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       〃Ah; yes。 It will be no problem to find the clothes to fit both of you。 And the hair … you have such lovely hair; so long … it will be the work of no time to put it up。〃 She fingered her own deep golden braids。
       Thom's and Juilin's faces made Elayne smile。 They might have been ready for arguments; they had no defense against being ignored。 Her head was actually feeling a little better; Nynaeve's vile mixture seemed to be working。 As Nynaeve and Rendra discussed costs and cut and fabric … Rendra wanted to duplicate her clinging dress; pale green today; Nynaeve was opposed; but seemed to be wavering … Elayne took a spoon of porridge to wash the taste from her mouth。 It reminded her that she was hungry。
       There was one problem none of them had mentioned yet; one that Thom and Juilin did not know。 If the Black Ajah was in Tanchico; then so was whatever it was that endangered Rand。 Something able to bind him with his own Power。 Finding Liandrin and the others was not enough。 They had to find that; too。 Suddenly her newfound appetite was pletely gone。

Chapter 40
(Horned Skull)
Hunter of Trollocs

       Remnants of the early…morning rain still dripped from the leaves of the apple trees; and a purple finch hopped along a limb where fruit was forming that would not be harvested this year。 The sun was well up; but hidden behind thick gray clouds。 Seated cross…legged on the ground; Perrin unconsciously tested his bowstring; the tightly wrapped; waxed cords had a tendency to go slack in wet weather。 The storm Verin had called up to hide them from pursuit the night of the rescue had surprised even her with its ferocity; and beating rains had e three more times in the six days since。 He believed it was six days。 He had not really thought since that night; only drifted as events took him; reacting to what presented itself。 The flat of his axe blade dug into his side; but he hardly noticed。
       Low; grassy mounds marked generations of Aybaras buried here。 The oldest among the carved wooden headpieces; cracked and barely legible; bore dates nearly three hundred years old; over graves indistinguishable from undisturbed ground。 It was the mounds smoothed by rains but barely covered by grass that stabbed him。 Generations of Aybaras buried here; but surely never fourteen at one time。 Aunt Neain over by Uncle Carlin's older grave; with their two children beside her。 Great Aunt Ealsin in the row with Uncle Eward and Aunt Magde and their three children; the long row with his mother and his father。 Adora and Deselle and little Pact。 A long row of mounds with bare; wet earth still showing through the grass。 He counted the arrows remaining in his quiver by touch。 Seventeen。 Too many had been damaged; worth recovering only for the steel arrowheads。 No time to make his own; he would have to see the fletcher in Emond's Field soon。 Buel Dowtry made good arrows; even better than Tam。
       A faint rustle behind his back made him sniff the air。 〃What is it; Dannil?〃 he said without looking around。
       There was a catch of breath; a moment of startled surprise; before Dannil Lewin said; 〃The Lady is here; Perrin。〃 None of them had gotten used to him knowing who was who before he saw them; or in the dark; but he no longer really cared what they found strange。
       He frowned over his shoulder。 Dannil looked leaner than he had; farmers could only feed so many at once; and food had been feast or famine as the hunting went。 Mostly famine。 〃The Lady?〃
       〃The Lady Faile。 And Lord Luc; too。 They came from Emond's Field。〃
       Perrin rose smoothly; taking long strides that made Dannil hurry to keep up。 He managed not to look at the house。 The charred timbers and sooty chimneys that had been the house where he grew up。 He did scan the trees for his lookouts; those nearest the farm。 Close to the Waterwood as it was; the land held plenty of tall oak and hemlock; and good…sized ash and bay。 Thick foliage hid the lads well … drab farm clothes made for good hiding … so even he had difficulty picking them out。 He would have to talk with those farther out; they were supposed to see that no one came close without a warning。 Even Faile and this Luc。
       The camp; in a large thicket where he had once pretended to be in a far wilderness; was a rough place among the undergrowth; with blankets strung between trees to make shelters; and more scattered on the ground between the small cook fires。 The branches dripped here; too。 Most of the nearly fifty men in the camp; all young; were unshaven; either in imitation of Perrin or because it was unpleasant shaving in cold water。 They were good hunters … he had sent home any who were not … but unaccustomed to more than a night or two outdoors at a time。 And not used to what he had them doing; either。
       Right then they were standing around gaping at Faile and Luc; and only four or five had longbow in hand。 The rest of the bows lay with the bedding; and the quivers; too; more often than not。 Luc stood idly flipping the reins of a tall black stallion; the very pose of indolent; red…coated arrogance; cold blue eyes ignoring the men around him。 The man's smell stood out among the others; cold and separate; too; almost as if he had nothing in mon with the men around him; not even humanity。
       Faile came hurrying to meet Perrin with a smile; her narrow divided skirts making a soft whisk…whisk as gray silk brushed silk。 She smelled faintly of sweet herbal soap; and of herself。 〃Master Luhhan said we might find you here。〃
       He meant to demand what she was doing there; but found himself putting his arms around her and saying into her hair; 〃It's good to see you。 I have missed you。〃
       She pushed back enough to look up at him。 〃You look tired。〃
       He ignored that; he had no time to be tired。 〃You got everyone safely to Emond's Field?〃
       〃They are at the Winespring Inn。〃 She grinned suddenly。 〃Master al'Vere found an old halberd and says if the Whitecloaks want them; they will have to go through him。 Everyone's in the village now; Perrin。 Verin and Alanna; the Warders。 Pretending to be someone else; of course。 And Loial。 He certainly created a sensation。 Even more than Bain and Chiad。〃 The grin faded into a frown。 〃He asked me to deliver a message to you。 Alanna vanished twice without a word; once alone。 Loial said Ihvon seemed surprised to find her gone。 He said I wasn't to let anyone else know。〃 She studied his face。 〃What does it mean; Perrin?〃
       〃Nothing; maybe。 Just that I can't be sure I can trust her。 Verin warned me against her; but can I trust Verin? You say Bain and Chiad are in Emond's Field? I suppose that means he knows about them。〃 He jerked his head toward Luc。 A few of the men had approached him; asking diffident questions; and he was answering with a condescending smile。
       〃They came with us;〃 she said slowly。 〃They are scouting around your camp now。 I do not think they have a very high opinion of your sentries。 Perrin; why don't you want Luc to know about the Aiel?〃
       〃I've talked to a number of people who were burned out。〃 Luc was too far to overhear; but he held his voice low。 〃Counting Flann Lewin's place; Luc was at five on the 
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