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y his stomach was twisting; it would make him vomit。 What interest could she possibly have in the Panarch's Palace? A dangerous line of questioning; perhaps; but even if they served the same master he could not feel anything but revulsion for a Tar Valon witch。
       She did not know as much as she thought。 With the King's sureties in hand; he could keep Tamrin and the army away from his throat with the threat of revelation; and Amathera; too。 They could still rouse the mob; though。 And the Lord Captain mander might be more than disapproving of the entire affair; might believe he was reaching for personal power。 Carridin dropped his head in his hands; envisioning Niall signing his death warrant。 His own men would arrest him; and hang him。 If he could arrange the death of the witch。。。 But she had promised to protect him from the Myrddraal。 He wanted to weep again。 She was not even here; yet she had him trapped as tightly as ever; steel jaws clamped on both legs and a noose snug around his neck。
       There had to be a way out; but every way he looked there was only another trap。 
       Liandrin ghosted through the halls; easily avoiding servants and Whitecloaks。 When she stepped out of a small back door into a narrow alley behind the palace; the tall young guard there stared at her with a blend of relief and unease。 Her little trick of opening someone to her suggestions … just a whip…crack trickle of the Power … had not been needed with Carridin; but it had easily convinced this fool that she should be allowed in。 Smiling; she motioned him to bend closer。 The lanky lout grinned as if expecting a kiss; a grin that froze as her narrow blade went through his eye。
       She leaped nimbly back as he fell; a boneless sack of flesh。 He would not speak of her even by accident now。 Not so much as a spot of blood stained her hand。 She wished she had Chesmal's skill at killing with the Power; or even Rianna's lesser talent。 Strange that the ability to kill with the Power; to stop a heart or boil blood in the veins; should be so closely linked to Healing。 She herself could not Heal much more than scrapes or bruises; not that she had any interest in it。
       Her sedan chair; red…lacquered and inlaid with ivory and gold; was waiting at the end of the alley; and with it her bodyguards; a dozen big men with faces like starving wolves。 Once in the streets; they cleared a path through the crowds with ease; spears clubbing any not quick enough to move aside。 They were all dedicated to the Great Lord of the Dark; of course; and if they did not know exactly who she was; they knew that other men had disappeared; men who failed to serve properly。
       The house she and the others had taken; two sprawling stories of flat…roofed stone and white plaster on a hillside at the base of the Verana; Tanchico's easternmost peninsula; belonged to a merchant who had also sworn his oaths to the Great Lord。 Liandrin would have preferred a palace … one day perhaps she would have the King's Palace on the Maseta; she had grown up staring enviously at the Lords' palaces; but why should she settle for one of them? … yet despite her preferences; it made sense to stay hidden awhile yet。 There was no way the fools in Tar Valon could suspect they were in Tarabon; but the Tower was surely still hunting them; and Siuan Sanche's pets could be sniffing anywhere。
       Gates gave onto a small courtyard; windowless except on the upper floor。 Leaving the guards and bearers there; she hurried inside。 The merchant had furnished a few servants; all sworn to the Great Lord; he assured them; but barely enough to provide for eleven women who rarely stirred outside。 One; a sturdily handsome; dark…braided woman called Gyldin; was sweeping the entry hall's red and white tiles when Liandrin entered。
       〃Where are the others?〃 she demanded。
       〃In the front withdrawing room。〃 Gyldin gestured to the double…arched doors to the right as though Liandrin might not know where that was。
       Liandrin's mouth tightened。 The woman did not curtsy; she used no titles of respect。 True; she did not know who Liandrin really was; but Gyldin certainly knew she was high enough to give orders and be obeyed; to send that fat merchant bowing and scraping and bundling his family off to some hovel。 〃You are supposed to be cleaning; yes? Not standing about? Well; clean! There is dust everywhere。 If I find a speck of the dust this evening; you cow you; I will have you beaten!〃 She clamped her teeth shut。 She had copied the manner in which nobles and the wealthy spoke for so long that sometimes she forgot her father had sold fruit from a barrow; yet in one moment of anger the speech of a moner rolled off her tongue。 Too much stress。 Too much waiting。 With a last; snapped; 〃Work!〃 she pushed into the withdrawing room and slammed the door behind her。
       The others were not all there; which irritated her even more; but enough。 Round…faced Eldrith Jhondar; seated at a lapis…inlaid table beneath a hanging on one white…plastered wall; was making careful notes from a tattered manuscript; sometimes she absently cleaned the nib of her pen on the sleeve of her dark wool dress。 Marillin Gemalphin sat beside one of the narrow windows; blue eyes dreamily staring out at the tiny fountain tinkling in a little courtyard; idly scratching the ears of a scrawny yellow cat and apparently unaware of the hairs it shed all over er green silk dress。 She and Eldrith were both Browns; but if Marillin ever found out that Eldrith was the reason the stray cats she brought in continually disappeared; there would be trouble。
       They had been Browns。 Sometimes it was difficult to remember they no longer were; or that she herself was no longer a Red。 So much of what had marked them clearly as members of their old Ajahs remained even now that they were openly pledged to the Black。 Take the two former Greens。 Coppery…skinned; swan…necked Jeaine Caide wore the thinnest; most clinging silk dresses she could find … white; today … and laughed that the gowns would have to do; since there was nothing available in Tarabon to catch a man's eye。 Jeaine was from Arad Doman; Domani women were infamous for their scandalous clothes。 Asne Zeramene; with her dark; tilted eyes and bold nose; looked almost demure in pale gray; plainly cut and high…necked; but Liandrin had heard her regret leaving her Warders behind more than once。 And as for Rianna Andomeran。。。 Black hair with a stark white streak above her left ear framed a face with the cold; arrogant certainty only a White could assume。
       〃It is done;〃 Liandrin announced。 〃Jaichim Carridin will move his Whitecloaks to the Panarch's Palace and hold it for us。 He does not yet know we will have guests。。。 of course。〃 There were a few grimaces; changing Ajahs had certainly not altered anyone's feelings toward men who hated women who could channel。 〃There is an interesting thing。 He believed I was there to kill him。 For failing to kill Rand al'Thor。〃
       〃That makes no sense;〃 Asne said; frowning。 〃We are to bind him; control him; not kill him。〃 She laughed suddenly; soft and low; and leaned back in her chair。 〃If there is a way to control him; I would not mind binding him t
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