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ield;〃 he said graciously; but she still sniffed and muttered something about 〃pigheaded。〃 What did she want? I was bloody gracious; burn her for stubborn!
       〃So there will be more Trollocs;〃 Ihvon said musingly。 He did not ask how Perrin knew。 Then he shook his head as if dismissing Trollocs。 〃I will tell the others you are awake。〃 He slipped out; closing the door behind him。
       〃Am I the only one who sees the danger?〃 Perrin muttered。
       〃I see an arrow in you;〃 Faile said firmly。
       The reminder gave him a twinge; he just stifled a groan。 And she gave a satisfied nod。 Satisfied!
       He wanted to be up and on the way immediately; the sooner he was Healed; the sooner he could see to closing the Waygate again; permanently this time。 Faile insisted on feeding him breakfast; a broth thick with mashed vegetables suitable for a toothless infant; one spoon at a time; with pauses to wipe his chin。 She would not let him feed himself; and whenever he protested or asked her to go faster; she shoved the words back into his mouth with a spoonful of pap。 She would not even let him wash his own face。 By the time she got around to brushing his hair and bing his beard; he had settled on dignified silence。
       〃You are pretty when you sulk;〃 she said。 And pinched his nose!
       Ila; in green blouse and blue skirt this morning; climbed into the wagon with his coat and shirt; both cleaned and mended。 To his irritation; he had to let the two women help him don them。 He had to let them help him sit up to don them; the coat unbuttoned and the shirt not tucked in; but bunched around the arrow stub。
       〃Thank you; Ila;〃 he said; fingering the neat darns。 〃This is fine needlework。〃
       〃It is;〃 she agreed。 〃Faile has a deft touch with a needle。〃
       Faile colored; and he grinned; thinking of how fiercely she had told him she would never mend his clothes。 A glint in her eye held his tongue。 Sometimes silence was the wiser course。 〃Thank you; Faile;〃 he said gravely instead。 She blushed even redder。
       Once they had him on his feet he reached the door easily enough; but he had to let the two women half…support him to climb down the wooden steps。 At least the horses were saddled; and all the Two Rivers lads gathered; bows slung on their backs。 With clean faces and clothes; and only a few bandages out where they showed。
       A night with the Tuatha'an had obviously been good for their spirits; too; even those who still looked as though they could not walk a hundred paces。 The haggardness that had been in their eyes yesterday was only a shadow now。 Wil had each arm around a pretty; big…eyed Tinker girl; of course; and Ban al'Seen; with his nose and a bandage around his head making his dark hair stand up in a brush; held hands with another smiling shyly。 Most of the others held bowls of thick vegetable stew and spoons; shoveling away。
       〃This is good; Perrin;〃 Dannil said; giving up his empty bowl to a Tinker woman。 She gestured as if to ask the beanpole fellow whether he wanted more; and he shook his head; but said; 〃I don't think I could ever get enough of it; do you?〃
       〃I had my fill;〃 Perrin told him sourly。 Mashed vegetables and broth。
       〃The Tinker girls danced last night;〃 Dannil's cousin Tell said; wide…eyed。 〃All the unmarried women; and some of the married! You should have seen it; Perrin。〃
       〃I've seen Tinker women dance before; Tell。〃
       Apparently he had not kept his voice clear of what he had felt watching them; for Faile said dryly; 〃You've seen the tiganza; have you? Someday; if you are good; I may dance the sa'sara for you; and show you what a dance really is。〃 Ila gasped in recognition of the name; and Faile went even redder than she had inside。
       Perrin pursed his lips。 If this sa'sara set the heart pounding any harder than the Tinker women's swaying; hip…rolling dance … the tiganza; was it? … he definitely would like to see Faile dance it。 He carefully did not look at her。
       Raen came; in the same bright green coat but trousers redder than any red Perrin had ever seen before。 The bination made his head ache。 〃Twice you have visited our fires; Perrin; and for the second time you go without a farewell feast。 You must e again soon so we can make up for it。〃
       Pushing away from Faile and Ila … he could stand by himself; at least … he put a hand on the wiry man's shoulder。 〃e with us; Raen。 No one in Emond's Field will harm you。 At worst it's safer than out here with the Trollocs。〃
       Raen hesitated; then shook himself; muttering; 〃I do not know how you can even make me consider such things。〃 Turning; he spoke loudly。 〃People; Perrin has asked us to e with him to his village; where we will be safe from Trollocs。 Who wishes to go?〃 Shocked faces stared back at him。 Some women gathered their children close; and the children hid in their skirts; as if the very idea frightened them。 〃You see; Perrin?〃 Raen said: 〃For us; safety lies in moving; not in villages。 I assure you; we do not spend two nights in one place; and we will travel all day before stopping again。〃
       〃That may not be enough; Raen。〃
       The Mahdi shrugged。 〃Your concern warms me; but we will be safe; if the Light wills it。〃
       〃The Way of the Leaf is not only to do no violence;〃 Ila said gently; 〃but to accept what es。 The leaf falls in its proper time; unplaining。 The Light will keep us safe for our time。〃
       Perrin wanted to argue with them; but behind all the warmth and passion on their faces lay a stony firmness。 He thought he would get Bain and Chiad to don dresses and give up their spears … or Gaul to! … before he made these people budge an inch。
       Raen shook Perrin's hand; and with that the Tinker women began hugging the Two Rivers lads; and Ihvon; too; and the Tinker men began shaking hands; all laughing and saying goodbyes and wishing everyone a safe journey; hoping they would e again。 Almost all the men did。 Aram stood off to one side; frowning to himself; hands thrust into his coat pockets。 The last time Perrin met him he had seemed to have a sour streak; odd for a Tinker。
       The men did not content themselves with shaking Faile's hand; but hugged her。 Perrin kept his face smooth when some of the younger men became overly enthusiastic; only grinding his teeth a little; he managed to smile。 No woman much younger than Ila hugged him。 Somehow; even while Faile was letting some skinny; gaudy…coated Tinker fold his arms around her and try to squeeze her flat; she stood guard on him like a mastiff。 Women without gray in their hair took one look at her face and chose someone else。 Meanwhile Wil appeared to be kissing every woman in the camp。 So was Ban; and his nose。 Even Ihvon was enjoying himself; for that matter。 It would serve Faile right if one of those fellows cracked a rib for her。
       Finally the Tinkers moved back; except for Raen and Ila; opening a space around the Two Rivers folk。 The wiry; gray…haired man…bowed formally; hands to chest。 〃You came in peace。 Depart now in peace。 Always will our fires wele you。 The Way of the Leaf is peace。〃
       〃Peace be on you always;〃 Perrin replied; 〃and on all the People。〃 Light; let it be s
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