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       〃Not the way you mean; perhaps;〃 she replied calmly; as though the Whitecloak camp were not in turmoil just a mile off。 〃My reasons are no different today than yesterday。 But I think it might rain in。。。 oh。。。 half an hour。 Maybe less。 Quite a downpour; I expect。〃
       Half an hour。 Perrin grunted and turned to the remaining Two Rivers lads。 Practically quivering with the desire to run; they held their bows in white…knuckled grips。 He hoped they had all remembered to bring spare bowstrings; at least; since it was going to rain。 〃We;〃 he told them; 〃are going to draw the Whitecloaks off so Mistress Cauthon and Mistress Luhhan and the rest can get away safely。 We'll take them south along the North Road until we can lose them in the rain。 If anyone wants out; he had best ride now。 〃 A few hands shifted on their reins; but they all sat their saddles looking at him。 〃All right; then。 Shout like you've gone mad so they'll hear us。 Shout until we reach the road。〃
       Bellowing; he wheeled Stepper and galloped for the road。 At first he was not really certain they would follow; but their wild howls drowned his roar and the thunder of their hooves。 If the Whitecloaks did not hear that; they were deaf。
       Not all of them stopped shouting when they reached the hard…packed dirt of the North Road and swung south at a dead run through the night。 Some laughed and whooped。 Perrin shrugged out of the white cloak and let it fall。 The horns sounded again; a little fainter now。
       〃Perrin;〃 Wil called; leaning forward on the neck of his horse; 〃what do we do now? What do we do next?〃
       〃We hunt Trollocs! 〃 Perrin shouted over his shoulder。 From the way the laughter redoubled; he did not think they believed him。 But he could feel Verin's eyes drilling into his back。 She knew。 Thunder in the night sky echoed the horses' hooves。

Chapter 34
He Who es With the Dawn

       The dawn shadows shortened and paled as Rand and Mat jogged across the barren; still…dark valley floor; leaving fog…shrouded Rhuidean behind。 The dry air hinted at heat to e; but the slight breeze actually felt cool to Rand; with no coat。 That would not last; full blistering daylight would be on them soon enough; They hurried as best they could in the hope of beating it; but he did not think they would。 Their best was not very fast。
       Mat trotted in a pained shamble; a dark smear fanned across half his face; and his coat hung open; revealing his unlaced shirt stuck to his chest by more drying blood。 Sometimes he gingerly touched the thick weal around his throat; nearly black now; growling under his breath; and he stumbled often; catching himself with the odd; black…hafted spear and clutching at his head。 He did not plain; though; which was a bad sign。 Mat was a great plainer at small disforts; if he was silent now; it meant he was in real pain。
       The old; half…healed wound in Rand's side felt as though something were boring into it; and the gashes on his face and head burned; yet lumbering along; half…hunched over his aching side; he hardly thought of his own hurts。 He was all too conscious of the sun rising behind him and the Aiel waiting on the bare mountainside ahead。 There was water and shade up there; and help for Mat。 The rising sun behind; and the Aiel ahead。 Dawn and the Aiel。
       He Who es With the Dawn。 That Aes Sedai he had seen; or dreamed he had seen; before Rhuidean … she had spoken as if she had the Foretelling。 He will bind you together。 He will take you back; and destroy you。 Words delivered like prophecy。 Destroy them。 Prophecy said he would Break the World again。 The idea horrified him。 Perhaps he could escape that part; at least; but war; death and destruction already welled up in his footsteps。 Tear was the first place in what seemed a very long time where he had not left chaos behind; men dying and villages burning。
       He found himself wishing he could climb on Jeade'en and run as fast as the stallion could carry him。 It was not the first time。 But I can't run; he thought。 I have it to do because there isn't anybody else who can。 I do it; or the Dark One wins。 A hard bargain; but the only one there was。 But why would I destroy the Aiel? How?
       That last thought chilled him。 It was too much like accepting that he would; that he should。 He did not want to harm the Aiel。 〃Light;〃 he said harshly; 〃I don't want to destroy anybody。〃 His mouth felt lined with dust again。
       Mat glanced at him silently。 A wary look。
       I am not mad yet; Rand thought grimly。
       Upslope the Aiel were stirring in the three camps。 The cold fact was; he needed them。 That was why he had begun to contemplate this; back when he first discovered that the Dragon Reborn and He Who es With the Dawn might well be one and the same。 He needed people he could trust; people who followed from something besides fear of him; or greed for power。 People who did not mean to use him for their own ends。 He had done what was required; and now he would use them。 Because he had to。 He was not mad yet … he did not think he was … but many would think so before he was done。
       Full; glaring sunlight overtook them before they began to scramble up Chaendaer; heat like a club。 Rand climbed the uneven slope as fast as he could manage; with its dips and rises and rough outcrops; his throat had forgotten its last drink; and the sun dried his shirt as fast as sweat could moisten it。 Mat needed no urging; either。 There was water up there。 Bair stood in front of the Wise One's low tents; a waterbag in her hands; glistening with condensation。 Licking cracked lips; Rand was sure he could see the glisten。
       〃Where is he? What have you done to him?〃
       The roar stopped Rand in his tracks。 The flame…haired man; Couladin; stood atop a thick thumb of granite jutting out from the mountain。 Others of the Shaido clan clustered around its base; all looking at Rand and Mat。 Some were veiled。
       〃Who are you talking about?〃 Rand called back。 His voice croaked with thirst。
       Couladin's eyes bulged in outrage。 〃Muradin; wetlander! He entered two days before you; yet you e out first。 He could not fail where you survive! You must have murdered him!〃
       Rand thought he heard a shout from the Wise One's tents; but before he could even blink; Couladin uncoiled like a snake; casting a spear straight at him。 Two more streaked behind it from the Aiel at the base of the granite thumb。
       Instinctively Rand snatched for saidin and the flame…carved sword。 The blade whirled in his hands … Whirlwind on the Mountain; aptly named … slicing a pair of spear shafts in two。 Mat's spinning black spear just barely knocked the third aside。
       〃Proof!〃 Couladin howled。 〃They entered Rhuidean armed! It is forbidden! Look at the blood on them! They have murdered Muradin! 〃 Even as he spoke he hurled another spear; and this time it was one of a dozen。
       Rand flung himself aside; just conscious of Mat leaping the other way; yet even before they hit the ground the spears came together where Rand had been standing; bouncing off each other。 Rolling to his feet; he found the spears all stuck into the stony ground。 In a perfect circle surro
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