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d been right; she was bare as she was born。 And showing some effects of the sun; too; Aiel or not; it was only her hands and face that were sun…darkened; and the rest of her looked decidedly red。 He was glad to see her。 She disliked him; but only because she thought he had mistreated Elayne。 The simplest of motives。 Not for prophecy or doom; not for the Dragons on his arms or because he was the Dragon Reborn。 For a simple human reason。 He almost looked forward to those cool; challenging stares。
       When she saw him; she froze; and there was nothing cool in her blue…green eyes。 Her gaze made the sun seem cold; he should have been burned to ash on the spot。
       〃Uh。。。 Rand?〃 Mat said quietly。 〃I don't think I would turn my back on her if I were you。〃
       A tired sigh escaped him。 Of course。 If she had been into those glass columns; she knew。 Bair; Melaine; the others they had all had years to grow used to it。 For Aviendha; it was a fresh wound with no scab。 No wonder she hates me now。
       The Wise Ones scurried out to meet Aviendha; hurrying her away into another tent。 The next time Rand saw her she wore a bulky brown skirt and loose white blouse; with a shawl looped around her arms。 She did not look very happy about the clothes。 She saw him watching; and the fury on her face … the sheer animal rage … was enough to make him turn away。
       Shadows were beginning to stretch to the far mountains by the time Moiraine appeared; falling and staggering back to her feet as she climbed; as sunburned as Aviendha。 He was startled to see she had no clothes on either。 Women were crazy; that was all。
       Lan leaped from the stone outcrop and ran down to her。 Scooping her into his arms; he ran back upslope; perhaps faster than he had descended; cursing and shouting for the Wise Ones by turns。 Moiraine's head lolled on his shoulder。 The Wise Ones came out to take her; Melaine physically barring his way when he tried to follow them into the tent。 Lan was left stalking up and down outside; pounding a fist into his hand。
       Rand rolled onto his back and stared up at the low tent roof。 Three days saved。 He should have felt glad Moiraine and Aviendha were back and safe; but his relief was all for days saved。 Time was everything。 He had to be able to choose his own ground。 Maybe he still could。
       〃What are you going to do now?〃 Mat asked。
       〃Something you should like。 I am going to break the rules。〃
       〃I meant are you going to get something to eat? Me; I'm hungry。〃
       In spite of himself; Rand laughed。 Something to eat? He did not care if he ever ate again。 Mat stared at him as if he were crazy; and that only made him laugh harder。 Not crazy。 For the first time somebody was going to learn what it meant that he was the Dragon Reborn。 He was going to break the rules in a way no one expected。

Chapter 35
(Spears and Shield)
Sharp Lessons

       The Heart of the Stone in Tel'aran'rhiod was as Egwene remembered it in the real world; huge polished redstone columns rising to a distant ceiling; and; beneath the great central dome; Callandor driven into the pale floorstones。 Only people were missing。 The golden lamps were not lit; yet there was a sort of light; somehow dim and sharp at the same time; that seemed to e from everywhere at once; or nowhere。 It was often like that; indoors in Tel'aran'rhiod。
       What she did not expect was the woman standing beyond the glittering crystal sword and peering off into the pallid shadows among the columns。 The way she was dressed startled Egwene。 Bare feet; and wide trousers of brocaded yellow silk。 Above a darker yellow sash; she was quite bare except for golden chains hanging around her neck。 Tiny gold rings decorated her ears in sparkling rows; and most startling of all; another pierced her nose; with a thin; medallion…lined chain running from nose ring to one of the rings in her left ear。
       〃Elayne?〃 Egwene gasped; gathering her shawl around her as though she were the one with no blouse。 She had garbed herself as a Wise One; this time; for no particular reason。
       The Daughter…Heir leaped; and when she came down facing Egwene she was wearing a demure gown of pale green with a high; embroidered neck and long sleeves that dangled points over her hands。 No earrings。 No nose ring。 〃It is how the Sea Folk women dress at sea;〃 she said hurriedly; with a furious blush。 〃I wanted to see how it felt; and this seemed the best place。 I couldn't do it on the ship; after all。〃
       〃How does it feel?〃 Egwene asked curiously。
       〃Cold; actually。〃 Elayne looked around at the surrounding columns。 〃And it makes you feel people are staring at you; even when there's no one there。〃 Abruptly she laughed。 〃Poor Thom and Juilin。 They do not know where to look most of the time。 Half the crew are women。〃
       Studying the columns herself; Egwene shrugged unfortably。 It did feel as if they were being watched。 No doubt it was just because they were the only people in the Stone。 No one who had access to Tel'aran'rhiod could expect to find anyone to watch; here。 〃Thom? Thom Merrilin? And Juilin Sandar? Are they with you?〃
       〃Oh; Egwene; Rand sent them。 Rand and Lan。 Well; Moiraine sent Thom; actually; but Rand sent Master Sandar。 To help us。 Nynaeve is quite set up about it; about Lan; though of course she won't let on。〃
       Egwene smothered a small smile。 Nynaeve was set up? Elayne's face was beaming; and her dress had changed again; to a much lower neckline; apparently without her realizing it。 The ter'angreal; the twisted stone ring; helped the Daughter Heir reach the World of Dreams as easily as Egwene did; but it did not confer control。 That had to be learned。 Stray thoughts … such as how she might like to look for Rand … could still alter things for Elayne。
       〃How is he?〃 Elayne's voice was a strange blend of forced casualness and apprehension。
       〃Well;〃 Egwene said。 〃I think he is。〃 She made it a full report。 The Portal Stones; and Rhuidean … as much as she knew from what she had heard; what she had managed to infer from talk of seeing through ancestors' eyes … the strange creature from the Dragon banner marked on Rand's forearms; Bair's revelation that he was the Aiel's doom; the summons of the clan chiefs to Alcair Dal。 Amys and the other Wise Ones should be doing that even now; she fervently hoped they were。 She even told the strange story of Rand's true parents; in a shorter form。 〃I don't know; though。 He has been acting stranger than ever; since; and Mat hardly less。 I don't mean that he's mad; but。。。 He is as hard as Rhuarc or Lan; in some ways at least; maybe harder。 He's planning something; I think … something he doesn't mean anybody to know … and he is in a rush to get to it。 It is worrying。 Sometimes I have the feeling he doesn't see people anymore; only pieces on a stones board。〃
       Elayne did not look worried; or not about that; at any rate。 〃He is what he is; Egwene。 A king; or a general; cannot always afford to see people。 When a ruler has to do what is right for a nation; there are times when some will be hurt by what is best for the whole。 Rand is a king; Egwene; even if without a nation unless you count Tear; a
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