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tasting tea had settled his headache。 Well; after a fashion; anyway。 What else ailed him; he did not think Moiraine could do anything about; and he had no intention of telling her until he understood it himself。 If then。 He didn't even want to think of it。
       Moiraine and the Wise Ones were watching him。 Watching Rand; actually; he supposed; but it felt the same。 Surprisingly; the sun…haired one; Melaine; had climbed up on Aldieb behind the Aes Sedai; riding awkwardly and holding Moiraine around the waist as they talked。 He had not known Aiel would ride at all。 A very pretty woman; Melaine; with those fiery green eyes。 Except; of course; that she could channel。 A man would have to be an utter fool to tangle himself with one of those。 Shifting in Pips's saddle; he reminded himself that it did not matter to him what Aiel did。
       I've been to Rhuidean。 I've done what those snake folk said I had to。 And what did he have to show for it? This bloody spear; a silver medallion; and。。。 I could go now。 If I have any sense; I will。
       He could go。 Try to find his own way out of the Waste before he died of thirst or sunstroke。 He could if Rand was not still pulling at him; holding him。 The easiest manner of finding out was just to try leaving。 Looking at the bleak landscape; he grimaced。 A wind picked up … it felt as if it blew across an overheated cookstove … and small whirlwinds spun funnels of yellow dust across the cracked ground。 Heat…haze made the distant mountains shimmer。 Maybe it was best to stay around a while longer。
       One of the Maidens who had been scouting ahead came trotting back and fell in beside Rhuarc; speaking for his ear alone。 She flashed Mat a grin when she was done; and he busied himself picking a sharp burr out of Pips's mane。 He remembered her all too well; a red…haired woman named Dorindha; about Egwene's age。 Dorindha was one of those who had talked him into trying Maidens' Kiss。 She had collected the first forfeit。 It was not that he did not want to meet her eyes; certainly not that he could not; keeping your horse free of burrs and the like was important。
       〃Peddlers;〃 Rhuarc announced when Dorindha sprinted off the way she had e。 〃Peddlers' wagons; heading in this direction。〃 He did not sound pleased。
       Mat brightened considerably; though。 A peddler might be just the thing。 If the fellow knew the way in; he knew the way out。 He wondered if Rand suspected what he was thinking; the man had gone as blank faced as any of the Aiel。
       The Aiel picked up their pace a little … Couladin's people imitated the Jindo and the Wise Ones' party with hardly a hesitation; their own scouts had probably brought word; too … a quick enough step that the horses had to maintain a brisk walk。 The sun did not bother the Aiel at all; not even the gai'shain in their white robes。 They flowed over the broken ground。
       Less than two miles brought the wagons in sight; a dozen and a half of them; strung out in a line。 All showed the wear of hard travel; with spare wheels lashed everywhere。 Despite a coat of yellow dust; the first two looked like white…painted boxes on wheels; or little houses; plete with wooden steps at the back and a metal stove…chimney sticking through the roof。 The last three; drawn by twenty…mule hitches; appeared no more than huge barrels; also white; doubtless full of water。 Those in between could have done for peddlers' wagons in the Two Rivers; with high stout…spoked wheels and clanking clusters of pots and things in big net bags tied all along the tall round canvas covers。
       The wagondrivers drew rein as soon as they spotted the Aiel; waiting for the columns to e to them。 A heavy man in a pale gray coat and dark; wide…brimmed hat climbed down from the back of the lead wagon and stood watching; now and then taking off his flat…crowned hat to wipe his forehead with a large white handkerchief。 If he was nervous; looking at maybe fifteen hundred Aiel sweeping toward him; Mat could not blame him。 The strange thing was the expressions on the Aiel nearest Mat。 Rhuarc; trotting ahead of Rand's horse; looked grim; and Heirn wore a face that could break rocks。
       〃I don't understand;〃 Mat said。 〃You look like you're going to kill somebody。〃 That would certainly put paid to his hopes。 〃I thought there were three kinds of people you Aiel let e out here in the Waste; peddlers; gleemen; and the Traveling People。〃
       〃Peddlers and gleemen are wele;〃 Heirn replied curtly。 If this was a wele; Mat did not want to see Aiel being unweling。
       〃What about the Traveling People?〃 he asked curiously。 When Heirn kept silent; he added; 〃Tinkers? The Tuatha'an?〃 The sept chief's face grew even harder before he turned his eyes back to the wagons。 Aviendha shot Mat a look as if he were a fool。
       Rand drew Jeade'en close to Pips。 〃I'd not mention Tinkers to the Aiel if I were you;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃They are a touchy subject。〃
       〃If you say so。〃 Why would Tinkers be a touchy subject? 〃Looks to me like they're being touchy enough about this peddler。 Peddler! I can remember merchants who came to Emond's Field with fewer wagons。〃
       〃He came into the Waste;〃 Rand chuckled。 Jeade'en tossed his head and danced a few steps。 〃I wonder if he will leave it again?〃 Rand's twisted grin did not reach his eyes。 Sometimes Mat almost wished Rand would decide whether he was mad or not and get; it over with。 Almost。
       Three hundred paces short of the wagons; Rhuarc signaled a halt; and he and Heirn went on alone。 At least; that seemed to have been his intention; but Rand heeled his dapple stallion after them; and the inevitable bodyguard of a hundred Jindo followed。 And Aviendha; of course; keeping close as though tied to Rand's horse。 Mat rode right with them。 If Rhuarc sent this fellow packing; he did not mean to miss his chance to go along。
       Couladin came trotting out from the Shaido。 Alone。 Perhaps he meant to do as Rhuarc and Heirn had intended; but Mat suspected the man was pointing out that he went alone where Rand needed a hundred guards。 At first it seemed Moiraine was ing; too; but words passed between the Wise Ones and her; and they all stayed where they were。 Watching; though。 The Aes Sedai dismounted; playing with something small that sparkled; and Egwene and the Wise Ones clustered around her。
       Despite his face mopping; the big; gray…coated fellow did not appear uneasy up close; although he jumped when Maidens suddenly rose out of the ground; encircling his wagons。 The wagon drivers; hard…faced men with more than enough scars and broken noses to go around; looked ready to crawl under their seats; they were tough alley dogs pared to Aiel wolves。 The peddler recovered right away。 He was not fat for all his size; that heaviness was muscle。 Rand and Mat on their horses earned his curious glances; but he singled out Rhuarc at once。 His hooked beak of a nose and dark; tilted eyes gave his square swarthy face a predatory look not lessened when he put on a wide smile and swept his broad…brimmed hat off in a bow。 〃I am Hadnan Kadere;〃 he said; 〃peddler。 I seek Cold Rocks Hold; good sirs; but I will trade with one and all。 I have many fine…〃
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