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 until the gold and time ran out。
       With its gilded lamps and ceilings inlaid with brass fretwork polished to a golden gleam; its serving women and men chosen for grace and beauty and discretion; the Garden of the Silver Breezes had been the most expensive wineshop in the city even before the troubles。 Now it was outrageous。 But those who dealt in huge sums still came; those who dealt in power and influence; or thought they did。 In some ways there was less to deal in than before; in others; more。
       Low walls surrounded each table making islands dotted across the green and golden floor tiles。 Each wall; pierced with lacy carving so no eavesdropper could listen unseen; stood just high enough to hide who met whom from the casual glances of passersby。 Even so; patrons usually went masked; especially of late; and some had a bodyguard beside their table; also masked to avoid recognition if the patron was prudent。 And tongueless; rumor said; for the most prudent。 No guard was visibly armed; the proprietress of the Garden of Silver Breezes; a sleek woman of indeterminate age named Selindrin; allowed no weapons past the street now。 Her rule was not broken; at least openly。
       From her usual table against the balustrade; Egeanin watched the ships in the harbor; especially those under sail。 They made her want to be back on a deck giving orders。 She had never expected duty to bring her to this。
       Unconsciously she adjusted the velvet mask that hid the upper half of her face; she felt ridiculous wearing the thing; but it was necessary to blend in to some extent。 The mask … blue to match her high…necked silk gown … the gown itself; and her dark hair; grown down to her shoulders now; were as far as she could make herself go。 Passing for a Taraboner was unnecessary … Tanchico bulged with refugees; a good many of them foreigners swept up in the troubles … and it was beyond her in any case。 These people were animals; they had no discipline; no order。
       Regretfully; she turned from the harbor to her table panion; a narrow…faced fellow with a weasel's greedy smile。 Floran Gelb's frayed collar did not belong in the Garden of Silver Breezes; and he continually wiped his hands on his coat。 She always met them here; the greasy little men she was forced to deal with。 It was a reward for them; and a means of keeping them off balance。
       〃What do you have for me; Master Gelb?〃
       Wiping his hands again; he lifted a coarse jute bag onto the table and watched her anxiously。 She held the bag down beside her before opening it。 A silvery metal a'dam lay inside; a collar and bracelet connected by a leash cunningly worked and joined。 She closed the bag and set it on the floor。 This made three that Gelb had recovered; more than anyone else。
       〃Very good; Master Gelb。〃 A small purse went across the table the other way; Gelb made it disappear under his coat as if it held the Empress's crown instead of a handful of silver。 〃And do you have anything else?〃
       〃Those women。 The ones you want me to look for?〃 She had grown used to the quick speech of these people; but she wished he would not lick his lips that way。 It did not make him any harder to understand; but it was unsightly。
       She very nearly told him she was not interested anymore。 But this was a part of why she was in Tanchico; after all; maybe the whole reason; now。 〃What of them?〃 That she could even think of shirking her duty made her speak more harshly than she had intended; and Gelb flinched。
       〃I。。。 I think I've found another one。〃
       〃You are sure? There have been。。。 mistakes。〃
       Mistakes was a gentle way to put it。 Near a dozen women who came only vaguely near the descriptions had been nuisances she could ignore once she had seen them。 But that noblewoman; a refugee from estates burned out by the war。 Gelb had kidnapped the woman off the street; thinking to earn more for delivering her than for telling where she was。 In his defense; the Lady Leilwin closely matched one of the women Egeanin sought; but she had told him they would not speak with any accent he recognized; certainly not a Taraboner accent。 Egeanin had not wanted to kill the woman; yet even in Tanchico someone might have listened to her story。 Leilwin had gone bound and gagged onto one of the courier boats in the dead of night; she was young and pretty; and someone would find a better use for her than slitting her throat。 But Egeanin was not in Tanchico to find serving girls for the Blood。
       〃No mistakes; Mistress Elidar;〃 he said hastily; flashing that smile full of teeth。 〃Not this time。 But。 。 。 I need a little gold。 To be sure。 To get close enough。 Four or five crowns?〃
       〃I pay for results;〃 Egeanin told him firmly。 〃After your。。。 mistakes; you are lucky that I pay you at all。〃
       Gelb licked his lips nervously。 〃You said。。。 Back in the beginning; you said you'd have a few coins for those as could do special sorts of work。〃 A muscle in his cheek twitched; his eyes darted as if someone might be listening at the lace…carved wall around three sides of the table; and his voice dropped to a hoarse whisper。 〃Stirring up trouble; as it were? I heard a rumor … from a fellow who's body…servant to Lord Brys … about the Assembly; and choosing the new Panarch。 I think maybe it's true。 The man was drunk; and when he realized what he had said; he nearly fouled himself。 Even if it isn't; it would still rip Tanchico wide open。〃
       〃Do you really believe there is any need to buy trouble in this city?〃 Tanchico was a rotting bellfruit ready to fall in the first wind。 The whole of this wretched land was。 For a moment she was tempted to buy his 〃rumor。〃 She was supposed to be a trader in whatever goods or information came along; and she had even sold some。 But dealing with Gelb sickened her。 And her own doubts frightened her。 〃That will be all; Master Gelb。 You know how to make contact with me if you find another of these。〃 She touched the rough…woven sack。
       Instead of rising; he sat staring; trying to see through her mask。 〃Where are you from; Mistress Elidar? The way you talk; all slurred out and soft…like … begging your pardon; no offense meant … I can't place you。〃
       〃That will be all; Gelb。〃 Maybe it was the quarterdeck voice; or maybe the mask failed to hide her cold stare; but Gelb bounced to his feet; ducking bows and stammering apologies while he fumbled open the door in the lacework wall。
       She sat there after he was gone; giving him time to leave the Garden of Silver Breezes。 Someone would follow him outside; to make certain he did not wait to shadow her。 All this skulking and hiding disgusted her; she almost wished something would destroy her disguise and give her an honest face…to…face fight。
       A new ship was sweeping into the harbor below; a Sea Folk raker with its towering masts and clouds of sail。 She had examined a captured raker; but she would have given almost anything to take one out; though she expected a Sea Folk crew would be necessary to wring the most from the vessel。 The Atha'an Miere were stubborn about taking the oaths; it would not be as good if she had to buy a crew。 Buy an entire crew! The amount of gold that
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