride even one step near the Westwood;〃 Faile said calmly; 〃I will haul you back 
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