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llocs gone。 Trollocs in the Waste; at a place he had e to。 He was not fool enough to think it coincidence。 But if they think I am; maybe they'll grow careless。
       Rhuarc signaled the Jindo to e in … they seemed to rise out of the ground … and some time later the others appeared; the Shaido and the peddlers' wagons and the Wise Ones' party。 Word spread quickly of what had been found; and among the Aiel; tension became palpable。 They moved as if they expected momentary attack; perhaps from each other。 Scouts fanned out in every direction。 Unharnessing their mules; the wagon drivers looked around jerkily; and seemed ready to dive under their wagons at the first shout。
       For a time all was a stirred hive of ants。 Rhuarc made sure the peddlers lined their wagons up on the edge of the Jindo camp。 Couladin glowered; since it meant any Shaido who wanted to trade had to go to the Jindo; but he did not argue。 Perhaps even he could see that might lead to dancing the spears; now。 The Shaido tents went up a scant quarter…mile away; with the Wise Ones; as usual; in between。 The Wise Ones examined the inside of the building; and Moiraine and Lan did; as well; but if they reached any conclusions; they told no one。
       The water at Imre Stand turned out to be a tiny spring at the back of the crevice; feeding a deep; roughly round pool … what Rhuarc called a tank … less than two paces across。 Enough for herdsmen; enough for the Jindo to fill some of their waterskins。 No Shaido went near; in Taardad land; the Jindo had first claim on water。 It seemed the goats got their moisture purely from the thick leaves of the thorny bushes。 Rhuarc assured Rand there would be much more water at the next night's stop。
       Kadere produced a surprise while the wagon drivers were unhitching their teams and fetching buckets from the water…wagons。 When he came out of his wagon; a dark…haired young woman acpanied him; in a red silk gown and red velvet slippers more suited to a palace than to the Waste。 A filmy red scarf wound almost like shoufa and veil provided no protection from the sun; and certainly did nothing to hide a palely beautiful heart…shaped face。 Clinging to the peddler's thick arm; she swayed enticingly as he took her to see the blood…splashed room; Moiraine and the others had gone off to where the gai'shain were erecting the Wise Ones' camp。 When the pair came back out; the young woman shuddered delicately。 Rand was sure it was pretense; just as he was sure she had asked to view that butcher's workroom。 Her show of revulsion lasted all of two seconds; and then she was peering about interestedly at the Aiel。
       It appeared that Rand himself was one of the sights she wanted to see。 Kadere seemed ready to take her back to the wagon; but she guided him to Rand instead; the alluring smile on her full lips plain behind her diaphanous veil。 〃Hadnan has been telling me of you;〃 she said in a smoky voice。 She might have been hanging on the peddler; but her dark eyes traced Rand boldly。 〃You are the one the Aiel talk of。 He Who es With the Dawn。〃 Keille and the gleeman came out of the second wagon and stood together at a distance; watching。
       〃It seems I am;〃 he said。
       〃Strange。〃 Her smile became wickedly mischievous。 〃I thought you would be handsomer。〃 Patting Kadere on the cheek; she sighed。 〃This dreadful heat is so wearing。 Do not be too long。〃
       Kadere did not speak until she had climbed the steps back inside。 His hat had been replaced by a long white scarf tied atop his head; the ends handing down his neck。 〃You must forgive Isendre; good sir。 She is。。。 too forward; sometimes。〃 His voice was mollifying; but his eyes belonged on a bird of prey。 He hesitated; then went on。 〃I have heard other things。 I have heard that you took Callandor out of the Heart of the Stone。〃
       The man's eyed never changed。 If he knew about Callandor; he knew Rand was the Dragon Reborn; knew he could wield the One Power。 And his eyes never changed。 A dangerous man。 〃I have heard it said;〃 Rand told him; 〃that you should believe nothing you hear; and only half of what you see。〃
       〃A wise rule;〃 Kadere said after a moment。 〃Yet to achieve greatly; a man must believe something。 Belief and knowledge pave the road to greatness。 Knowledge is perhaps the most valuable of all。 We all seek the coin of knowledge。 Your pardon; good sir。 Isendre is not a patient woman。 Perhaps we will have another opportunity to talk。〃
       Before the man had taken three steps; Aviendha said in a low; hard voice; 〃You belong to Elayne; Rand al'Thor。 Do you stare so at every woman who es in front of your eyes; or only those who go half…naked? If I strip off my clothes; will you stare so at me? You belong to Elayne!〃
       He had forgotten she was there。 〃I don't belong to anyone; Aviendha。 Elayne? She cannot seem to make up her mind what she thinks。〃
       〃Elayne laid her heart bare to you; Rand al'Thor。 If she did not show you in the Stone of Tear; did her two letters not tell you what she feels? You are hers; and no other's。〃
       Rand threw up his hands and stalked away from her。 At least; he tried。 She followed on his heels; a disapproving shadow in the sun's glare。
       Swords。 The Aiel might have forgotten why they did not carry swords; but they had kept the contempt for them。 Swords might make her leave him alone。 Seeking out Lan in the Wise Ones' camp; he asked the Warder to watch him work the forms。 Bair was the only one of the four in view; and a scowl surely deepened the creases on her face。 Egwene was not to be seen either。 Moiraine wore calm like a mask; dark eyes cool; he could not say whether she approved。
       He was not out to offend the Aiel; so he set up with Lan between the Wise Ones' tents and the Jindo's。 He used one of the practice swords Lan carried in his baggage; a bundle of loosely tied lathes in place of a blade。 The weight and balance were right; though; and he could forget himself in the dance…like flow from form to form; the practice sword alive in his hands; a part of him。 Usually it was that way。 Today the sun was a furnace in the sky baking out moisture and strength。 Aviendha squatted off to one side; hugging her knees to her chest and staring at him。
       Finally; panting; he let his arms drop。
       〃You lost concentration;〃 Lan told him。 〃You must hold on to that even when your muscles turn to water。 Lose it; and that is the day you die。 And it will probably be a farmboy who has his hands on a sword for the first time who does it。〃 His smile was sudden; odd on that stony face。
       〃Yes。 Well; I'm not a farmboy any longer; am I?〃 They had gained an audience; if at a distance。 Aiel lined the edge of both the Shaido and Jindo camps。 Keille's cream…wrapped bulk stood out among the Jindo; the gleeman beside her in his cloak of colored patches。 Which one did he choose? He did not want them to see him watching them。 〃How do Aiel fight; Lan?〃
       〃Hard;〃 the Warder said dryly。 〃They never lose concentration。 Look here。〃 With his sword he drew on the hard; cracked clay; a circle and arrows。 〃Aiel change tactics according to circumstances; but here is one they favor。 They move in a column; divided into 
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