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 Violence was the farthest thing from the Tuatha'an。 They would not raise a hand against anyone; even to defend their own lives。
       Perrin found he had to accept Ihvon's assistance to dismount。 Climbing down sent jolts of pain radiating out from his side。 〃Raen;〃 he said; a touch breathless; 〃you shouldn't be out here。 We fought Trollocs not five miles from this spot。 Take your people to Emond's Field。 They will be safe there。〃
       Raen hesitated … and seemed surprised at it … before shaking his head。 〃Even if I wished to; the people would not want it; Perrin。 We try not to camp very close to even the smallest village; and not only because the villagers may falsely accuse us of stealing whatever they have lost or of trying to convince their children to find the Way。 Where men have built ten houses together; there is the potential for violence。 Since the Breaking the Tuatha'an have known this。 Safety lies in our wagons; and in always moving; always seeking the song。〃 A plaintive expression came over his face。 〃Everywhere we hear news of violence; Perrin。 Not just here in your Two Rivers。 There is a feel in the world of change; of destruction。 Surely we must find the song soon。 Else I do not believe it will ever be。〃
       〃You will find the song;〃 Perrin said quietly。 Maybe they abhorred violence too much for a ta'veren to overe; maybe even a ta'veren could not fight the Way of the Leaf。 It had seemed attractive to him once; too。 〃I truly hope that you will。〃
       〃What will be; will be;〃 Raen said。 〃All things die in their time。 Perhaps even the song。〃 Ila put a forting arm around her husband; though her eyes were as troubled as his。
       〃e;〃 she said; trying to hide her ill ease; 〃we must get you inside。 Men will talk if their coats are afire。〃 To Faile; she said; 〃You are quite beautiful; child。 Perhaps you should beware of Perrin。 I never see him but in the pany of beautiful girls。〃 Faile gave Perrin a flat; considering look; then tried to gloss it over quickly。
       He made it as far as Raen's wagon … yellow trimmed in red; with red and yellow spokes in tall; red…rimmed wheels; and red and yellow trunks lashed to the outside; standing beside a cook fire in the middle of the camp … but when he put his foot on the first of the wooden steps at the back; his knees gave way。 Ihvon and Raen more than half…carried him inside; followed hurriedly by Faile and Ila; and laid him on the bed built into the front of the wagon; with just room to get by to the sliding door leading to the driver's seat。
       It truly was like a little house; even to pale pink curtains at the two small windows on either side。 He lay there staring at the ceiling。 Here; too; the Tinkers made use of their colors; the ceiling was lacquered sky blue; the high cabinets green and yellow。 Faile unfastened his belt and took away his axe and quiver while Ila rummaged in one of the cabinets。 Perrin could not seem to rouse any interest in what they were doing。
       〃Anyone can be surprised;〃 Ihvon said。 〃Learn from it; but do not take it too much to heart。 Not even Artur Hawkwing won every battle。〃
       〃Artur Hawkwing。〃 Perrin tried to laugh; but it turned into a groan。 〃Yes;〃 he managed。 〃I am certainly not Artur Hawkwing; am I?〃
       Ila frowned at the Warder … or at his sword; rather; she seemed to find that even worse than Perrin's axe … and came to the bed with a wad of folded bandages。 Once she had pulled Perrin's shirt away from the arrow stub; she winced。 〃I do not think I am petent to remove this。 It is bedded deep。〃
       〃Barbed;〃 Ihvon said in a conversational tone。 〃Trollocs do not use bows very often; but when they do the arrows are barbed。〃
       〃Out;〃 the plump woman said firmly; rounding on him。 〃And you as well; Raen。 Tending the sick is no business of men。 Why don't you go see if Moshea has that wheel on his wagon yet?〃
       〃A good idea;〃 Raen said。 〃We may want to move tomorrow。 There has been hard traveling this last year;〃 he confided to Perrin。 〃All the way to Cairhien; then back again to Ghealdan; then up into Andor。 Tomorrow; I think。〃
       When the red door shut behind him and Ihvon; Ila turned to Faile worriedly。 〃If it is barbed; I do not think I can remove it at all。 I will try if I must; but if there is anyone nearby who knows more of such things。。。〃
       〃There is someone in Emond's Field;〃 Faile assured her。 〃But is it safe to leave it in him until tomorrow?〃
       〃Safer than me cutting; perhaps。 I can mix something for him to drink for the pain; and blend a poultice against infection。〃
       Glaring at the two women; Perrin said; 〃Hello? Do you remember me? I am right here。 Stop trying to talk over my head。〃
       They looked at him for a moment。
       〃Keep him still;〃 Ila told Faile。 〃It is all right to let him talk; but do not allow him to move about。 He may injure himself more。〃
       〃I will see to it;〃 Faile replied。
       Perrin gritted his teeth and did his best to help in getting his coat and shirt off; but they had to do most of the work。 He felt as weak as the worst wrought iron; ready to bend to any pressure。 Four inches of thumb…thick arrow stuck out almost atop his last rib; rising from a puckered gash thick with dried blood。 They pushed his head down on a pillow; for some reason not wanting him to look at it。 Faile washed the wound while Ila prepared her salve with a stone mortar and pestle … plain smooth gray stone; the first things he had seen in the Tinker camp that were not brightly colored。 They mounded the salve around the arrow and wrapped him with bandages to hold it。
       〃Raen and I will sleep beneath the wagon tonight;〃 the Tuatha'an woman said at last; wiping her hands。 Frowning at the arrow stub sticking up from his bandages; she shook her head。 〃Once I thought he might eventually find the Way of the Leaf。 He was a gentle boy; I think。〃
       〃The Way of the Leaf is not for everyone;〃 Faile said gently; but Ila shook her head again。
       〃It is for everyone;〃 she replied just as gently; and a touch sadly; 〃if they only knew it。〃
       She left then; and Faile sat on the edge of the bed blotting his face with a folded cloth。 He seemed to be sweating a great deal for some reason。
       〃I blundered;〃 he said after a time。 〃No; that is too soft。 I don't know the right word。〃
       〃You did not blunder;〃 she said firmly。 〃You did what seemed fitting at the time。 It was fitting; I cannot imagine how they got behind us。 Gaul is not one to make a mistake about where his enemies are。 Ihvon was right; Perrin。 Anyone can find circumstances that have changed when he did not know。 You held everyone together。 You brought us out。〃
       He shook his head hard and made his side hurt worse。 〃Ihvon brought us out。 What I did was get twenty…seven men killed;〃 he said bitterly; trying to sit up to face her。 〃Some of them were my friends; Faile。 And I got them killed。〃
       Faile threw her weight on his shoulders to push him back down。 It was a measure of his weakness; how easily she held him。 〃There will be time enough for that in the morning;〃 she said firmly; peering down into his face; 〃when we have to put you back on your horse。 Ihvon did not bring
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