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low; and leaned back in her chair。 〃If there is a way to control him; I would not mind binding him to me。 He is a good…looking young man; from the little I saw。〃 Liandrin sniffed; she had no liking for men at all。
       Rianna shook her head worriedly。 〃It makes troubling sense。 Our orders from the Tower were clear; yet it is also clear that Carridin has others。 I can only postulate dissension among the Forsaken。〃
       〃The Forsaken;〃 Jeaine muttered; folding her arms tightly; thin white silk molded her breasts even more revealingly。 〃What good are promises that we will rule the world when the Great Lord returns if we are crushed between warring Forsaken first? Does anyone believe we could stand against any of them?〃
       〃Balefire。〃 Asne looked around; dark tilted eyes challenging。 〃Balefire will destroy even one of the Forsaken。 And we have the means to produce it。〃 One of the ter'angreal they had removed from the Tower; a fluted black rod a pace long; had that use。 None of them knew why they had been ordered to take it; not even Liandrin herself。 Too many of the ter'angreal were like that; taken because they had been told to; with no reasons given; but some orders had to be obeyed。 Liandrin wished they had been able to secure even one angreal。
       Jeaine gave a sharp sniff。 〃If any of us could control it。 Or have you forgotten that the one test we dared nearly killed me? And burned a hole through both sides of the ship before I could stop it? Fine good it would have done us to drown before reaching Tanchico。〃
       〃What need have we of balefire?〃 Liandrin said。 〃If we can control the Dragon Reborn; let the Forsaken think how they will deal with us。〃 Suddenly she became aware of another presence in the room。 The woman Gyldin; wiping down a carved; low…backed chair in one corner。 〃What are you doing here; woman?〃
       〃Cleaning。〃 The dark…braided woman straightened unconcernedly。 〃You told me to clean。〃
       Liandrin almost struck out with the Power。 Almost。 But Gyldin certainly did not know they were Aes Sedai。 How much had the woman heard? Nothing of importance。 〃You will go to the cook;〃 she said in a cold fury; 〃and tell him he is to strap you。 Very hard! And you are to have nothing to eat until the dust it is all gone。〃 Again。 The woman had made her speak like a moner again。
       Marillin stood; nuzzling the yellow cat's nose with hers; and handed the creature to Gyldin。 〃See that he gets a dish of cream when the cook is done with you。 And some of that nice lamb。 Cut it small for him; he doesn't have many teeth left; poor thing。〃 Gyldin looked at her; not blinking; and she added; 〃Is there something you don't understand?〃
       〃I understand。〃 Gyldin's mouth was tight。 Perhaps she did finally understand; she was a servant; not their equal。
       Liandrin waited a moment after she left; the cat cradled in her arms; then snatched open one of the doors。 The; entry hall was empty。 Gyldin was not eavesdropping。 She did not trust the woman。 But then; she could not think of anyone she did trust。
       〃We must be concerned with what concerns us;〃 she said tightly; closing the door。 〃Eldrith; have you found a new clue in those pages? Eldrith?〃
       The plump woman gave a start; then stared around at them; blinking。 It was the first time she had raised her head from the battered yellow manuscript; she seemed surprised to see Liandrin。 〃What? Clue? Oh。 No。 It is difficult enough getting into the King's Library; if I extracted so much as a page; the librarians would know it immediately。 But if I disposed of them; I would never find anything。 That place is a maze。 No; I found this in a bookseller's near the King's Palace。 It is an interesting treatise on …〃
       Embracing saidar; Liandrin sent the pages showering across the floor。 〃Unless they are a treatise on the controlling of Rand al'Thor; let them be burned! What have you learned about what we seek?〃
       Eldrith blinked at the scattered papers。 〃Well; it is in the Panarch's Palace。〃
       〃You learned that two days ago;〃
       〃And it must be a ter'angreal。 To control someone who can channel must require the Power; and since it is a specialized use that means a ter'angreal。 We will find it in the exhibition room; or perhaps among the Panarch's collection。〃
       〃Something new; Eldrith。〃 With an effort Liandrin made her voice less shrill。 〃Have you found anything that is new? Anything?〃
       The round…faced woman blinked uncertainly。 〃Actually。。。。 No。〃
       〃It does not matter;〃 Marillin said。 〃In a few days; once they have invested their precious Panarch; we can begin searching; and if we must inspect every candlestick; we will find it。 We are on the brink; Liandrin。 We will put Rand al'Thor on a leash and teach him to sit up and roll over。〃
       〃Oh; yes;〃 Eldrith said; smiling happily。 〃On a leash。〃
       Liandrin hoped it was so。 She was tired of waiting; tired of hiding。 Let the world know her。 Let people bend knee as had been promised when she first forswore old oaths for new。
       Egeanin knew she was not alone as soon as she stepped into her small house by the kitchen door; but she dropped her mask and the jute bag carelessly on the table and walked over to where a bucket of water stood beside the brick fireplace。 As she bent to take the copper ladle; her right hand darted into a low hollow where two bricks had been removed behind the bucket; she spun erect; a small crossbow in her hand。 No more than a foot long; it had little power or range; but she always kept it drawn; and the dark stain tipping the sharp steel bolt would kill in a heartbeat。
       If the man leaning casually in the corner saw the crossbow; he gave no outward sign。 He was pale…haired and blue…eyed; in his middle years; and good…looking if too slender for her taste。 Clearly he had watched her cross the narrow yard through the iron…grilled window beside him。 〃Do you think that I threaten you?〃 he said after a moment。
       She recognized the familiar accents of home; but she did not lower the crossbow。 〃Who are you?〃
       For answer he dipped two fingers carefully into his belt pouch … apparently he could see after all … and brought out something small and flat。 She motioned him to lay it on the table and back up again。
       Only after he was back in the corner did she move close enough to pick up what he had set there。 Never taking her eyes or the crossbow away from him; she lifted it up where she could see。 A small ivory plaque bordered in gold; engraved with a raven and a tower。 The raven's eyes were black sapphires。 A raven; symbol of the Imperial family; the Tower of Ravens; symbol of Imperial justice。
       〃Normally this would be enough;〃 she told him; 〃but we are far from Seanchan; in a land where the bizarre is almost monplace。 What other proof can you offer?〃
       Smiling with silent amusement; he removed his coat; unlaced his shirt and stripped it off。 On either shoulder was the tattoo of raven and tower。
       Most Seekers for Truth bore the ravens as well as the tower; but not even someone who dared steal a Seeker's plaque would have himself marked so。 To wear the ravens was to be the property of the Imperial famil
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