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 Children … but he wanted as little trouble as possible。 Trouble sparked trouble。 If rough treatment was needed with the prisoners; it might raise resentment in the village to a point where something had to be done about it。 Byar was a fool。 He … and others; Farran especially … wanted to put the prisoners to the question。 Bornhald was not a Questioner; and he did not like to use their methods。 Nor did he mean to let Farran anywhere near those girls; even if they were Darkfriends; as Ordeith claimed。
       Darkfriends or no Darkfriends; he realized more and more that all he really wanted was one Darkfriend。 More than the Trollocs; more than Aes Sedai; he wanted Perrin Aybara。 He could hardly credit Byar's tale's of the man running with wolves; but Byar was clear enough that Aybara had led Bornhald's father into a Darkfriend trap; led Geofram Bornhald to his death on Toman Head at the hands of the Seanchan Darkfriends and their Aes Sedai allies。 Perhaps; if neither of the Luhhans talked soon; he might let Byar have his way with the blacksmith。 Either the man would crack; or his wife would; watching。 One of them would give him the means to find Perrin Aybara。
       When he dismounted in front of his tent; Byar was there to meet him; stiff and gaunt as a scarecrow。 Bornhald glanced distastefully toward a much smaller collection of tents apart from the rest。 The wind was from that direction; and he could smell the other camp。 They did not keep their picket lines clean; or themselves。 〃Ordeith is back; it seems; yes?〃
       〃Yes; my Lord Bornhald。 〃 Byar stopped; and Bornhald looked at him questioningly。 〃They report a skirmish with Trollocs to the south。 Two dead。 Six wounded; they claim。
       〃And who are the dead?〃 Bornhald asked quietly。
       〃Child Joelin and Child Gomanes; my Lord Bornhald。〃 Byar's hollow…cheeked expression never changed。
       Bornhald drew off his steel…backed gauntlets slowly。 The two he had sent off to acpany Ordeith; to see what he did on his forays south。 Carefully; he did not raise his voice。 〃My pliments to Master Ordeith; Byar; and … No! No pliments。 Tell him; in these words; that I will have his scrawny bones before me now。 Tell him; Byar; and bring him if you must arrest him and those filthy wretches who disgrace the Children。 Go。〃
       Bornhald held his anger until he was inside his tent; flap lowered; then swept maps and writing case from his camp table with a snarl。; Ordeith must think him an imbecile。 Twice he had sent men with the fellow; and twice they had been the only deaths in 〃a skirmish with Trollocs〃 that left no wounded to show among the rest。 Always to the south。 The man was obsessed with Emond's Field。 Well; he himself might have had his camp there; if not for。。。 No point to it now。 He had the Luhhans here。 They would give him Perrin Aybara; one way or another。 Watch Hill was a much better site if he had to move to Taren Ferry quickly。 Military considerations before personal。
       For the thousandth time he wondered why the Lord Captain mander had sent him here。 The people seemed no different from those he had seen a hundred other places。 Except that only the Taren Ferry folk showed any enthusiasm for rooting out their own Darkfriends。 The rest stared with a sullen stubbornness when the Dragon's Fang was scrawled on a door。 A village always knew who its own undesirables were; they were always ready to cleanse themselves; with a little encouragement; and any Darkfriends were certain to be swept up with the others the people wanted gone。 But not here。 The black scrawl of a sharp fang on a door might as well be new whitewash for all of its real effect。 And the Trollocs。 Had Pedron Niall known the Trollocs would e when he wrote those orders? How could he have? But if not; why had he sent enough of the Children to put down a small rebellion? And why under the Light had the Lord Captain mander burdened him with a murderous madman?
       The tent flap swept aside; and Ordeith swaggered in。 His fine gray coat was embroidered with silver; but stained heavily。 His scrawny neck was dirty; too; jutting out of his collar and giving him the look of a turtle。 〃A good evening to you; my Lord Bornhald。 A gracious good evening; and splendid。〃 The Lugard accent was heavy today。
       〃What happened to Child Joelin and Child Gomanes; Ordeith?〃
       〃Such a terrible thing; my Lord。 When we came on the Trollocs; Child Gomanes bravely …〃 Bornhald struck him across the face with his gauntlets。 Staggering; the bony man put a hand to his split lip; examined the red on his fingers。 The smile on his face no longer mocked。 It looked viperish。 〃Are you forgetting who signed my mission now; lordling? Pedron Niall will be hanging you with your mother's guts if I say a word; after he has the both of you skinned alive。〃
       〃That is if you are alive to speak this word; yes?〃
       Ordeith snarled; crouching like some wild thing; spittle bubbling。 Slowly he shook himself; slowly straightened。 〃We must work together。〃 The Lugarder accent was gone; replaced by a grander; more manding tone。 Bornhald preferred the taunting Lugarder voice to the slightly oily; barely veiled contempt in this one。 〃The Shadow lies all around us here。 Not simply Trollocs and Myrddraal。 They are the least of it。 Three were spawned here; Darkfriends meant to shake the world; their breeding guided by the Dark One for a thousand years or more。 Rand al'Thor。 Mat Cauthon。 Perrin Aybara。 You know their names。 In this place; forces are loosed that will harrow the world。 Creatures of the Shadow walk the night; tainting men's hearts; corrupting men's dreams。 Scourge this land。 
       Scourge it; and they will e。 Rand al'Thor。 Mat Cauthon。 Perrin Aybara。〃 He almost caressed the last name。
       Bornhald drew ragged breath。 He was not sure how Ordeith had discovered what he wanted here; one day the man had simply revealed his knowledge。 〃I covered over what you did at the Aybara farm …〃
       〃Scourge them。〃 There was a hint of madness in that grand voice; and sweat on Ordeith's brow。 〃Flay them; and the three will e。〃
       Bornhald raised his voice。 〃Covered it over because I had to。〃 There had been no choice。 If the truth came out; he would have more than sullen stares to contend with。 The last thing he needed was open rebellion on top of Trollocs。 〃But I will not condone the murder of Children。 Do you hear me? What is it you do that you need to hide from the Children?〃
       〃Do you doubt the Shadow will do whatever is needed to stop me?〃
       〃Do you doubt it?〃 Ordeith leaned forward intently。 〃You saw the Gray Men。〃
       Bornhald hesitated。 Fifty of the Children around him; in the middle of Watch Hill; and no one had noticed the pair with their daggers。 He had looked right at them and not seen。 Until Ordeith killed the pair。 The scrawny little fellow had gained considerable standing with the men for that。 Later Bornhald had buried the daggers deep。 Those blades had looked to be steel; but a touch seared like molten metal。 The first earth thrown on them in the pit had hissed and steamed。 〃You believe they were after you?〃
       〃Oh; yes; my Lord Bornhald。 After me。 Whatever it takes to st
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