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       〃Peace be on you always;〃 Perrin replied; 〃and on all the People。〃 Light; let it be so。 〃I will find the song; or another will find the song; but the song will be sung; this year or in a year to e。〃 He wondered if there ever had been a song; or if the Tuatha'an had begun their endless journey seeking something else。 Elyas had told him they did not know what song; only that they would know it when they found it。 Let them find safety; at least。 At least that。 〃As it once was; so shall it be again; world without end。〃
       〃World without end;〃 the Tuatha'an responded in a solemn murmur。 〃World and time without end。〃
       A few final hugs and handshakes were handed 'round while Ihvon and Faile were helping Perrin up on Stepper。 A few last kisses collected by Wil。 And Ban。 Ban! And his nose! Others; the badly wounded; were half…lifted onto their horses; with Tinkers waving as if to old neighbors off on a long journey。
       Raen came to shake Perrin's hand。 〃Will you not reconsider?〃 Perrin asked。 〃I remember hearing you say once there was wickedness loose in the world。 It's worse now; Raen; and here。〃
       〃Peace be on you; Perrin;〃 Raen replied; smiling。
       〃And on you;〃 he said sadly。
       The Aiel did not appear until they were a mile north of the Tinker camp; Bain and Chiad looking to Faile before trotting ahead to their usual place。 Perrin was not sure what they thought might have happened to her among Tuatha'an。
       Gaul moved in beside Stepper; striding easily。 The party was not moving very fast; with nearly half the men walking。 He glanced at Ihvon measuringly as usual; before turning to Perrin。 〃Your injury is well?〃
       His injury hurt like fury; every step his horse took jolted that arrowhead。 〃I feel fine;〃 he said; not gritting his teeth。 〃Maybe we'll have a dance in Emond's Field tonight! And you? Did you pass a good night playing Maidens' Kiss?〃 Gaul stumbled and nearly fell on his face。 〃What is the matter?〃
       〃Who did you hear suggest this game?〃 the Aielman said quietly; staring straight ahead。
       〃Chiad。 Why?〃
       〃Chiad;〃 Gaul muttered。 〃The woman is Goshien。 Goshien! I should take her back to Hot Springs as gai'shain。〃 The words sounded angry; but not his odd tone。 〃Chiad。〃
       〃Will you tell me what is the matter?〃
       〃A Myrddraal has less cunning than a woman;〃 Gaul said in a flat voice; 〃and a Trolloc fights with more honor。〃 After a moment he added; in a fierce undertone; 〃And a goat has more sense。〃 Quickening his pace; he ran forward to join the two Maidens。 He did not speak to them; as far as Perrin could make out; only slowed to walk alongside。
       〃Did you understand any of that?〃 Perrin asked Ihvon。 The Warder shook his head。Faile sniffed。 〃If he thinks to make trouble for them; they will hang him by his heels from a branch to cool off。〃
       〃Did you understand it?〃 Perrin asked her。 She walked along; neither looking at him nor answering; which he took to mean she did not。 〃I think I might have to find Raen's camp again。 It has been a long time since I saw the tiganza。 It was 。 。 。 interesting。〃
       She muttered something under her breath; but he caught it: 〃You could do with hanging by the heels yourself!〃
       He smiled down at the top of her head。 〃But I won't have to。 You promised to dance this sa'sara for me。〃 Her face went crimson。 〃Is it anything close to the tiganza? I mean; there is no point; otherwise。〃
       〃You muscle…brained oaf!〃 she snapped; glaring up at him。 〃Men have thrown their hearts and fortunes at the feet of women who danced the sa'sara。 If Mother suspected I knew it …〃 Her teeth clicked shut as though she had said too much; and her head whipped back to face forward; scarlet mortification covered her from her dark hair down to the neck of her dress。
       〃Then there isn't any reason for you to dance it;〃 he said quietly。 〃My heart and fortune; such as they are; already lie at your feet。〃
       Faile missed a step; then laughed softly and pressed her cheek against his booted calf。 〃You are too clever for me;〃 she murmured。 〃One day I will dance it for you; and boil the blood in your veins。〃
       〃You already do that;〃 he said; and she laughed again。 Pushing her arm behind his stirrup; she hugged his leg to her as she walked。
       After a while even the thought of Faile dancing … he extrapolated from the Tinker dance; it must be something to top that … could not pete with the pain in his side。 Every stride Stepper took was agony。 He held himself upright。 It seemed to hurt a fraction less; that way。 Besides; he did not want to spoil the lift the Tuatha'an had given everyone's spirits。 The other men were sitting up straight in their saddles; too; even those who had been hunched over and clinging the day before。 And Ban and Dannil and the others walked with heads up。 He would not be the first to slump。
       Wil began to whistle 〃ing Home from Tarwin's Gap;〃 and three or four more took it up。 After a time; Ban began to sing in a clear; deep voice:

〃My home is waiting there for me;
and the girl I left behind。
Of all the treasure that waits for me;
that's what I want to find。
Her eyes so merry; and her smile so sweet;
her hugs so warm; and her ankle neat;
her kisses hot; now there's a treat。
If there's a treasure greater; it lies not in my mind。〃

       More joined in on the second verse; until everyone sang; even Ihvon。 And Faile。 Not Perrin; of course; he had been told often enough that he sounded like a stepped…on frog; singing。 Some even fell into step with the music。

〃Oh; I have seen stark Tarwin's Gap;
and the Trollocs' raving horde。
I have stood 'fore the Halfman's charge;
and walked on death's cold borde。
But a winsome lass; she waits for me;
for a dance; and a kiss 'neath the apple tree。。。〃

       Perrin shook his head。 A day before they had been ready to run and hide。 Today they sang; about a battle so long ago that it had left no memory but this song in the Two Rivers。 Perhaps they were being soldiers。 They would have to; unless he managed to close that Waygate。
       Farms began to appear more often; closer together; until they traveled along hard…packed dirt between fields bordered by hedges or low; rough stone walls。 Abandoned farms。 No one here clung to the land。
       They came to the Old Road; which ran north from the White River; the Manetherendrelle; through Deven Ride to Emond's Field; and at last began to see sheep in the pastures; great clumps like a dozen men's flocks gathered together; with ten shepherds where there once would have been one; and half of them grown men。 Bow…armed shepherds watched them pass; singing at the tops of their lungs; not knowing quite what to make of it。
       Perrin did not know what to make of his first view of Emond's Field; and neither did the other Two Rivers men; from the way their singing faltered and died。
       The trees; fences and hedges closest to the village were simply gone; cleared away。 The westernmost houses of Emond's Field had once stood among the trees on the edge of the Westwood。 The oaks and leatherleaf between the houses remained; but now the forest's brim stood five hundred paces away; a 
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