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umping under her breath; Nynaeve managed on her own。 In only her shift; she threaded the twisted stone ring onto the leather cord she wore hanging around her neck; alongside a man's ring; heavy and golden。 That was Lan's ring; Nynaeve always wore it between her breasts。
       Elayne pulled a low wooden stool over beside the bed while Nynaeve stretched out again。 She did feel rather sleepy; but she would not fall asleep sitting on that。 The problem seemed to be not falling on the floor。 〃I will judge an hour and wake you。〃
       Nynaeve nodded; then closed her eyes; both hands clutched around the two rings。 After a time her breathing deepened。
       The Heart of the Stone was quite empty。 Peering into the dimness among the great columns; Nynaeve had circled Callandor; sparkling out of the floorstones; pletely before she realized she was still in her shift; the leather cord dangling about her neck with the two rings。 She frowned; and after a moment she was wearing a Two Rivers dress of good brown wool; and stout shoes。 Elayne and Egwene both seemed to find this sort of thing easy; but it was not easy for her。 There had been embarrassing moments in earlier visits to Tel'aran'rhiod; mostly after stray thoughts of Lan; but changing her garb deliberately took concentration。 Just that … remembering … and her dress was silk; and as transparent as Rendra's veil。 Berelain would have blushed。 So did Nynaeve; thinking of Lan seeing her in it。 It took an effort to bring the brown wool back。
       Worse; her anger had faded … that fool girl; did she not realize what happened when you drank too much wine? Had she never been alone in a mon room before? Well; possibly she had not … and the True Source might as well not exist so far as she was concerned。 Perhaps it would not matter。 Uneasy; she stared into the forest of huge redstone columns; turning in one spot。 What had made Egwene leave here abruptly?
       The Stone was silent; with a hollow emptiness。 She could hear the blood rushing in her own ears。 Yet the skin between her shoulder blades prickled as if someone were watching her。
       〃Egwene?〃 Her shout echoed in the silence among the columns。 〃Egwene?〃 Nothing。
       Rubbing her hands on her skirt; she found she was holding a gnarled stick with a thick knob on the end。 A fat lot of good that would do。 But she tightened her grip on it。 A sword might be more use … for an instant the stick flickered; half a sword … but she did not know how to use a sword。 She laughed to herself ruefully。 A cudgel was as good as a sword here; both practically useless。 Channeling was the only real defense; that and running。 Which left her only one choice at the moment。
       She wanted to run now; with that feel of eyes on her; but she would not give up so quickly。 Only what was she to do? Egwene was not here。 She was somewhere in the Waste。 Rhuidean; Elayne said。 Wherever that was。
       Between one step and the next she was suddenly on a mountainside; with a harsh sun rising over more jagged mountains beyond the valley below; baking the dry air。 The Waste。 She was in the Waste。 For a moment the sun startled her; but the Waste was far enough east for sunrise there to still be night in Tanchico。 In Tel'aran'rhiod it made no difference anyway。 Sunlight or darkness there seemed to bear no relation to what was in the real world as far as she could determine。
       Long; pale shadows still covered almost half the valley; but strangely a mass of fog billowed down there; not seeming to grow less for the sun beating on it。 Great towers rose out of the fog; some appearing unfinished。 A city。 In the Waste?
       Squinting; she could make out a person down in the valley; too。 A man; though all she could see at this distance was someone who seemed to be wearing breeches and a bright blue coat。 Certainly not an Aiel。 He was walking along the edge of the fog; every now and again stopping to poke at it。 She could not be sure; but she thought his hand stopped short each time。 Maybe it was not fog at all。
       〃You must get away from here;〃 a woman's voice said urgently。 〃If that one sees you; you are dead; or worse。〃
       Nynaeve jumped; spinning with her club raised; nearly losing her footing on the slope。
       The woman standing a little above her wore a short white coat and voluminous; pale yellow trousers gathered above short boots。 Her cloak billowed on an arid gust of wind。 It was her long golden hair; intricately braided; and the silver bow in her hands that made a name pop incredulously into Nynaeve's mouth。
       〃Birgitte?〃 Birgitte; hero of a hundred tales; and her silver bow with which she never missed。 Birgitte; one of the dead heroes the Horn of Valere would call back from the grave to fight in the Last Battle。 〃It's impossible。 Who are you?〃
       〃There is no time; woman。 You must go before he sees。〃 In one smooth motion she pulled a silver arrow from the quiver at her waist; nocked it and drew fletching to ear。 The silver arrowhead pointed straight at Nynaeve's heart。 〃Go!〃
       Nynaeve fled。
       She was not sure how; but she was standing on the Green in Emond's Field; looking at the Winespring Inn with its chimneys and red tile roof。 Thatched roofs surrounded the Green; where the Winespring gushed out of a stone outcrop。 The sun stood high here; though the Two Rivers lay far west of the Waste。 Yet despite a cloudless sky; a deep shadow lay across the village。
       She had only a moment to wonder how they were doing without her。 A flicker of movement caught her eye; a flash of silver and a woman; ducking behind the corner of Ailys Candwin's neat house beyond the Winespring Water。 Birgitte。Nynaeve did not hesitate。 She ran for one of the footbridges across the narrow rushing stream。 Her shoes pounded on the wooden planks。 〃e back here;〃 she shouted。 〃You e back here and answer me! Who was that? You e back here; or I'll hero you! I'll thump you so you think you've had an adventure!〃
       Rounding the corner of Ailys's house; she really only half…expected to see Birgitte。 What she did not expect at all was a man in a dark coat trotting toward her less than a hundred paces down the hard…packed dirt street。 Her breath caught。 Lan。 No; but he had the same shape to his face; the same eyes。 Halting; he raised his bow and shot。 At her。 Screaming; she threw herself aside trying to claw her way awake。
       Elayne jumped to her feet; toppling the stool over backward; as Nynaeve screamed and sat up on the bed; eyes wide。
       〃What happened; Nynaeve? What happened?〃
       Nynaeve shuddered。 〃He looked like Lan。 He looked like Lan; and he tried to kill me。〃 She put a trembling hand to her left arm; where a shallow slash oozed blood a few inches below her shoulder。 〃If I hadn't jumped; it would have gone through my heart。〃
       Seating herself on the edge of the bed; Elayne examined the cut。 〃It is not bad。 I'll wash and bandage it for you。〃 She wished she knew how to Heal; trying without knowing might well make it worse。 But it really was little more than a long nick。 Not to mention that her head still seemed full of jelly。 Quivering jelly。 〃It was not Lan。 Calm yourself。 Whoever it was; it was not Lan。〃
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