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       〃I know I said I would not go to Tel'aran'rhiod without you;〃 Egwene said; trying to sound reasonable; 〃but …〃
       Something seized her ankles; hauled her feet into the air; blankets tumbled away; her shift dropped to bunch in her armpits。 Upside down; she hung with her face level with that of Amys。 Furious; she opened herself to saidar … and found herself blocked。
       〃You wanted to go off alone;〃 Amys hissed softly。 〃You were warned; but you had to go。〃 Her eyes seemed to glow in the dark; brighter and brighter。 〃Never a care for what might be waiting。 There are things in dreams to shatter the bravest heart。〃 Around eyes like blue coals; her face melted; stretched。 Scales sprouted where skin had been; her jaws thrust out; lined with sharp teeth。 〃Things to eat the bravest heart;〃 she growled。
       Screaming; Egwene battered vainly at the shield holding her from the True Source。 She tried to beat at that horrible face; at the thing that could not be Amys; but something gripped her wrists; stretched her taut and quivering in midair。 All she could do was shriek as those jaws closed around her face。
       Screaming; Egwene sat up; clutching at her blankets。 With an effort she managed to snap her mouth shut; but she could do nothing about the shudders that racked her。 She was in the tent … or was she? There was Amys; cross…legged in the shadows; glowing with saidar … or was it she? Desperately; she opened herself to the Source; and nearly howled when she found the barrier again。 Tossing the blankets aside; she scrambled across the layered rugs on bands and knees; scattered her neatly folded clothes with both hands。 She had a belt knife。 Where was it? Where? There!
       〃Sit down;〃 Amys said acerbically; 〃before I dose you for vapors and fidgets。 You will not like the taste。〃
       Egwene twisted around on her knees; the short knife held in both hands; they would have trembled if not clutched together around the hilt。 〃Is it really you this time?〃
       〃I am myself; now and also then。 Sharp lessons are the best lessons。 Do you mean to stab me?〃
       Hesitating; Egwene sheathed the knife。 〃You have no right to …〃
       〃I have every right! You gave me your word。 I did not know Aes Sedai could lie。 If I am to teach you; I must know you will do as I say。 I will not watch a pupil of mine cut her own throat!〃 Amys sighed; the glow around her vanished; and so did the barrier between Egwene and saidar。 〃I cannot shield you any longer。 You are far stronger than I。 In the One Power; you are。 You very nearly battered down my shield。 But if you cannot keep your word; I do not know that I want to instruct you。〃
       〃I will keep my word; Amys。 I promise I will。 But I have to meet with my friends; in Tel'aran'rhiod。 I promised them; too。 Amys; they might need my help; my advice。〃 Amys's face was not easy to make out in the darkness; but Egwene did not see any softening。 〃Please; Amys。 You've taught me so much already。 I think I could find them wherever they are; now。 Please; don't stop when there is so much yet for me to learn。 Whatever you want me to do; I will。〃
       〃Braid your hair;〃 Amys said in a flat tone。
       〃My hair?〃 Egwene said uncertainly。 It would certainly be no inconvenience; but why? She wore it loose now; falling below her shoulders; yet it was not that long ago that she had almost burst with pride on the day the Women's Circle back home had said she was old enough to put her hair in a braid like the one Nynaeve still wore。 In the Two Rivers; a braid said you were old enough to be considered a woman。
       〃One over each ear。〃 Amys's voice was still like a flat rock。 〃If you have no ribbon to twine in the braids; I will give you some。 That is how little girls wear their hair among us。 Girls too young to be held to their word。 When you prove to me that you can keep yours; you can stop wearing it so。 But if you lie to me again; I will make you cut your skirts off short; like little girls' dresses; and find you a doll to carry。 When you decide to behave as a woman; you will be treated as a woman。 Agree to it; or I will teach you no more。〃
       〃I will agree if you will acpany me when I must meet …〃
       〃Agree; Aes Sedai! I do not bargain with children; or those who cannot keep their word。 You will do as I say; accept what I choose to give; and no more。 Or else go off and get yourself killed on your own。 I … will … not … aid it!〃
       Egwene was glad of the dark; it hid her scowl。 She had given her word; but this was all so unfair。 No one was trying to hedge Rand around with silly rules。 Well; perhaps he was different。 She was not sure she wanted to trade Amys's edicts for Couladin's desiring to put a spear through her; in any; case。 Mat would certainly not put up with other people's rules。 Yet ta'veren or not; Mat had nothing to learn; all he had to do was be。 Very likely he would refuse to learn anything given the chance; unless it had to do with gambling or raising food。 She wanted to learn。 Sometimes it seemed an unending thirst; however much she absorbed; she could not quench it。 That still did not make it fair。 Only the way things are; she thought ruefully。
       〃I agree;〃 she said。 〃I will do as you say; accept what you give; and no more。〃
       〃Good。〃 After a long pause; as if waiting to see whether Egwene wanted to say more … she wisely held her tongue … Amys added; 〃I mean to be hard on you; Egwene; but not without purpose。 That you think I have taught you much already only shows how little you knew to begin。 You have a strong talent for the dream; very likely you will outstrip any of us by far; one day。 But if you do not learn what I can teach you … what we four can all teach you … you will never develop that talent fully。 It is most likely you will not live long enough to do so。〃
       〃I will try; Amys。〃 She thought she managed a good approximation of meekness。 Why did the woman not say what she wanted to hear? If Egwene could not go to Tel'aran'rhiod alone; then Amys had to e; too; when she next met Elayne。 Or it might be Nynaeve; next time。
       〃Good。 Do you have anything else to say?〃
       〃No; Amys。〃
       The pause was longer this time; Egwene waited as patiently as she could; hands folded on her knees。
       〃So you can hold your demands inside when you wish;〃 Amys said at last; 〃even if it does make you twitch like a goat with the itch。 Do I mistake the cause? I can give you an ointment。 No? Very well。 I will acpany you when you must meet your friends。〃
       〃Thank you;〃 Egwene said primly。 A goat with an itch indeed!
       〃In case you did not listen when I first told you; learning will be neither easy nor short。 You think you have worked these last days。 Prepare to give real time and effort now。〃
       〃Amys; I will learn as much as you can teach me; and I will work as hard as you want; but between Rand and the Darkfriends。。。 Time to learn may turn out to be a luxury; and my purse empty。〃
       〃I know;〃 Amys said wearily。 〃He troubles us already。 e。 You have wasted enough time with your childishness。 There is women's business to be discussed。 e。 The others are waiting。〃
       For the first time Egwene realized Moirain
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