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full of jelly。 Quivering jelly。 〃It was not Lan。 Calm yourself。 Whoever it was; it was not Lan。〃
       〃I know that;〃 Nynaeve said acidly。 She recounted what had happened in much the same angry voice。 The man who had shot at her in Emond's Field; and the man in the Waste; she was not sure they were one and the same。 Birgitte herself was incredible enough。
       〃Are you certain?〃 Elayne asked。 〃Birgitte?〃
       Nynaeve sighed。 〃The only thing I am certain of is that I did not find Egwene。 And that I am not going back there tonight。〃 She pounded a fist on her thigh。 〃Where is she? What happened to her? If she met that fellow with the bow。。。 Oh; Light!〃
       Elayne had to think a minute; she wanted to sleep so badly; and her thoughts kept shimmering。 〃She said she might not be there when we are supposed to meet again。 Maybe that is why she left so hurriedly。 Whyever she can't。。。 I mean。。。〃 It did not seem to make a great deal of sense; but she could not get it out properly。
       〃I hope so;〃 Nynaeve said wearily。 Looking at Elayne; she added; 〃We had better get you to bed。 You look ready to fall over。〃
       Elayne was grateful to be helped out of her clothes。 She did remember to bandage Nynaeve's arm; but the bed looked so inviting she could hardly think of anything else。 In the morning perhaps the room would have stopped its slow spin around the bed。 Sleep came as soon as her head touched the pillow。
       In the morning she wished she were dead。
       With sunlight barely in the sky; the mon room was empty except for Elayne。 Head in her hands; she stared at a cup Nynaeve had set on the table before going off to find the innkeeper。 Every time she breathed; she could smell it; her nose tried to clench。 Her head felt。。。 It was not possible to describe how her head felt。 Had someone offered to cut it off; she might have thanked him。〃Are you all right?〃
       She jerked at the sound of Thom's voice and barely stifled a whimper。 〃I am quite all right; thank you。〃 Talking made her head throb。 He fiddled with one of his mustaches uncertainly。 〃Your stories were wonderful last night; Thom。 What I remember of them。〃 Somehow she managed a small; self…deprecating laugh。 〃I am afraid I don't remember very much of anything except sitting there listening。 I seem to have eaten some bad apple jelly。〃 She was not about to admit to drinking all that wine; she still had no idea how much。 Or to making a fool of herself in his room。 Above all; not that。 He seemed to believe her; from the relieved way he took a chair。
       Nynaeve appeared; handing her a damp cloth as she sat down。 She also pushed the cup with its horrible brew closer。 Elayne pressed the cloth to her forehead gratefully。
       〃Have either of you seen Master Sandar this morning?〃 the older woman asked。〃He did not sleep in our room;〃 Thom replied。 〃Which I should be grateful for; considering the size of the bed。〃
       As though the words had summoned him; Juilin came in through the front door; his face weary and his snug…fitting coat rumpled。 There was a bruise beneath his left eye; and the short black hair that normally lay flat on his head looked rough…bed with his fingers; but he smiled as he joined them。 〃The thieves in this city are as numerous as minnows in reeds; and they will talk if you buy a cup of something。 I have talked with two men who claim to have seen a woman with a white streak in her hair above the left ear。 I think I believe one of them。〃
       〃So they are here;〃 Elayne said; but Nynaeve shook her head。
       〃Perhaps。 More than one woman can have a white streak in her hair。〃
       〃He could not say how old she was;〃 Juilin said; hiding a yawn behind his hand。 〃No age at all; he claimed。 He joked that maybe she was Aes Sedai。〃
       〃You go too fast;〃 Nynaeve told him in a tight voice。 〃You do us no good if you bring them down on us。〃
       Juilin flushed darkly。 〃I am careful。 I have no wish for Liandrin to put her hands on me again。 I do not ask questions; I talk。 Sometimes of women I used to know。 Two men bit on that white streak; and neither ever knew it was more than a scrap of idle talk over cheap ale。 Tonight maybe another will swim into my net; only this time maybe it will be a fragile woman from Cairhien with very big blue eyes。〃 That would be Temaile Kinderode。 〃Bit by bit; I will narrow where they have been seen; until I know where they are。 I will find them for you。〃
       〃Or I will。〃 Thom sounded as if he thought that much more likely。 〃Rather than thieves; would they not be meddling with nobles and politics? Some lord in this city will begin doing what he usually does not; and he will draw me to them。〃
       The two men eyed one another。 In another moment Elayne expected one of them to offer to wrestle。 Men。 First Juilin and Domon; now Juilin and Thom。 Very likely Thom and Domon would get in a fistfight to plete it。 Men。 That was the only ment she could think of。
       〃Perhaps Elayne and I will succeed without either of you;〃 Nynaeve said dryly。 〃We will begin looking ourselves; today。〃 Her eyes barely shifted toward Elayne。 〃At least; I will。 Elayne may need a little more rest to recover from。。。 the voyage。〃
       Setting the cloth down carefully; Elayne used both hands to pick up the cup in front of her。 The thick; gray…green liquid tasted worse than it smelled。 Shuddering; she made herself keep swallowing。 When it hit her stomach; for an instant she felt like a cloak snapping in a high wind。 〃Two pairs of eyes can see better than one;〃 she told Nynaeve; setting the empty cup back down with a clink。
       〃A hundred pairs can see even better;〃 Juilin said hastily; 〃and if that Illianer eel truly sends his people out; we will have at least that many; what with the thieves and cutpurses。〃
       〃I … we … will find these women for you if they can be found;〃 Thom said。 〃There is no need for you to stir from the inn。 This city has a dangerous feel even if Liandrin is not here。〃
       〃Besides which;〃 Juilin added; 〃if they are here; they know the two of you。 They know your faces。 Much better if you stay here at the inn; out of sight。〃
       Elayne stared at them in amazement。 A moment gone they had been trying to stare each other down; and now they were shoulder to shoulder。 Nynaeve had been right about them causing trouble。 Well; the Daughter…Heir of Andor was not about to hide behind Master Juilin Sandar and Master Thom Merrilin。 She opened her mouth to tell them so; but Nynaeve spoke first。
       〃You are right;〃 she said calmly。 Elayne stared at her incredulously; Thom and Juilin looked surprised; and at the same time disgustingly satisfied。 〃They do know us;〃 Nynaeve went on。 〃I took care of that this morning; I think。 Ah; here is Mistress Rendra with our breakfast。〃
       Thom and Juilin exchanged disconcerted frowns; but they could say nothing with the innkeeper smiling at them all through her veil。
       〃About what I asked you?〃 Nynaeve said to her as the woman placed a bowl of honeyed porridge in front of her。
       〃Ah; yes。 It will be no problem to find the clothes to fit both of you。 And the hair … you have such lovely hair; so long … it will be the work of no time to put it up。〃
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