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There were few men among the petitioners; which was no surprise to Min。 Most men were nervous around Aes Sedai。 Everyone knew it had been male Aes Sedai; when there still had been male Aes Sedai; who were responsible for the Breaking of the World。 Three thousand years had not dimmed that memory; even if time had altered many of the details。 Children were still frightened by tales of men who could channel the One Power; men doomed to go mad from the Dark One's taint on saidin; the male half of the True Source。 Worst was the story of Lews Therin Telamon; the Dragon; Lews Therin Kinslayer; who had begun the Breaking。 For that matter; the stories frightened adults; too。 Prophecy said the Dragon would be born again in mankind's greatest hour of need; to fight the Dark One in Tarmon Gai'don; the Last Battle; but that made little difference in how most people looked at any connection between men and the Power。 Any Aes Sedai would hunt down a man who could channel; now; of the seven Ajahs; the Red did little else。
Of course; none of that had anything to do with seeking help from Aes Sedai; yet few men felt easy about being linked in any way to Aes Sedai and the Power。 Few; that is; except Warders; but each Warder was bonded to an Aes Sedai; Warders could hardly be taken for the general run of men。 There was a saying: 〃A man will cut off his own hand to get rid of a splinter before asking help from Aes Sedai。〃 Women meant it as a ment on men's stubborn foolishness; but Min had heard some men say the loss of a hand might be the better decision。
She wondered what these people would do if they knew what she knew。 Run screaming; perhaps。 And if they knew her reason for being here; she might not survive to be taken up by the Tower guards and thrown into a cell。 She did have friends in the Tower; but none with power or influence。 If her purpose was discovered; it was much less likely that they could help her than that she would pull them to the gallows or the headsman behind her。 That was saying she lived to be tried; of course; more likely her mouth would be stopped permanently long before a trial。
She told herself to stop thinking like that。 I'll make it in; and I'll make it out。 The Light burn Rand al'Thor for getting me into this!
Three or four Accepted; women Min's age or perhaps a little older; were circulating through the round room; speaking softly to the petitioners。 Their white dresses had no decoration except for seven bands of color at the hem; one band for each Ajah。 Now and again a novice; a still younger woman or girl all in white; came to lead someone deeper into the Tower。 The petitioners always followed the novices with an odd mix of excited eagerness and foot…dragging reluctance。
Min's grip tightened on her bundle as one of the Accepted stopped in front of her。 〃The Light illumine you;〃 the curly…haired woman said perfunctorily。 〃I am called Faolain。 How may the Tower help you?〃
Faolain's dark; round face held the patience of someone doing a tedious job when she would rather be doing something else。 Studying; probably; from what Min knew of the Accepted。 Learning to be Aes Sedai。 Most important; however; was the lack of recognition in the Accepted's eyes; the two of them had met when Min was in the Tower before; though only briefly。
Just the same; Min lowered her face in assumed diffidence。 It was not unnatural; a good many country folk did not really understand the great step up from Accepted to full Aes Sedai。 Shielding her features behind the edge of her cloak; she looked away from Faolain。
〃I have a question I must ask the Amyrlin Seat;〃 she began; then cut off abruptly as three Aes Sedai stopped to look into the entry hall; two from one archway and one from another。
Accepted and novices curtsied when their rounds took them close to one of the Aes Sedai; but otherwise went on about their tasks; perhaps a trifle more briskly。 That was all。 Not so for the petitioners。 They seemed to catch their breaths all together。 Away from the White Tower; away from Tar Valon; they might simply have thought the Aes Sedai three women whose ages they could not guess; three women in the flush of their prime; yet with more maturity than their smooth cheeks suggested。 In the Tower; though; there was no question。 A woman who had worked very long with the One Power was not touched by time in the same way as other women。 In the Tower; no one needed to see a golden Great Serpent ring to know an Aes Sedai。
A ripple of curtsies spread through the huddle; and jerky bows from the few men。 Two or three people even fell to their knees。 The rich merchant looked frightened; the farm couple at her side stared at legends e to life。 How to deal with Aes Sedai was a matter of hearsay for most; it was unlikely that any here; except those who actually lived in Tar Valon; had seen an Aes Sedai before; and probably not even the Tar Valoners had been this close。
But it was not the Aes Sedai themselves that halted Min's tongue。 Sometimes; not often; she saw things when she looked at people; images and auras that usually flared and were gone in moments。 Occasionally she knew what they meant。 It happened rarely; the knowing … much more rarely than the seeing; even … but when she knew; she was always right。
Unlike most others; Aes Sedai…and their Warders…always had images and auras; sometimes so many dancing and shifting that they made Min dizzy。 The numbers made no difference in interpreting them; though; she knew what they meant for Aes Sedai as seldom as for anyone else。 But this time she knew more than she wanted to; and it made her shiver。
A slender woman with black hair falling to her waist; the only one of the three she recognized … her name was Ananda; she was Yellow Ajah … wore a sickly brown halo; shriveled and split by rotting fissures that fell in and widened as they decayed。 The small; fair…haired Aes Sedai beside Ananda was Green Ajah; by her green…fringed shawl。 The White Flame of Tar Valon on it showed for a moment when she turned her back。 And on her shoulder; as if nestled among the grape vines and flowering apple branches worked on her shawl; sat a human skull。 A small woman's skull; picked clean and sun…bleached。 The third; a plumply pretty woman halfway around the room; wore no shawl; most Aes Sedai did not except for ceremony。 The lift of her chin and the set of her shoulders spoke of strength and pride。 She seemed to be casting cool blue eyes on the petitioners through a tattered curtain of blood; crimson streamers running down her face。
Blood and skull and halo faded away in the dance of images around the three; came and faded again。 The petitioners stared in awe; seeing only three women who could touch the True Source and channel the One Power。 No one but Min saw the rest。 No one but Min knew those three women were going to die。 All on the same day。
〃The Amyrlin cannot see everyone;〃 Faolain said with poorly hidden impatience。 〃Her next public audience is not for ten days。 Tell me what you want; and I will arrange for you to see the sister who can best help you。〃
Min's eye flew to the bundle in her arms and stayed there; partly so she would not have to see again what she had already seen。 All three of them! Lig
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