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raven…marked steel with flashes of blue light like sheet lightning; faced him and were gone in the tumult。 Twice a short spear streaking by his head took Trollocs about to run him through the back。 He thrust the short…sword blade into a Myrddraal's chest and knew he was going to die when it did not fall; but grinned with those bloodless lips; eyeless stare shivering fear into his bones; and drew back its black sword。 An instant later the Halfman jerked as Aiel arrows pincushioned it; jerked for the moment Mat needed to leap back from the thing as it fell still trying to stab at him; stab at anything。
       A dozen times the spear's iron…hard black haft barely deflected a Trolloc thrust。 It was Aes Sedai work; and he was glad of it。 The silver foxhead on his chest seemed to pulse with cold as if to remind him that it; too; bore the mark of Aes Sedai。 Right then; he did not care; if it took Aes Sedai work to keep him alive; he was ready to follow Moiraine like a puppy。
       He could not have said if it went on for minutes or hours; but suddenly there was not a Myrddraal or Trolloc still standing in sight; though cries and howls from the darkness spoke of pursuit。 Dead and dying littered the ground; Aiel and Shadowspawn; the Halfmen still thrashing。 Groans filled the air with pain。 Suddenly he realized his muscles felt like water; and his lungs were afire。 Panting; he slid down to his knees; leaning on his spear。 Flames made bonfires of three of the peddlers' canvas…topped wagons; one with a driver pinned to the side by a Trolloc spear; and some of the tents were burning。 Shouts from the direction of the Shaido camp; and glows too large for campfires; said they had been attacked; too。
       Fiery sword still in hand; Rand came to where Mat knelt。 〃Are you all right?〃 Aviendha shadowed him。 Somewhere she had found a spear and buckler; had tucked up a corner of her shawl to veil her face。 Even in skirts she looked deadly。
       〃Oh; I am fine;〃 Mat muttered; struggling to his feet。 〃Nothing like a little dance with Trollocs to ready you for sleep。 Right; Aviendha?〃 Uncovering her face; she gave him a tight smile。 The woman had probably enjoyed it。 He was sweat all over; he thought it might freeze on him。
       Moiraine and Egwene had appeared with two of the Wise Ones; Amys and Bair; circulating among the wounded。 The convulsion of Healing followed the Aes Sedai; though sometimes she merely shook her head and moved on。
       Rhuarc strode up with a grim face。
       〃Bad news?〃 Rand said quietly。
       The clan chief grunted。 〃Aside from Trollocs here where they should not be; not by two hundred leagues or more? Perhaps。 Some fifty Trollocs attacked the Wise Ones' camp。 Enough to overwhelm it; had it not been for Moiraine Sedai and luck。 However; it seems the Shaido were hit by fewer than struck us; though since they are the larger camp the reverse should have been true。 I might almost think they were attacked only to keep them from ing to our aid。 Not that that would be certain; with Shaido; but Trollocs and Nightrunners might not know that。〃
       〃And if they knew an Aes Sedai was with the Wise Ones;〃 Rand said; 〃that attack could have been meant to keep her away; too。 I bring enemies with me; Rhuarc。 Remember that。 Wherever I am; my enemies are never far。〃
       Isendre poked her head out of the lead wagon。 A moment later Kadere climbed down past her; and she ducked back inside; shutting the white…painted door behind him。 He stood looking around at the carnage; the light of his burning wagons painting rippling shadows across his face。 The group around Mat held his attention most。 The wagons seemed to interest him not at all。 Natael got down from Keille's wagon; too; speaking up the stairs to her still inside; his eyes on Mat and the others。
       〃Fools;〃 Mat muttered; half to himself。 〃Hiding inside the wagons; as if that would make any difference to a Trolloc。 They could all have roasted alive; easy as not。〃
       〃They are still alive;〃 Rand said; and Mat realized he had seen them; too。 〃That is always important; Mat; who stays alive。 It's like dice。 You can't win if you can't play; and you can't play if you are dead。 Who can say what game the peddlers play?〃 He laughed quietly; and the fiery sword vanished from his hands。
       〃I am going to get some sleep;〃 Mat said; already turning away。 〃Wake me if the Trollocs show up again。 Or better; let them kill me in my blankets。 I am too tired to wake up again。〃 Rand was definitely going over the edge。 Maybe tonight would convince Keille and Kadere to turn back。 If they did; he intended to be with them。
       Rand let Moiraine look at him; muttering to herself; though he had taken no wound。 With so many who had; she could not spare the strength to wash away his fatigue with the One Power。
       〃This was aimed at you;〃 she told him; surrounded by the moans of the injured。 The Trollocs were being dragged away into the night; by packhorses and the peddlers' mules。 The Aiel apparently intended to leave the Myrddraal where they lay until they stopped moving; to make sure they were really dead。 The wind gusted up; like ice with no moisture in it。
       〃Was it?〃 he said。 Her eyes glittered in the firelight before she turned back to the wounded。
       Egwene came to him; too; but only to say in a low; fierce whisper; 〃Whatever you are doing to upset her; stop it!〃 The glance she shot past him at Aviendha left no doubt who she meant; and she went off to help Bair and Amys before he could say he had done nothing。 She looked ridiculous with those two braids twined with ribbons。 The Aiel seemed to think so; too; some of them grinned at her back。
       Stumbling; shivering; he sought his tent。 He had never been this tired before。 The sword had almost not e。 He hoped that was the tiredness。 Sometimes there was nothing there when he reached for the Source; and sometimes the Power would not do what he wanted; but almost from the first the sword had e practically without thought。 Now of all times。。。 It had to be the tiredness。
       Aviendha insisted on following him as far as the tent; and when he woke the next morning she was sitting outside cross…legged; though without the spear and buckler。 Spy or not; he was glad to see her。 At least he knew who and what she was; and what she felt for him。

Chapter 38
(Female Silhouettes)
Hidden Faces

       The Garden of Silver Breezes was not a garden at all but a huge wineshop; much too large to be called a shop really; atop a hill centered on the Calpene; the westernmost of Tanchico's three peninsulas below the Great Circle。 A part of the name; at least; came from the breezes that wafted in where polished green…streaked marble columns and balustrades replaced one wall except on the topmost floor。 Golden oiled…silk curtains could be lowered in case of rain。 The hill fell away sharply on that side; and the tables along the balustrades gave a clear view; across white domes and spires; of the great harbor; crowded with more ships than ever。 Tanchico needed everything; desperately; and there was gold to be made … until the gold and time ran out。
       With its gilded lamps and ceilings inlaid with brass fretw
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