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       I need sleep。 The High Lords would be back in the morning; maneuvering for his favor。 For the Dragon Reborn's favor。 Maybe I won't dream; this time。 He started to roll over; searching for a dry place on the sheets … and froze; listening to small rustlings in the darkness。 He was not alone。
       The Sword That Is Not a Sword lay across the room; beyond his reach; on a throne…like stand the High Lords had given him; no doubt in the hopes he would keep Callandor out of their sight。 Someone wanting to steal Callandor。 A second thought came。 Or to kill the Dragon Reborn。 He did not need Thom's whispered warnings to know that the High Lord's professions of undying loyalty were only words of necessity。
       He emptied himself of thought and emotions; assuming the Void; that much came without effort。 Floating in the cold emptiness within himself; thought and emotion outside; he reached for the True Source。 This time he touched it easily; which was not always the case。
       Saidin filled him like a torrent of white heat and light; exalting him with life; sickening him with the foulness of the Dark One's taint; like a skim of sewage floating on pure; sweet water。 The torrent threatened to wash him away; burn him up; engulf him。
       Fighting the flood; he mastered it by bare effort of will and rolled from the bed; channeling the Power as he landed on his feet in the stance to begin the sword…form called Apple Blossoms in the Wind。 His enemies could not be many or they would have made more noise; the gently named form was meant for use against more than one opponent。
       As his feet hit the carpet; a sword was in his hands; with a long hilt and a slightly curved blade sharp on only one edge。 It looked to have been wrought from flame yet it did not feel even warm。 The figure of a heron stood black against the yellow…red of the blade。 In the same instant every candle and gilded lamp burst alight; small mirrors behind them swelling the illumination。 Larger mirrors on the walls and two stand…mirrors reflected it further; until he could have read fortably anywhere in the large room。
       Callandor sat undisturbed; a sword seemingly of glass; hilt and blade; on a stand as tall as a man and just as wide; the wood ornately carved and gilded and set with precious stones。 The furnishings; too; were all gilded and begemmed; bed and chairs and benches; wardrobes and chests and washstand。 The pitcher and bowl were golden Sea Folk porcelain; as thin as leaves。 The broad Tarabon carpet; in scrolls of scarlet and gold and blue; could have fed an entire village for months。 Almost every flat surface held more delicate Sea Folk porcelain; or else goblets and bowls and ornaments of gold worked with silver; and silver chased with gold。 On the broad marble mantel over the fireplace; two silver wolves with ruby eyes tried to pull down a golden stag a good three feet tall。 Draperies of scarlet silk embroidered with eagles in thread…of…gold hung at the narrow windows; stirring slightly in a failing wind。 Books lay wherever there was room; leather…bound; wood…bound; some tattered and still dusty from the deepest shelves of the Stone's library。
       Now; where he had thought to see assassins; or thieves; one beautiful young woman stood hesitant and surprised in the middle of the carpet; black hair falling in shining waves to her shoulders。 Her thin; white silk robe emphasized more than it hid。 Berelain; ruler of the city…state of Mayene; was the last person he had expected。
       After one wide…eyed start; she made a deep; graceful curtsy that drew her garments tight。 〃I am unarmed; my Lord Dragon。 I submit myself to your search; if you doubt me。〃 Her smile suddenly made him unfortably aware that he wore nothing but his smallclothes。
       I'll be burned if she makes me scramble around trying to cover myself。 The thought floated beyond the Void。 I didn't ask her to walk in on me。 To sneak in! Anger and embarrassment drifted along the borders of emptiness too; but his face reddened all the same; dimly he was aware of it; aware of the knowledge deepening the flush in his cheeks。 So coldly calm within the Void; outside。。。 He could feel each individual droplet of sweat sliding down his chest and back。 It took a real effort of stubborn will to stand there under her eyes。 Search her? The Light help me!
       Relaxing his stance; he let the sword vanish but held the narrow flow connecting him to saidin。 It was like drinking from a hole in a dike when the whole long mound of earth wanted to give way; the water sweet as honeyed wine and sickening as a rivulet through a midden。
       He did not know much of this woman; except that she walked through the Stone as if it were her palace in Mayene。 Thom said the First of Mayene asked questions constantly; of everyone。 Questions about Rand。 Which might have been natural; given what he was; but they made him no easier in his mind。 And she had not returned to Mayene。 That was not natural。 She had been held captive in all but name for months; until his arrival; cut off from her throne and the ruling of her small nation。 Most people would have taken the first opportunity to get away from a man who could channel。
       〃What are you doing here?〃 He knew he sounded harsh; and did not care。 〃There were Aiel guarding that door when I went to sleep。 How did you e past them?〃
       Berelain's lips curved up a trifle more; to Rand it seemed the room had gotten suddenly even hotter。 〃They passed me through immediately; when I said I had been summoned by the Lord Dragon。〃
       〃Summoned? I didn't summon anybody。〃 Stop this; he told himself。 She's a queen; or the next thing to it。 You know as much about the ways of queens as you do about flying。 He tried to make himself be civil; only he did not know what to call the First of Mayene。 〃My Lady。。。〃 That would have to do。 〃。 。 。 why would I summon you at this time of night?〃
       She gave a low; rich laugh; deep in her throat; even wrapped in emotionless emptiness it seemed to tickle his skin; make the hairs stir on his arms and legs。 Suddenly he took in her clinging garb as if for the first time; and felt himself go red all over again。 She can't mean。。。。 Can she? Light; I've never said two words to her before。
       〃Perhaps I wish to talk; my Lord Dragon。〃 She let the pale robe fall to the floor; revealing an even thinner white silk garment he could only call a nightgown。 It left her smooth shoulders pletely bare; and exposed a considerable expanse of pale bosom。 He found himself wondering distantly what held it up。 It was difficult not to stare。 〃You are a long way from your home; like me。 The nights especially seem lonely。〃
       〃Tomorrow; I will be happy to talk with you。〃
       〃But during the day; people surround you。 Petitioners。 High Lords。 Aiel。〃 She gave a shiver; he told himself he really ought to look away; but he could as easily have stopped breathing。 He had never before been so aware of his own reactions when wrapped in the Void。 〃The Aiel frighten me; and I do not like Tairen lords of any sort。〃
       About the Tairens he could believe her; but he did not think anything frightened this woman。 Burn me; she's in a strange man's b
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