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       Wincing; Mat let his head fall back against the spokes。 It had happened again。 He had to get out of the Waste; away from Moiraine; away from any Aes Sedai。 Maybe back home for a while。 Maybe he could get there in time to help with this Whitecloak trouble。 Small chance of that; unless I use the bloody Ways; or another bloody Portal Stone。 That would not solve his problems anyway。 For one thing; there were no answers in Emond's Field to what those snaky folk had meant about marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons; or dying and living again。 Or Rhuidean。
       Through his coat he rubbed the silver foxhead medallion; hung around his neck again。 The pupil of the fox's eye was a tiny circle split by a sinuous line; one side polished bright; the other shaded in some way。 The ancient symbol of Aes Sedai; before the Breaking。 The black…hafted spear; sword…blade point marked with two ravens; he took from where it was leaning beside him and laid it across his knees。 More Aes Sedai work。 Rhuidean had provided no answers; only more questions; and。。。
       Before Rhuidean his memory had been full of holes。 Casting back in his mind then; he would be able to remember walking up to a door in the morning and leaving in the evening; but nothing between。 Now there was something in between; filling all those holes。 Waking dreams; or something very like。 It was as if he could remember dances and battles and streets and cities; none of which he had ever really seen; none of which he was sure had ever existed; like a hundred pieces of memory from a hundred different men。 Better to think of them as dreams; maybe … a little better … yet he was as sure in them as in any of his own remembrances。 Battles numbered the most; and sometimes they crept up on him in a way; as with the crossbow。 He would find himself looking at a piece of ground and planning how to set an ambush there; or defend against one; or how to set an army for battle。 It was madness。
       Without looking; he traced the flowing script carved into the black spear shaft。 He could read it as easily as any book now; though it had taken him the whole trip back to Chaendaer to realize it。 Rand had not said anything; but he suspected he had given himself away; there in Rhuidean。 He knew the Old Tongue now; sifted whole out of those dreams。 Light; what did they do to me?
       〃Sa souvraya niende misain ye;〃 he said aloud。 〃I am lost in my own mind。〃
       〃A scholar; for this day and Age。〃
       Mat looked up to find the gleeman looking at him with dark; deep…set eyes。 The fellow was taller than most; somewhere in his middle years and likely attractive to women; but with an oddly apprehensive way of holding his head cocked as if trying to look at you sideways。
       〃Just something I heard once;〃 Mat said。 He had to be more careful。 If Moiraine decided to pack him off to the White Tower for study; they would never let him out of there again。 〃You hear scraps of things and remember them。 I know a few phrases。〃 That should cover any slips he was stupid enough to make。
       〃I am Jasin Natael。 A gleeman;〃 Natael did not flourish his cloak the way Thom would; he could have been saying he was a carpenter or a wheelwright。 〃Do you mind if I join you?〃 Mat nodded to the ground next to him; and the gleeman folded his legs; tucking his cloak under to sit on。 He seemed fascinated by the Jindo and Shaido milling around the wagons; most still carrying their spears and bucklers。 〃Aiel;〃 he murmured。 〃Not what I would have expected。 I can still hardly credit it。〃
       〃I've been with them for weeks now;〃 Mat said; 〃and I don't know that I believe them myself。 Odd people。 If any of the Maidens ask you to play Maidens' Kiss; my advice is to refuse。 Politely。〃
       Natael frowned at him questioningly。 〃You lead an intriguing life; it seems。〃
       〃What do you mean?〃 Mat asked cautiously。
       〃Surely you do not think it is a secret? Not many men travel in pany with。。。 an Aes Sedai。 The woman Moiraine Damodred。 And then there is Rand al'Thor。 The Dragon Reborn。 He Who es With the Dawn。 Who can say how many prophecies he is supposed to fulfill? An unusual traveling panion; certainly。〃
       The Aiel had talked; of course。 Anyone would。 Still; it was a little unsettling to have a stranger calmly talk about Rand this way。 〃He suits well enough for now。 If he interests you; talk to him。 Myself; I'd just as soon not be reminded。〃
       〃Perhaps I will。 Later; perhaps。 Let us talk of you。 I understand you went into Rhuidean; where none save Aiel have gone in three thousand years。 You got that there?〃 He reached for the spear on Mat's knees; but let his hand fall when Mat drew it away slightly。 〃Very well。 Tell me what you saw。〃
       〃I am a gleeman; Matrim。〃 Natael had his head cocked to one side in that uneasy manner; but his voice held irritation at having to explain。 He lifted a corner of his cloak with its colorful patches as though for proof。 〃You have seen what none have; save a handful of Aiel。 What stories can I make with the sights your eyes have seen? I will even make you the hero; if you wish。〃
       Mat snorted。 〃I don't want to be any bloody hero。〃
       Yet there was no reason to keep silent。 Amys and that lot could chatter about not speaking of Rhuidean; but he was no Aiel。 Besides; it might pay to have somebody with the peddlers who had a little goodwill toward him; somebody who could put in a word when it was needed。
       He told the story from reaching the wall of fog to ing out; leaving out selected bits。 He had no intention of telling anyone else about that twisted…doorway ter'angreal; and he would rather forget the dust gathering into creatures that tried to kill him。 That strange city of huge palaces was surely enough; and Avendesora。
       The Tree of Life Natael passed over quickly; but he took Mat through the rest again and again; asking more and more detail; from exactly what it felt like walking through that fog and how long it took to the color of the shadowless light inside; to descriptions of every last thing Mat could remember seeing in the great square in the heart of the city。 Those Mat gave reluctantly; a slip; and he would find himself talking about ter'angreal; and who knew where that might lead? Even so he drained the last of the warm ale; and still talked until his throat was dry。 It sounded rather dull the way he told it; as though he had just walked in and waited while Rand went off; then walked out again; but Natael seemed intent on digging out every last scrap。 He did remind Mat of Thom then; sometimes Thom concentrated on you as though he meant to wring you dry。
       〃Is this what you are meant to be doing?〃
       Mat jumped in spite of himself at the sound of Keille's voice; hard under its mellifluous tones。 The woman put him on edge; and now she looked ready to rip his heart out; and the gleeman's as well。
       Natael scrambled to his feet。 〃This young man has just been telling me the most fascinating things about Rhuidean。 You will not believe it。〃
       〃We are not here for Rhuidean。〃 The words came out as sharp as her hatchet of a nose。 At least she was only glaring at Natael now。
       〃I tell you
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