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 than twice as much as the axe blade; but it was the axe that felt heavier by far every time he picked it up。 With the axe; he had。。。。 He scowled; not wanting to think about that。 She was right。 All he wanted was to be a blacksmith; to go home; and see his family again; and work at the smithy。 But it was not to be; he knew that。
       He got to his feet long enough to pick up the hammer; then sat back down。 There was something forting in holding it。 〃Master Luhhan always says you can't walk away from what has to be done。〃 He hurried on; realizing that was a little too close to what she had called hairy…chested drivel。 〃He's the blacksmith back home; the man I was apprenticed to。 I've told you about him。〃
       To his surprise; she did not take the opportunity to point out his near echo。 In fact; she said nothing; only looked at him; waiting for something。 After a moment it came to him。
       〃Are you leaving; then?〃 he asked。
       She stood up; brushing her skirt。 For a long moment she kept silent; as if deciding on her answer。 〃I do not know;〃 she said finally。 〃This is a fine mess you've put me in。〃
       〃Me? What did I do?〃
       〃Well; if you don't know; I am certainly not going to tell you。〃
       Scratching his beard again; he stared at the hammer in his other hand。 Mat would probably know exactly what she meant。 Or even old Thom Merrilin。 The white…haired gleeman claimed no one understood women; but when he came out of his tiny room in the belly of the Stone he soon had half a dozen girls young enough to be his granddaughters sighing and listening to him play the harp and tell of grand adventure and romance。 Faile was the only woman Perrin wanted; but sometimes he felt like a fish trying to understand a bird。
       He knew she wanted him to ask。 He knew that much。 She might or might not tell him; but he was supposed to ask。
       Stubbornly he kept his mouth shut。 This time he meant to wait her out。
       Outside in the darkness; a cock crowed。
       Faile shivered and hugged herself。 〃My nurse used to say that meant a death ing。 Not that I believe it; of course。〃
       He opened his mouth to agree it was foolishness; though he shivered; too; but his head whipped around at a grating sound and a thump。 The axe had toppled to the floor。 He only had time to frown; wondering what could have made it fall; when it shifted again; untouched; then leaped straight for him。
       He swung the hammer without thought。 Metal ringing on metal drowned Faile's scream; the axe flew across the room; bounced off the far wall; and darted back at him; blade first。 He thought every hair on his body was trying to stand on end。
       As the axe sped by her; Faile lunged forward and grabbed the haft with both hands。 It twisted in her grip; slashing toward her wide…eyed face。 Barely in time Perrin leaped up; dropping the hammer to seize the axe; just keeping the half…moon blade from her flesh。 He thought he would die if the axe … his axe … harmed her。 He jerked it away from her so hard that the heavy spike nearly stabbed him in the chest。 It would have been a fair trade; to stop the axe from hurting her; but with a sinking feeling he began to think it might not be possible。
       The weapon thrashed like a thing alive; a thing with a malevolent will。 It wanted Perrin … he knew that as if it had shouted at him … but it fought with cunning。 When he pulled the axe away from Faile; it used his own movement to hack at him; when he forced it from himself; it tried to reach her; as if it knew that would make him stop pushing。 No matter how hard he held the haft; it spun in his hands; threatening with spike or curved blade。 Already his hands ached from the effort; and his thick arms strained; muscles tight。 Sweat rolled down his face。 He was not sure how much longer it would be before the axe fought free of his grip。 This was all madness; pure madness; with no time to think。
       〃Get out;〃 he muttered through gritted teeth。 〃Get out of the room; Faile!〃
       Her face was bloodless pale; but she shook her head and wrestled with the axe。 〃No! I will not leave you!〃
       〃It will kill both of us!〃
       She shook her head again。
       Growling in his throat; he let go of the axe with one hand … his arm quivered with holding the thing one…handed; the twisting haft burned his palm … and thrust Faile away。 She yelped as he wrestled her to the door。 Ignoring her shouts and her fists pounding at him; he held her against the wall with a shoulder until he could pull the door open and shove her into the hallway。
       Slamming the door behind her; he put his back against it; sliding the latch home with his hip as he seized the axe with both hands again。 The heavy blade; gleaming and sharp; trembled within inches of his face。 Laboriously; he pushed it out to arm's length。 Faile's muted shouts penetrated the thick door; and he could feel her beating on it; but he was barely conscious of her。 His yellow eyes seemed to shine; as if they reflected every scrap of light in the room!
       〃Just you and me; now;〃 he snarled at the axe。 〃Blood and ashes; how I hate you!〃 Inside; a part of him came close to hysterical laughter。 Rand is the one who's supposed to go mad; and here I am; talking to an axe! Rand! Burn him!
       Teeth bared with effort; he forced the axe back a full step from the door。 The weapon vibrated; fighting to reach flesh; he could almost taste its thirst for his blood。 With a roar he suddenly pulled the curved blade toward him; threw himself back。 Had the axe truly been alive; he was sure he would have heard a cry of triumph as it flashed toward his head。 At the last instant; he twisted; driving the axe past himself。 With a heavy thunk the blade buried itself in the door。
       He felt the life … he could not think what else to call it … go out of the imprisoned weapon。 Slowly; he took his hands away。 The axe stayed where it was; only steel and wood again。 The door seemed a good place to leave it for now; though。 He wiped sweat from his face with a shaking hand。 Madness。 Madness walks wherever Rand is。
       Abruptly he realized he could no longer hear Faile's shouts; or her pounding。 Throwing back the latch; he hastily pulled the door open。 A gleaming arc of steel stuck through the thick wood on the outside; shining in the light of wide…spaced lamps along the tapestry…hung hallway。
       Faile stood there; hands raised; frozen in the act of beating on the door。 Eyes wide and wondering; she touched the tip of her nose。 〃Another inch;〃 she said faintly; 〃and。。。。〃
       With a sudden start; she flung herself on him; hugging him fiercely; raining kisses on his neck and beard between incoherent murmurs。 Just as quickly; she pushed back; running anxious hands over his chest and arms。 〃Are you hurt? Are you injured? Did it。。。 ?〃
       〃I'm all right;〃 he told her。 〃But are you? I did not mean to frighten you。〃
       She peered up at him。 〃Truly? You are not hurt in any way?〃
       〃pletely unhurt。 I …〃 Her full…armed slap made his head ring like hammer on anvil。
       〃You great hairy lummox! I thought you were dead! I was afraid it had killed you! I thought …!〃 She cut off as he caught her second
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