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surrounding the spot he had jumped from。 For a moment even Couladin seemed stunned to stillness。
       〃Stop!〃 Bair shouted; running down into the motionless instant。 Her long bulky skirt impeded her no more than her age; she bounded down the slope like a girl for all her。 white hair; and a girl in a fury at that。 〃The peace of Rhuidean; Couladin!〃 Her thin voice was an iron rod。 〃Twice you have tried to break it now。 Once more; and you are outlawed! My word on it! You; and anyone else who lifts a hand!〃 She skidded to a halt in front of Rand; facing the Shaido with the water bag raised as if she meant to bludgeon them with it。 〃'Let who doubts me; raise a weapon! That one will be deprived of shade according to the Agreement of Rhuidean; denied hold or stand or tent。 His own sept will hunt him as a wild beast。〃
       Some of the Shaido hastily unveiled their faces … some of them… but Couladin was not dissuaded。 〃They are armed; Bair! They went armed to Rhuidean! That is …!〃
       〃Silence!〃 Bair shook a fist at him。 〃You dare speak of weapons? You who would break the Peace of Rhuidean; and kill with your face bare to the world? They took no weapon with them; I attest to it。 〃 Deliberately she turned her back; but the gaze she swept across Rand and Mat was hardly softer than what she had given Couladin。 She grimaced at Mat's strange sword…bladed spear; muttering; 〃Did you find that in Rhuidean; boy?〃
       〃I was given it; old woman;〃 Mat growled back hoarsely。 〃I paid for it; and I mean to keep it。〃
       She sniffed。 〃You both look as if you had rolled in knifegrass。 What …? No; you can tell me later。〃 Eyeing Rand's Power…wrought sword; she shivered。 〃Rid yourself of that。 And show them the signs before that fool Couladin tries to whip them up again。 With this temper on him; he would take his whole clan into outlawry without blinking。 Quickly!〃
       For a moment he gaped at her。 Signs? Then he remembered what Rhuarc had shown him once; the mark of a man who had survived Rhuidean。 Letting the sword vanish; he unlaced his left shirt cuff and pushed the sleeve back to his elbow。
       Around his forearm wound a shape like that on the Dragon banner; a sinuous golden…maned form scaled in scarlet and gold。 He expected it; of course; but it was still a shock。 The thing looked like a part of his skin; as though that nonexistent creature itself had settled into him。 His arm felt no different; yet the scales sparkled in the sunlight like polished metal; it seemed if he touched that golden mane atop his wrist; he would surely feel each hair。
       He thrust his arm into the air as soon as it was bare; high so Couladin and his people could see。 Mutters rose among the Shaido; and Couladin snarled wordlessly。 The numbers around the granite outcrop were swelling as more Shaido came running from their tents。 Rhuarc stood with Heirn and his Jindo a little upslope; they watched the Shaido warily; and Rand with an air of expectation his uplifted arm did not lessen。 Lan stood halfway between the two groups; hands resting on his sword hilt; face a thunderhead。
       Just as Rand began to realize the Aiel wanted something more; Egwene and the other three Wise Women reached him; scrambling down the mountain。 The Aiel women looked out of countenance at having to hurry and every bit as angry as Bair had been。 Amys directed her glares at Couladin; while sun…haired Melaine stared blazingly at Rand。 Seana just seemed ready to chew rocks。 Egwene; with a scarf wrapped around her hair and spreadover her shoulders; stared at Mat and him half in consternation and half as though she had expected never to see them again。
       〃Fool man;〃 Bair muttered。 〃All of the signs。〃 Tossing the waterbag to Mat; she seized Rand's right arm and stripped back his sleeve; exposing a mirror twin of the creature on his left forearm。 Her breath caught; then came out in a long sigh。 She seemed balanced on a razor edge between relief and apprehension。 There was no mistaking it; she had hoped for the second marking; yet it made her afraid。 Amys and the other two Wise Women echoed her sign almost exactly。 It was odd to see Aiel fearful。
       Rand almost laughed。 Not that he was amused。 〃Twice and twice shall he be marked。〃 That was what the Prophecies of the Dragon said。 A heron branded into each palm; and now these。 One of the peculiar creatures … Dragons; the Prophecy called them … was supposed to be 〃for remembrance lost。〃 Rhuidean had certainly supplied that; the lost history of the Aiel's origins。 And the other was for 〃the price he must pay。〃 How soon must I pay it? he wondered。 And how many have to pay with me? Others always had to; even when he tried to pay alone。
       Apprehensive or not; Bair did not pause before shoving that arm above his head; too; and proclaiming loudly; 〃Behold what has never been seen before。 A Car'a'carn has been chosen; a chief of chiefs。 Born of a Maiden; he has e with the dawn from Rhuidean; according to prophecy; to unite the Aiel! The fulfillment of prophecy has begun!〃
       The reactions of the other Aiel were nothing like what Rand envisioned。 Couladin stared down at him; even more hatefully than before if that was possible; then leaped from the outcrop and stalked up the slope to vanish into the Shaido tents。 The Shaido themselves began to disperse; glancing at Rand with unreadable faces before drifting back to their tents。 Heirn and the warriors of the Jindo sept; hardly hesitating; did the same。 In moments only Rhuarc remained; his eyes troubled。 Lan went over to the clan chief; from his face; the Warder would just as soon not have seen Rand at all。 Rand was not sure what he had expected; but surely something other than this。
       〃Burn me!〃 Mat muttered。 He seemed to realize for the first time that he had the waterbag in his hands。 Jerking the plug free; he held the hide bag high; letting nearly as much splash over his face as into his mouth。 When he finally lowered it; he looked at the markings on Rand's arms again and shook his head; repeating; 〃Burn me!〃 as he pushed the sloshing bag at him。
       Rand stared at the Aiel in consternation; but he was more than glad to drink。 The first gulps hurt his throat; it was so dry。
       〃What happened to you?〃 Egwene demanded。 〃Did Muradin attack you?〃
       〃It is forbidden to speak of what occurs in Rhuidean;〃 Bair said sharply。
       〃Not Muradin;〃 Rand said。 〃Where's Moiraine? I expected her to be the first to meet us。〃 He rubbed his face; black flakes of dried blood came off on his hand。 〃For once; I won't care if she asks before she Heals me。〃
       〃Me either;〃 Mat said hoarsely。 He swayed; holding himself up with his spear; and pressed the heel of his palm against his forehead。 〃My brain is spinning。〃
       Egwene grimaced。 〃She is still in Rhuidean; I suppose。 But if you have finally e out; maybe she will; as well。 She left right after you。 And Aviendha。 You've all been gone so long。 〃
       〃Moiraine went to Rhuidean?〃 Rand said incredulously。 〃And Aviendha? Why did …〃 Abruptly he registered what else she had said。 〃What do you mean; 'so long'?〃
       〃This is the seventh day;〃 she said。 〃The seventh day since you all went down into the val
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