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; but the others were too busy with their own discussions to pay much attention。 Luc left tight…mouthed。 Perrin had the feeling his departures were usually as grand as his arrivals。
       Jac came straight from the door to Perrin。 〃It's a bold plan you have。 I will admit I'm not keen on abandoning my farm; but you talk sense。 I don't know what the Children will make of it; though。 They seem a suspicious lot; to me。 They might think we're all plotting something against them if we gather together。〃
       〃Let them think it;〃 Perrin said。 〃A village full of people can take Luc's advice and tell them to be about their business elsewhere。 Or do you think it's better to stay vulnerable just to hold the Whitecloaks' goodwill; such as it is?〃
       〃No。 No; I see your point。 You've convinced me。 And everybody else; too; it seems。〃
       It did appear to be true。 The murmur of discussion was dying down; but only because everyone looked to be in agreement。 Even Adine; who was marshaling her daughters with loud orders for packing immediately。 She actually gave Perrin a grudgingly approving nod。
       〃When do you mean to go?〃 Perrin asked Jac。
       〃As soon as I can get everybody ready。 We can make Jon Gaelin's place on the North Road before sunset。 I'll tell Jon what you say; and everybody down to Emond's Field。 Better there than Watch Hill。 If we mean to be out from under the Whitecloaks' thumb as well as the Trollocs'; best not to sit under their noses。 〃 Jac scratched his narrow fringe of hair with one finger。 〃Perrin; I don't think the Children would actually hurt Natti Cauthon and the girls; or the Luhhans; but it worries me。 If they do think we're plotting; who's to say?〃
       〃I mean to get them free as soon as I can; Master al'Seen。 And anybody else the Whitecloaks arrest; for that matter。〃
       〃A bold plan;〃 Jac repeated。 〃Well; I had better get people moving if I'm going to have us to Jon's by sundown。 Go with the Light; Perrin。〃
       〃A very bold plan;〃 Verin said; ing up as Master al'Seen hurried off calling orders for wagons to be hauled out and people to pack what they could carry。 She studied Perrin interestedly; head tilted to one side; but no less so than Faile; at her side。 Faile looked as though she had never seen him before。
       〃I don't know why everybody keeps calling it that;〃 he said。 〃A plan; I mean。 That Luc was talking nonsense。 Defying Whitecloaks in the door。 Boys on the roof to watch for Trollocs。 A couple of open gates to disaster。 All I did was point it out。 They should have been doing this from the start。 That man。。。。 〃 He stopped himself from saying Luc irritated him。 Not with Faile there。 She might misunderstand。
       〃Of course;〃 Verin said smoothly。 〃I have not had the opportunity to see it work before this。 Or perhaps I have and did not know it。〃
       〃What are you talking about? See what work?〃
       〃Perrin; when we arrived these people were ready to hold on here at all costs。 You gave them good sense and strong emotion; but do you think the same from me would have shifted them; or from Tam; or Abell? Of any of us; you should know how stubborn Two Rivers people can be。 You have altered the course events would have followed in the Two Rivers without you。 With a few words spoken in。。。 irritation? Ta'veren truly do pull other people's lives into their own pattern。 Fascinating。 I do hope I have an opportunity to observe Rand again。〃
       〃Whatever it is;〃 Perrin muttered; 〃it's to the good。 The more people together in one place; the safer。〃
       〃Of course。 Rand does have the sword; I take it?〃
       He frowned; but there was no reason not to tell her。 She knew about Rand; and she knew what Tear had to mean。 〃He does。〃
       〃Watch yourself with Alanna; Perrin。〃
       〃What?〃 The Aes Sedai's quick changes of topic were beginning to confuse him。 Especially when she started telling him to do what he had already thought of; and thought to keep secret from her。 〃Why?〃
       Verin's face did not change; but her dark eyes were suddenly bird bright and sharp。 〃There are many。。。 designs in the White Tower。 Not all are malignant; by far; but sometimes it is difficult to say until it is too late。 And even the most benevolent often allow for a few threads snapped in the weaving; a few reeds broken and discarded in making a basket。 A ta'veren would make a useful reed in any number of possible plans。〃 Just as suddenly she was looking a little confused by the bustle around her; more at home in a book or her own thoughts than in the real world。 〃Oh; my。 Master al'Seen is not wasting any time; is he? I'll just see if he can spare someone to fetch our horses。〃
       Faile shivered as the Brown sister moved away。 〃Sometimes Aes Sedai make me。。。 uneasy;〃 she murmured。
       〃Uneasy?〃 Perrin said。 〃Most of the time they scare me half to death。〃
       She laughed softly and began playing with a button on his coat; peering at it intently。 〃Perrin; I。。。 have。。。 been a fool。〃
       〃What do you mean?〃 She glanced up at him … she was about to twist the button right off … and he hastily added; 〃You are one of the least foolish people I know。〃 He clamped his teeth shut before he could add 〃most of the time;〃 and was glad he had when she smiled。
       〃That is very nice of you to say; but I was。〃 She patted the coat button and began adjusting his coat … which it did not need … and smoothing his lapels … which they did not need。 〃You were so silly;〃 she said;。 speaking too fast; 〃just because that young man looked at me … really; he is much too boyish; not at all like you … that I thought I would make you jealous … just a little … by pretending … just pretending … to be attracted to Lord Luc。 I should not have done it。 Will you forgive me?〃
       He tried to sort through the jumbled words。 It was good she thought Wil was boyish … if he tried to grow a beard it would probably be straggly … but she had not mentioned the way she returned Wil's look。 And if she had been pretending to be attracted to Luc; why had she blushed that way? 〃Of course I forgive you;〃 he said。 A dangerous light appeared in her eyes。 〃I mean; there's nothing to forgive。〃 If anything; the light sparkled hotter。 What did she want him to say? 〃Will you forgive me? When I was trying to chase you away; I said things I shouldn't have。 Will you forgive me that?〃
       〃You said some things that need forgiving?〃 she said sweetly; and he knew he was in trouble。 〃I cannot think what; but I will take it into consideration。〃
       Into consideration? She sounded very much the noblewoman there; maybe her father worked for some lord; so she could study the way ladies talked。 He had no idea what she meant。 Whenever he found out would be too soon; he was certain。
       It was a relief to climb back into Stepper's saddle amid the confusion of wagon teams being hitched and people arguing over what they could or could not take and children chasing down chickens and geese and tying their feet for loading。 Boys were already driving the cattle eastward; and others herding the sheep out of the cote。
       Faile made no reference to what had been said inside。 Indeed; she smiled at him; and pared the keeping of sheep he
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