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       Her? A she? Hopper stood; looking around。 Where?
       〃I was talking to her。 Right here。 Just now。〃
       You made noises at the wind; Young Bull。 There was no she here。 None but you and I。
       Perrin scratched his beard irritably。 She had been there。 He had not been talking to himself。 〃Strange things can happen here;〃 he told himself。 〃She agreed with you; Hopper。 She told me to stay away from this tower。〃
       She is wise。 There was an element of doubt in the thought; Hopper still did not believe there had been any 〃she。〃
       〃I've e awfully far afield from what I intended;〃 Perrin muttered。 He explained his need to find wolves in the Two Rivers; or the mountains above; explained about the ravens; and the Trollocs in the Ways。
       When he was done; Hopper remained silent for a long time; his bushy tail held low and stiff。 Finally。。。 Avoid your old home; Young Bull。 The image Perrin's mind called 〃home〃 was of the land marked by a wolfpack。 There are no wolves there now。 Those who were and did not flee are dead。 Slayer walks the dream there。
       〃I have to go home; Hopper。 I have to。〃
       Take care; Young Bull。 The day of the Last Hunt draws near。 We will run together in the Last Hunt。
       〃We will;〃 Perrin said sadly。 It would be nice if he could e here when he died; he was half wolf already; it seemed sometimes。 〃I have to go now; Hopper。〃
       May you know good hunting; Young Bull; and shes to give you many cubs。
       〃Goodbye; Hopper。〃
       He opened his eyes to the dim light of dying coals on the mountainside。 Gaul was squatting just beyond the edge of the light; watching the night。 In the other camp; Faile was up; taking her turn at guard。 The moon hung above the mountains; turning the clouds to pearly shadows。 Perrin estimated he had been asleep two hours。
       〃I'll keep guard awhile;〃 he said; tossing off his cloak。 Gaul nodded and settled himself on the ground where he was。 〃Gaul?〃 The Aiel raised his head。 〃It may be worse in the Two Rivers than I thought。〃
       〃Things often are;〃 Gaul replied quietly。 〃It is the way of life。〃 The Aielman calmly put his head down for sleep。
       Slayer。 Who was he? What was he? Shadowspawn at the Waygate; ravens in the Mountains of Mist; and this man called Slayer in the Two Rivers。 It could not be coincidence; however much he wished it。

Chapter 29
(Dragon's Fang)

       The journey into the Westwood that had taken him perhaps half a dozen strides or so in the wolf dream; out of the mountains and across the Sand Hills; lasted three long days on horses。 The Aid had no trouble keeping up afoot; but then the animals themselves could not manage much speed with the land mostly up and down as it was。 Perrin's wounds itched fiercely; healing; Faile's ointment seemed to be working。
       It was a quiet journey by and large; broken more often by the bark of a hunting fox or the echoing cry of a hawk than by anyone speaking。 At least they saw no more ravens。 More than once he thought Faile was about to bring her mare over close to him; about to say something; but each time she restrained herself。 He was glad of it; he wanted to talk to her more than anything; but what if he found himself making up with her? He berated himself for wanting to。 She had tricked Loial; tricked him。 She was going to make everything worse; make it harder。 He wished he could kiss her again。 He wished she would decide she had had her fill of him and go。 Why did she have to be so stubborn?
       She and the two Aiel women kept to themselves; Bain and Chiad striding along on either side of Swallow when one or the other was not ranging ahead。 Sometimes the three of them murmured softly among themselves; after which they avoided looking at him so pointedly that they might as well have thrown rocks。 Loial rode with them at Perrin's request; though the situation obviously upset him no end。 Loial's ears twitched as if he wished he had never heard of humans。 Gaul seemed to find the entire thing vastly amusing; whenever Perrin looked at him; he wore an inward grin。
       For himself; Perrin traveled wrapped in worry; and kept his strung bow across the tall pommel of his saddle。 Did this man called Slayer rove the Two Rivers only in the wolf dream; or was he in the waking world; too? Perrin suspected the latter; and that Slayer was the one who had shot the hawk for no reason。 It was another plication he could do without; on top of the Children of the Light。
       His family lived on a sprawling farm more than half a day beyond Emond's Field; almost to the Waterwood。 His father and mother; his sisters; his baby brother。 Paetram would be nine now; no doubt objecting more strenuously than ever to being called the baby; Deselle a plump twelve; and Adora sixteen; probably ready to braid her hair。 Uncle Eward; his da's brother; and Aunt Magde; stout and looking nearly alike; and their children。 Aunt Neain; who visited Uncle Carlin's grave every morning; and their children; and Great Aunt Ealsin; who had never married; with her sharp nose and sharper eye for discovering what everyone for miles around was up to。 Once apprenticed to Master Luhhan; he had seen them only on feastdays; the distance was too great for casual travel; and there had always been work to do。 If the Whitecloaks hunted for Aybaras; they were easy to find。 They were his responsibility; not this Slayer。 He could only do so much。 Protect his family; and Faile。 That was first。 Then came the village; and the wolves; and this Slayer last。 One man could not manage everything。
       The Westwood grew on stony soil broken by bramble covered outcrops; a hard; thickly treed land with few farms or paths。 He had wandered these heavy woods as a boy; alone or with Rand and Mat; hunting with bow or sling; setting snares for rabbits or simply roaming for the sake of roaming。 Bushy…tailed squirrels chittering in the trees; speckled thrushes warbling on branches imitated by black…winged mockers; bluebacked quail bursting up out of the brush in front of the travelers … all spoke to him of home。 The very smell of the dirt the horses' hooves turned was a recognition。
       He could have headed straight for Emond's Field; but instead he angled more northward through the forest; finally crossing the wide; rough track called the Quarry Road as the sun slanted down toward the treetops。 Why 〃quarry〃 no one in the Two Rivers knew; and it scarcely looked a road at all; only a weedy stretch that you did not even notice was bare of trees until you saw the overgrown ruts from generations of wagons and carts。 Sometimes shards of old pavement worked their way to the surface。 Perhaps it had led to a quarry for Manetheren。
       The farm Perrin sought lay not far from the road; beyond rows of apple and pear trees where fruit was setting。 He smelled the farm before he saw it。 The smell of char; not new; yet a full year would not soften that smell。
       He reined in at the edge of the trees and sat staring before he made himself ride into what had been the al'Thor farm; the packhorse trailing behind his dun。 Only the stone walled sheep pen still stood; railed gate open and hanging by one hinge。 The soot…black
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