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locs later。 A lifetime; if need be。 〃I promised Mat I'd look after Bode and Eldrin; Master Cauthon。 How hard will it he to get them; and the others; free?〃
       〃Hard;〃 Abell sighed; his face sagging。 Suddenly he looked his age and more。 〃Powerful hard。 I got close enough to see Natti after they took her; walking outside the tent where they're holding everybody。 I could see her with a couple of hundred Whitecloaks between us。 I got a little careless; and one of them put an arrow through me。 If Tam hadn't hauled me back here to the Aes Sedai。。。〃
       〃It's a good…sized camp;〃 Tam said; 〃right under Watch Hill。 Seven or eight hundred men。 Patrols; day and night; with the heaviest concentration from Watch Hill down to Emond's Field。 If they spread out more; it would make things easier for us; but except for a hundred men or so at Taren Ferry; they've just about given the rest of the Two Rivers over to the Trollocs。 It's bad down around Deven Ride; I hear。 Another farm burned almost every night。 The same between Watch Hill and the River Taren。 Bringing Natti and the others out will be hard; and after; we'll have to hope the Aes Sedai will let them stay here。 That pair aren't too pleased at anyone knowing where they are。〃
       〃Surely someone will hide them;〃 Perrin protested。 〃You can't tell me everyone's turned their backs on you。 They don't really believe you're Darkfriends?〃 Even as he said it; he was remembering Cenn Buie。
       〃No; not that;〃 Tam said; 〃except for a few fools。 Plenty of folk will give us a meal; or a night in the barn; sometimes even a bed; but you have to understand they're uneasy about helping people the Whitecloaks are chasing。 It's nothing to blame them for。 Things are stone hard; and most men are trying to look after their own families the best they can; Asking someone to take in Natti and the girls; Haral and Alsbet。。。 Well; it might be asking too much。〃
       〃I thought better of Two Rivers folk than that;〃 Perrin muttered。
       Abell managed a weak smile。 〃Most people feel caught between two millstones; Perrin。 They're just hoping they aren't ground to flour between Whitecloaks and Trollocs。〃
       〃They should stop hoping and do something。〃 For a moment Perrin felt abashed。 He had not been living here; he had no idea what it was like。 But he was still right。 As long as the people hid behind the Children of the Light; they would have to put up with whatever the Children wanted to do; whether taking books or arresting women and girls。 〃Tomorrow I'll take a look at this Whitecloak camp。 There has to be some way to free them。 And once they are; we can turn our attention to Trollocs。 A Warder once told me Trollocs call the Aiel Waste 'the Dying Ground。' I mean to make them give that name to the Two Rivers。〃
       〃Perrin;〃 Tam began; then stopped; looking troubled。
       Perrin knew his eyes caught the light; there in the shadows under the oak。 His face felt carved from rock。
       Tam sighed。 〃First we'll see about Natti and the others。 Then we can decide what to do about the Trollocs。 〃
       〃Don't let it eat you inside; boy;〃 Abell said softly。 〃Hate can grow till it burns everything else out of you。〃
       〃Nothing is eating me;〃 Perrin told them in a level voice。 〃I just mean to do what needs doing。〃 He ran a thumb along the edge of his axe。 What needed doing。 
       Dain Bornhald held himself straight in his saddle as the hundred he had taken on patrol approached Watch Hill。 Fewer than a hundred; now。 Eleven saddles had cloak…wrapped bodies tied across them; and twenty…three more men nursed wounds。 The Trollocs had laid a neat ambush; it might have succeeded against soldiers less well trained; less tough than the Children。 What troubled him was that this was his third patrol to be attacked in force。 Not a chance encounter; not happening on Trollocs killing and burning; but meeting a planned attack。 And only patrols he led personally。 The Trollocs tried to avoid the others。 The fact presented worrisome questions; and the answers he came up with gave no 
       The sun was dropping。 A few lights already appeared in the village that covered the hill from top to bottom with thatched roofs。 The only tile roof stood at the crest; on the White Boar; the inn。 Another evening he might have gone up there for a cup of wine; despite the nervous silence that closed in at the sight of a white cloak with a golden sunburst。 He seldom drank; but he sometimes enjoyed being around people outside the Children; after a time they would forget his presence to some extent; and begin to laugh and talk among themselves again。 On another evening。 Tonight he wanted to be alone to think。
       There was activity among the hundred or so colorful wagons gathered less than half a mile from the foot of the hill; men and women in even brighter hues than their wagons; examining horses and harness; loading things that had been lying about the camp for weeks。 It seemed the Traveling People meant to live up to their name; probably at first light。
       〃Farran! 〃 The thick…bodied hundredman heeled his horse closer; and Bornhald nodded toward the Tuatha'an caravan。 〃Inform the Seeker that if he wishes to move his people; they will move south。 〃 His maps said there was no crossing of the Taren except at Taren Ferry; but he had begun learning how old they were as soon as he crossed the river。 No one was leaving the Two Rivers to perhaps seal his mand into a trap as long as he could stop it。 〃And Farran? There is no need to use boots or fists; yes? Words will suffice。 This Raen has ears。〃
       〃By your mand; Lord Bornhald。〃 The hundredman sounded only a little disappointed。 Touching gauntleted fist to heart; he wheeled away toward the Tuatha'an encampment。 He would not like it; but he would obey。 Despise the Traveling People as he might; he was a good soldier。
       The sight of his own camp brought a moment of pride to Bornhald; the long neat rows of wedge…roofed white tents; the picket lines for the horses precisely arrayed。 Even here in this Light…forsaken er of the world; the Children maintained themselves; never allowing discipline to slack。 It was Light…forsaken。 The Trollocs proved that。 If they burned farms; it only meant some folk here were pure。 Some。 The rest bowed; and said 〃Yes; my Lord;〃 〃as you wish; my Lord;〃 and stubbornly went their own way as soon as his back was turned。 Besides which; they were hiding an Aes Sedai。 The second day south of the Taren they had killed a Warder; the man's color…shifting cloak had been sufficient proof。 Bornhald hated Aes Sedai; meddling with the One Power as if Breaking the World once was not enough。 They would do it again if they were not stopped。 His momentary good mood faded like spring snow。
       His eye sought out the tent where the prisoners were kept; except for a brief exercise period each day; one at a time。 None would try running when it meant leaving the others behind。 Not that running would get them more that a dozen paces … a guard stood at either end of the tent; and a dozen paces in any direction took in another twenty Children … but he wanted as little trouble as possible。 Trouble sparked trouble。 If rough treatment
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