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hat is best for the whole。 Rand is a king; Egwene; even if without a nation unless you count Tear; and if he won't do anything that will hurt anyone; he will end by hurting everyone。〃
       Egwene sniffed。 It might make sense; but she did not have to like it。 People were people; and they had to be seen as people。 〃There is more。 Some of the Wise Ones can channel。 I don't know how many; but I suspect more than a few; to some degree。 From what Amys tells me; they find every last woman who has the spark born in her。〃 No Aiel women died trying to teach themselves to channel while not even knowing what they were trying to do; there was no such thing as a wilder among the Aiel。 Men who learned they could channel faced a grimmer fate; they went north; to the Great Blight and maybe beyond; to the Blasted Lands and Shayol Ghul。 〃Going to kill the Dark One;〃 they called it。 None survived long enough to face madness。 〃Aviendha is one with the spark; it turns out。 She'll be very strong; I think。 Amys thinks so; too。〃
       〃Aviendha;〃 Elayne said wonderingly。 〃Of course。 I should have known。 I felt the same kinship for Jorin on first sight that I did for her。 And for you; for that matter。〃
       Elayne grimaced。 〃I promised I would keep her secret; and the first chance I get; I let my tongue run wild。 Well; I don't suppose you will harm her or her sisters。 Jorin is Windfinder on Wavedancer; Egwene。 She can channel; and so can some of the other Windfinders。〃 She glanced at the columns around them; and her neckline was suddenly back up under her chin。 She adjusted a dark lace shawl that had not been there a moment before; covering her hair and shadowing her face。 〃Egwene; you mustn't tell anyone。 Jorin is afraid the Tower will try to force them to bee Aes Sedai; or try to control them in some fashion。 I promised I would do what I can not to let that happen。〃
       〃I won't tell;〃 Egwene said slowly。 Wise Ones and Windfinders。 Women able to channel among both; and none who had taken the Three Oaths; bound by the Oath Rod。 The Oaths were supposed to make people trust Aes Sedai; or at least not fear their power; but Aes Sedai still had to move in secret as often as not。 Wise Ones … and Windfinders; she was willing to wager … had honored places in their societies。 Without being bound to supposedly make them safe。 It was something to think on。
       〃Nynaeve and I are ahead of schedule; too; Egwene。 Jorin has been teaching me to work the weather … you would not believe the size of the flows of Air she can weave! … and between us; we've had Wavedancer moving as fast as he ever has; and that is fast。 We should be in Tanchico in another three days; maybe two; according to Coine。 She's the Sailmistress; the captain。 Ten days from Tear to Tanchico; perhaps。 That is with stopping to talk with every Atha'an Miere ship we see。 Egwene; the Sea Folk think Rand is their Coramoor。〃
       〃They do?〃
       〃Coine has some of what happened in Tear wrong … she assumes the Aes Sedai serve Rand now; for one thing; Nynaeve and I thought it best not to put her straight about that … but as soon as she tells another Sailmistress; they're all ready to spread the word and serve Rand。 I believe they will do anything he asks of them。〃
       〃I wish the Aiel were so accepting;〃 Egwene sighed。 〃Rhuarc thinks some of them might refuse to acknowledge him; Rhuidean Dragons or no。 One fellow; a man called Couladin; I'm sure would kill him in a minute given half a chance。〃
       Elayne took a step forward。 〃You will see that doesn't happen。〃 It was not a question or a request。 There was a sharp light in her blue eyes; and a bared dagger in her hand。
       〃I will do the best I can。 Rhuarc is giving him bodyguards。〃
       Elayne seemed to see the dagger for the first time; and gave a start。 The blade vanished。 〃You must teach me whatever Amys is teaching you; Egwene。 It is disconcerting to have things appear and disappear; or suddenly realize I'm wearing different clothes。 It just happens。〃
       〃I will。 When I have time。〃 She had been in Tel'aran'rhiod too long already。 〃Elayne; if I am not here when we are supposed to meet next; don't worry。 I will try; but I may not be able to e。 Be sure to tell Nynaeve。 If I do not e; check every night thereafter。 I won't be more than one or two late; I'm sure。〃
       〃If you say so;〃 Elayne said doubtfully。 〃It will surely take weeks to find out if Liandrin and the others are in Tanchico or not。 Thom seems to think the city will be very confused。〃 Her eyes went to Callandor; driven half its length into the floor。 〃Why did he do that; do you think?〃
       〃He said it will hold the Tairens to him。 As long as they know it's there; they have to know he is ing back。 Maybe he knows what he is talking about。 I hope so。〃
       〃Oh。 I thought。。。 perhaps he。。。 was angry about。。。 something。〃
       Egwene frowned at her。 This sudden diffidence was not like Elayne at all。 〃Angry about what?〃
       〃Oh; nothing。 It was just a thought。 Egwene; I gave him two letters before leaving Tear。 Do you know how he took them?〃
       〃No; I don't。 Did you say something you think might have angered him?〃
       〃Of course not。〃 Elayne laughed gaily; it sounded forced。 Her dress was suddenly dark wool; stout enough for a hard winter。 〃I would have to be a fool to write things to make him angry。〃 Her hair sprang up in all directions; like a crazed crown。 She was not aware of it。 〃I am trying to make him love me; after all。 Just trying to make him love me。 Oh; why can't men be simple? Why do they have to cause such difficulties? At least he's away from Berelain。〃 The wool became silk again; cut even lower than before; her hair made shimmers on her shoulders to shame the gown's sheen。 She hesitated; nibbling her lower lip。 〃Egwene? If you find the chance; would you tell him I meant what I said in … Egwene? Egwene!〃
       Something snatched Egwene。 The Heart of the Stone dwindled into blackness as if she were being hauled away by the scruff of her neck。
       With a gasp; Egwene started awake; heart pounding; staring up the low roof of the night…darkened tent over her head。 Only a little moonlight crept in at the open sides。 She lay under her blankets … the Waste was as cold at night as it was hot during the day; and the brazier that exuded the sweetish smell of dried dung burning gave little warmth … beneath her blankets right where she had lain down to sleep。 But … what had pulled her back?
       Abruptly she became aware of Amys; sitting cross…legged beside her; cloaked in shadows。 The Wise One's murk…shrouded face seemed as dark and foreboding as the night。
       〃Did you do that; Amys?〃 she said angrily。 〃You have no right to just haul me about。 I am Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah。。。 〃 The lie came easily to her lips now 〃。 。 。 and you have no right …〃
       Amys cut her off With a grim voice。 〃Beyond the Dragonwall; in the White Tower; you are Aes Sedai。 Here; you are an ignorant pupil; a fool child crawling through a den of vipers。〃
       〃I know I said I would not go to Tel'aran'rhiod without you;〃 Egwene said; trying to sound reasonable; 〃but …〃
       Something seized her ankles; hauled her feet int
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