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ing at Mat; though Estean still seemed to be trying to make out his cards。 〃When the Lord Dragon takes us to war; of course; it will all melt away。 In any case; we are loyal; here in the Stone。 The High Lords; too; I am certain。 It is only the few out in the countryside。〃
       Their loyalty would not outlast their fear of the Dragon Reborn。 For a moment Mat felt as though he were planning to abandon Rand in a pit of vipers。 Then he remembered what Rand was。 It was more like abandoning a weasel in a henyard。 Rand had been a friend。 The Dragon Reborn; though。。。。 Who could be a friend to the Dragon Reborn? I'm not abandoning anybody。 He could probably pull the Stone down on their heads; if he wanted to。 On my head; too。 He told himself again that it was time to be gone。
       〃No fishermen's daughters;〃 Estean mumbled。 〃You will speak to the Lord Dragon?〃
       〃It is your turn; Mat;〃 Carlomin said anxiously。 He looked half afraid; though what he feared … that Estean would anger Mat again; or that the talk might go back to loyalty … was impossible to say。 〃Will you buy the fifth card; or stack?〃
       Mat realized he had not been paying attention。 Everyone but himself and Carlomin had five cards; though Reimon had neatly stacked his facedown beside the pot to show that he was out。 Mat hesitated; pretending to think; then sighed and tossed another coin toward the pile。
       As the silver crown bounced end over end; he suddenly felt luck grow from trickles to a flood。 Every ping of silver against wooden tabletop rang clear in his head; he could have called face or sigil and known how the coin would land on any bounce。 Just as he knew what his next card would be before Carlomin laid it in front of him。
       Sliding his cards together on the table; he fanned them in one hand。 The Ruler of Flames stared at him alongside the other four; the Amyrlin Seat balancing a flame on her palm; though she looked nothing like Siuan Sanche。 However the Tairens felt about Aes Sedai; they acknowledged the power of Tar Valon; even if Flames was the lowest suit。
       What were the odds of being dealt all five? His luck was best with random things; like dice; but perhaps a little more was beginning to rub off on cards。 〃The Light burn my bones to ash if it is not so;〃 he muttered。 Or that was what he meant to say。
       〃There;〃 Estean all but shouted。 〃You cannot deny it this time。 That was the Old Tongue。 Something about burning; and bones。〃 He grinned around the table。 〃My tutor would be proud。 I ought to send him a gift。 If I can find out where he went。〃
       Nobles were supposed to be able to speak the Old Tongue; though in reality few knew more than Estean seemed to。 The young lords set to arguing over exactly what Mat had said。 They seemed to think it had been a ment on the heat。
       Goose bumps pebbled Mat's skin as he tried to recall the words that had just e out of his mouth。 A string of gibberish; yet it almost seemed he should understand。 Burn Moiraine! If she'd left me alone; I wouldn't have holes in my memory big enough for a wagon and team; and I wouldn't be spouting。。。 whatever it bloody is! He would also be milking his father's cows instead of walking the world with a pocketful of gold; but he managed to ignore that part of it。
       〃Are you here to gamble;〃 he said harshly; 〃or babble like old women over their knitting!〃
       〃To gamble;〃 Baran said curtly。 〃Three crowns; gold!〃 He tossed the coins onto the pot。
       〃And three more besides。〃 Estean hiccoughed and added six golden crowns to the pile。
       Suppressing a grin; Mat forgot about the Old Tongue。 It was easy enough; he did not want to think about it。 Besides; if they were starting this strongly; he might win enough on this hand to leave in the morning。 And if he's crazy enough to start a war; I'll leave if I have to walk。
       Outside in the darkness; a cock crowed。 Mat shifted uneasily and told himself not to be foolish。 No one was going to die。
       His eyes dropped to his cards … and blinked。 The Amyrlin's flame had been replaced by a knife。 While he was telling himself he was tired and seeing things; she plunged the tiny blade into the back of his hand。
       With a hoarse yell; he flung the cards away and hurled himself backward; overturning his chair; kicking the table with both feet as he fell。 The air seemed to thicken like honey。 Everything moved as if time had slowed; but at the same time everything seemed to happen at once。 Other cries echoed his; hollow shouts reverberating inside a cavern。 He and the chair drifted back and down; the table floated upward。
       The Ruler of Flames hung in the air; growing larger; staring at him with a cruel smile。 Now close to life…size; she started to step out of the card; she was still a painted shape; with no depth; but she reached for him with her blade; red with his blood as if it had already been driven into his heart。 Beside her the Ruler of Cups began to grow; the Tairen High Lord drawing his sword。
       Mat floated; yet somehow he managed to reach the dagger in his left sleeve and hurl it in the same motion; straight for the Amyrlin's heart。 If this thing had a heart。 The second knife came into his left hand smoothly and left more smoothly。 The two blades drifted through the air like thistledown。 He wanted to scream; but that first yell of shock and outrage still filled his mouth。 The Ruler of Rods was expanding beside the first two cards; the Queen of Andor gripping the rod like a bludgeon; her red…gold hair framing a madwoman's snarl。
       He was still falling; still yelling that drawn…out yell。 The Amyrlin was free of her card; the High Lord striding out with his sword。 The flat shapes moved almost as slowly as he。 Almost。 He had proof the steel in their hands could cut; and no doubt the rod could crack a skull。 His skull。
       His thrown daggers moved as if sinking in jelly。 He was sure the cock had crowed for him。 Whatever his father said; the omen had been real。 But he would not give up and die。 Somehow he had two more daggers out from under his coat; one in either hand。 Struggling to twist in midair; to get his feet under him; he threw one knife at the golden…haired figure with the bludgeon。 The other he held on to as he tried to turn himself; to land ready to face。。。。
       The world lurched back into normal motion; and he landed awkwardly on his side; hard enough to drive me wind out of him。 Desperately he struggled to his feet; drawing another knife from under his coat。 You could not carry too many; Thom claimed。 Neither was needed。
       For a moment he thought cards and figures had vanished。 Or maybe he had imagined it all。 Maybe he was the one going mad。 Then he saw the cards; back to ordinary size; pinned to one of the dark wood panels by his still quivering knives。 He took a deep; ragged breath。
       The table lay on its side; coins still spinning across the floor where lordlings and servants crouched among scattered cards。 They gaped at Mat and his knives; those in his hands and those in the wall; with equally wide eyes。 Estean snatched a silver pitcher that had somehow escaped being overturned and began pouring wine down his throat; the excess 
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