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       The Wise Ones walked just like all the other Aiel; including those strange; white…robed men and women Rhuarc called gai'shain; who led their packhorses。 Not servants; exactly; but Rand was unsure he really understood Rhuarc's explanation about honor and obligation and captives; Heirn had been even more confusing; as though making an effort to explain why water was wet。 Moiraine; Egwene and Lan rode with the Wise Ones; or at least the two women did。 The Warder had his warhorse a little off on the side of the Shaido; watching them as closely as he did the rugged landscape。 Sometimes Moiraine or Egwene or both got down to walk awhile; talking with the Wise Ones。 Rand would have given his last penny to hear what they said。 They looked in his direction often; quick glances that he was doubtless not supposed to notice。 For some reason; Egwene was wearing her hair in two braids; plaited with lengths of red ribbon; like a bride's。 He did not know why。 He had mented on them before leaving Chaendaer … just mentioned them … and she nearly took his head off。
       〃Elayne is the woman for you。〃
       He looked down at Aviendha in confusion。 The challenging look was back in her blue…green eyes; but still layered atop stark dislike。 She had been waiting outside the tent when he awoke that morning; and had not strayed more than three paces from him since。 Clearly the Wise Ones had set her to spy; and clearly he was not supposed to realize it。 She was pretty; and he was assumed to be fool enough not to see beyond that。 No doubt that was the real reason she wore skirts now; and carried no weapon beyond a small beltknife。 Women seemed to think men were simple…minded。 e to think of it; none of the other Aiel had mented at her change of clothing; but even Rhuarc avoided looking at her for too long。 Probably they knew why she was there; or had some inkling of the Wise Ones' plan; and did not want to speak of it。
       Rhuidean。 He still did not know why she had gone; Rhuarc muttered about 〃women's business;〃 plainly reluctant to discuss it around her。 Considering the way she clung to Rand's side; that meant not discussing it at all。 The clan chief was certainly listening now; and Heirn; and every Jindo in earshot。 It was hard to tell with Aiel; sometimes; but he thought they looked amused。 Mat was whistling softly; ostentatiously looking at anything but the two of them。 Even so; this was the first time all day she had spoken to him。
       〃What do you mean?〃 he asked。
       Her bulky skirts did not hinder her; walking along beside Jeade'en。 No; not walking。 Stalking。 If she were a cat; she would be lashing her tail。 〃Elayne is a wetlander; your own kind。〃 She tossed her head arrogantly。 The short tail that Aiel warriors wore at the nape of the neck was missing。 The folded scarf around her temples nearly enveloped her hair。 〃Exactly the woman for you。 Is she not beautiful? Her back is straight; her limbs supple and strong; her lips like plump love…apples。 Her hair is spun gold; her eyes blue sapphires。 Her skin is smoother than the finest silk; her bosom fine and well…rounded。 Her hips are …〃
       He cut her off frantically; his cheeks heating。 〃I know she's pretty。 What are you doing?〃
       〃I am describing her。〃 Aviendha frowned up him。 〃Have you seen her in her bath? There is no need for me to describe her if you have seen …〃
       〃I have not seen!〃 He wished he did not sound strangled。 Rhuarc and the others were listening; faces too blank for anything but amusement。 Mat rolled his eyes with an open; roguish grin。
       The woman only shrugged and rearranged her shawl。 〃She should have arranged it。 But I have seen her; and I will act as her near sister。〃 The emphasis seemed to say his 〃near sister〃 might have done the same; Aiel customs were strange; but this was mad! 〃Her hips …〃
       〃Stop that!〃
       She gave him a sideways glare。 〃She is the woman for you。 Elayne has laid her heart at your feet for a bridal wreath。 Do you think there was anyone in the Stone of Tear who does not know?〃
       〃I do not want to talk about Elayne;〃 he told her firmly。 Certainly not if she meant to go on as she had begun。 The thought made his face go hot again。 The woman did not seem to care what she said; or who heard!
       〃You do well to blush; putting her aside when she has bared her heart to you。〃 Aviendha's voice was hard and contemptuous。 〃Two letters she wrote; baring all as if she had stripped herself beneath your mother's roof; You entice her into corners for kisses; then reject her。 She meant every word of those letters; Rand al'Thor! Egwene told me so。 She meant every word。 What do you mean toward her; wetlander?〃
       Rand scrubbed a hand through his hair; and had to rearrange his shoufa。 Elayne meant every word? In both letters? That was flat impossible。 One contradicted the other nearly point for point! Suddenly he gave a start。 Egwene had told her? About Elayne's letters? Did women discuss these things among themselves? Did they plan out between them how best to confuse a man?
       He found himself missing Min。 Min had never made him look a fool。 Well; not more than once or twice。 And she had never insulted him。 Well; she had called him 〃sheepherder〃 a few times。 But he felt fortable around her; warm; in a strange way。 She never made him feel a plete idiot; like Elayne; and Aviendha。
       His silence seemed to irritate the Aiel woman more; if such was possible。 Muttering to herself; striding along as though she wanted to trample something; she adjusted and readjusted her shawl half a dozen times。 Finally her grumbling faded away。 Instead; she began staring at him。 Like a vulture。 He could not see how she did not trip and fall on her face。
       〃Why are you looking at me like that?〃 he demanded。
       〃I am listening; Rand al'Thor; since you wish me to be silent。〃 She smiled around gritted teeth。 〃Do you not enjoy having me listen to you?〃
       He glanced beyond her at Mat; who shook his head。 There was just no understanding women。 Rand tried to set himself to considering what lay ahead; but it was difficult with the woman's eyes on him。 Pretty eyes; if they had not been full of spite; but he did wish she would look at something else。
       Shading his eyes against the sun's glare; Mat did his best to avoid looking at Rand and the Aiel woman striding along between their horses。 He could not understand why Rand put up with her。 Aviendha was pretty enough; to be sure … more than just pretty; especially now she wore a semblance of proper clothes … but with a viper for a tongue and a temper to make Nynaeve look meek。 He was just glad Rand was stuck with her and not him。
       He pulled the kerchief from his head and wiped the sweat off of his face; then tied it back。 The heat and the eternal sun in his eyes were beginning to get to him。 Was there no such thing as shade in this whole land? Sweat stung his wounds。 He had refused Healing the night before; when Moiraine wakened him after he had finally gotten to sleep。 A few cuts were a small price to avoid having the Power used on you; and the Wise Ones' filthy…tasting tea had settled his headache。 Well; after a fashion; anyway。 What else ailed hi
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