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re sheltering him; they might blame the rest of us。 Upset closets won't be in it; then。〃
       〃This is Women's Circle business。〃 Marin rewrapped her shawl about her shoulders and moved to stand eye to eye with the thatcher。 He was a little taller than she; but her sudden air of grave formality gave her the edge。 He spluttered; but she rode right over his attempts to slide a word in。 〃Circle business; Cenn Buie。 If you think it isn't … if you even dare think of calling me a liar … you go flapping your tongue。 You breathe a word of Women's Circle business to anyone; including the Village Council。。。〃
       〃The Circle has no right interfering in Council affairs;〃 he shouted。
       〃。 。 。 and see if your wife doesn't have you sleeping in the barn。 And eating what your milk cows leave。 You think Council takes precedence over Circle? I'll send Daise Congar over to convince you different; if you need convincing。〃
       Cenn flinched; as well he might。 If Daise Congar was the Wisdom; she would probably force foul…tasting concoctions down his throat every day for the next year; and Cenn was too scrawny to stop her。 Alsbet Luhhan was the only woman in Emond's Field larger than Daise; and Daise had a mean streak and a temper to go with it。 Perrin could not imagine her as Wisdom; Nynaeve would probably have a fit when she found out who had replaced her。 Nynaeve had always believed she used sweet reason; herself。
       〃No need to get nasty; Marin;〃 Cenn muttered placatingly。 〃You want me to keep quiet; I'll keep quiet。 But Women's Circle or no; you're risking bringing the Children down on all of us。〃 Marin merely raised her eyebrows; and after a moment he slunk away; grumbling under his breath。
       〃Well done;〃 Faile said when Cenn disappeared around the corner of the inn。 〃I think I need to take lessons from you。 I am not half so good at handling Perrin as you are with Master al'Vere and that fellow。〃 She smiled at Perrin to show she was joking。 At least; he hoped that was what it meant。
       〃You have to know when to rein them short;〃 the older woman replied absently; 〃and when there's nothing to do but give them their head。 Letting them have their way when it isn't important makes it easier to check them when it is。〃 She was frowning after Cenn; not really paying attention to what she was saying; except maybe when she added; 〃And some should be tied in the stall and left there。〃
       Perrin leaped in hastily。 Faile certainly did not need any advice of this sort。 〃Will he hold his tongue do you think; Mistress al'Vere?〃
       Hesitating; she said; 〃I believe he will。 Cenn was born with a sore tooth that's only gotten worse as he ages; but he isn't like Hari Coplin or that lot。〃 Still; she had hesitated。
       〃We had best be moving;〃 he said。 No one argued。
       The sun was higher than he had expected; past its midday height already; which meant most people were indoors for their dinner。 The few still out; mainly boys minding sheep or cows; were busy eating what they had brought with them wrapped up in a cloth; too absorbed in their food and too far from the cart paths to pay much mind to anyone passing。 Still; Loial earned some stares despite the deep hood hiding his face。 Even on Stepper Perrin came short of the Ogier's chest on his tall mount。 To the people who saw them from a distance they must have looked like an adult with two children; all on ponies; leading packponies。 Certainly not a usual sight; but Perrin hoped that was what they thought they saw。 Talk would draw notice。 He had to avoid that until he got Mistress Luhhan and the others free。 If only Cenn kept his peace。 He kept the hood of his own cloak up; too。 That might also cause talk; but not as much as if anyone saw his beard and realized he was definitely not a child。 At least the day was not particularly warm。 It almost felt like spring; not summer; after Tear。
       He had no trouble finding the split oak; the two halves leaning apart in a wide fork with the inner surface black and hardened like iron; the ground beneath the thick spreading branches clear。 Merely crossing the village was much shorter than going around; so Mistress al'Vere was already waiting; shifting her shawl a trifle impatiently。 The Aiel were there; too; squatting on the mulch of old oak leaves and squirrel chewed acorn hulls; Gaul apart from the two women。 The Maidens and Gaul watched each other almost as closely as the surrounding woods。 Perrin had no doubt they had managed to reach this spot unobserved。 He wished he had that ability; he could stalk fairly well in the woods; but the Aiel did not seem to care if it was forest or farmland or city。 When they did not want to be seen; they found a way not to be seen。
       Mistress al'Vere insisted they go the rest of the way afoot; claiming the way was too overgrown for riding。 Perrin did not agree; but he dismounted anyway。 No doubt it would not be fortable leading folk on horseback while on foot。 In any case; his head was full of plans。 He needed a look at the Whitecloak camp up at Watch Hill before deciding how to rescue Mistress Luhhan and the others。 And where were Tam and Abell hiding? Neither Bran nor Mistress al'Vere had said; perhaps they did not know。 If Tam and Abell had not brought the prisoners out already; it was not an easy task。 He had to do it somehow; though。 Then he could turn his attention to Trollocs。
       No one from the village had e this way in years; and the path had vanished; yet tall trees kept the undergrowth down to a large extent。 The Aiel slipped along silently with everyone else; acceding to Mistress al'Vere's insistence that they all stay together。 Loial murmured approvingly at great oaks or particularly tall fir trees and leatherleaf。 Occasionally a mocker or redbreast sang in the trees; and once Perrin smelled a fox watching them pass。
       Suddenly he caught man scent that had not been there a moment before; heard a faint rustle。 The Aiel tensed; crouching with spears ready。 Perrin reached to his quiver。
       〃Be at ease;〃 Mistress al'Vere said urgently; motioning for weapons to be lowered。 〃Please; be at ease。〃
       Abruptly there were two men standing ahead; one tall and dark and slender to the left; the other short; stocky and graying to the right。 Both held bows with arrows nocked; ready to raise and draw; with quivers balancing the swords on their hips。 Both wore cloaks that seemed to fade into the surrounding foliage。
       〃Warders!〃 Perrin exclaimed。 〃Why didn't you tell us there are Aes Sedai here; Mistress al'Vere? Master al'Vere never mentioned it either。 Why?〃
       〃Because he doesn't know;〃 she said hurriedly。 〃I did not lie when I said this is Women's Circle business。〃 She turned her attention to the two Warders; neither of whom had relaxed an inch。 〃Tomas; Ihvon; you know me。 Put those bows down。 You know I'd not bring anyone here if they meant harm。〃
       〃An Ogier;〃 the gray haired man said; 〃Aiel; a yellow…eyed man… the one the Whitecloaks seek; of course … and a fierce young woman with a knife。〃 Perrin glanced at Faile; she held a blade ready to throw。 He agreed with her this time。 These might be Warders; but they showed no sign of lowering their bo
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