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 It was worth dying to kill a Neverborn。 To put my teeth in its throat。。。 ! Careless of whether he blocked Bain and Chiad's arrows; he guided Stepper closer to the Neverborn's back; forcing the reluctant dun nearer with reins and knees。 At the last instant; the creature spun away from Gaul; seemingly ignoring a spearpoint that thrust between its shoulders and came out below its throat; staring up at Perrin with the eyeless gaze that sent fear into every man's soul。 Too late。 Perrin's hammer fell; shattering head and eyeless gaze alike。
       Even down and virtually headless; the Myrddraal still thrashed; lashing aimlessly with its Thakan'dar…wrought blade。 Stepper danced back; whickering nervously; and suddenly Perrin felt as if he had been doused in icy water。 That black steel made wounds even Aes Sedai found hard to Heal; and he had ridden in uncaring。 My teeth in its。。。 Light; I have to keep hold of myself。 I have to!
       He could still hear smothered sounds from the darkness at the far end of the Island; the clatter of hoofed feet; the scrape of boots; harsh breathing and guttural murmurs。 More Trollocs; how many he could not say。 A pity they had not been linked to the Myrddraal; yet perhaps they might hesitate to attack without it to drive them。 Trollocs were usually cowards in their way; preferring strong odds and easy kills。 But even lacking a Myrddraal they could work themselves up to e again eventually。
       〃The Waygate;〃 he said。 〃We have to get out before they decide what to do without that。〃 He used the bloody hammer to gesture to the still flailing Fade。 
       Faile reined Swallow around immediately; and he was so surprised; he blurted; 〃You aren't going to argue?〃
       〃Not when you speak sense;〃 she said briskly。 〃Not when you speak sense。 Loial?〃
       The Ogier took the lead on his tall; hairy fetlocked mount。 Perrin backed Stepper after Faile and Loial; hammer in hand; the Aiel siding him; all with bows ready now。 Shuffling hooves and boots followed in the blackness; and harsh mutters in a language too rough for human tongues。 Back and back; with the mutters edging closer; working up courage。
       Another sound floated to Perrin; like silk sighing across silk。 It sent shivers along his bones。 Louder; a distant giant's exhalation; rising; falling; rising higher。 〃Hurry!〃 he shouted。 〃Hurry!〃
       〃I am;〃 Loial barked。 〃I … That sound! Is it …? The Light illumine our souls; and the Creator's hand shelter us! It's opening。 It is opening! I must be last。 Out! Out! But not too … No; Faile!〃
       Perrin risked a glance over his shoulder。 Twin gates of apparently living leaves were swinging open; revealing a smoked glass view of mountainous country。 Loial had dismounted to remove the Avendesora leaf to unlock the gate; and Faile had their pack animals' leads and his huge mount's reins。 With a hasty shout of 〃Follow me! Quickly!〃 she booted Swallow's ribs; and the Tairen mare sprang toward the opening。
       〃After her;〃 Perrin told the Aiel。 〃Hurry! You cannot fight this。〃 Wisely they hesitated only a heartbeat before peeling back; Gaul seizing the packhorse's lead line。 Stepper came abreast of Loial。 〃Can you lock it shut some way? Block it?〃 A frantic edge had entered the harsh mutterings; the Trollocs had recognized the sound too; now。 Machin Shin was ing。 Living meant getting out of the Ways。
       〃Yes;〃 Loial said。 〃Yes。 But go。 Go!〃
       Perrin reined Stepper back quickly toward the Gate; yet before he knew what he was doing he had thrown back his head and howled; defiance and challenge。 Foolish; foolish; foolish! Still; he kept his eyes on that pitch dark and backed Stepper into the Waygate。 An icy ripple slid across him hair by hair; and time stretched out。 The jolt of leaving the Ways hit him; as if he had gone from a dead gallop to a stop in one step。
       The Aiel were still turning to face the Waygate; spreading out across the slope with arrows nocked; among low bushes and stunted mountain trees; wind…twisted pine and fir and leatherleaf。 Faile was just picking herself up from where she had tumbled from Swallow's saddle; the black mare nuzzling her。 Galloping out of a Waygate was at least as bad as galloping in; she was lucky she had not broken her neck; and her horse's; too。 Loial's tall horse and her packhorses were trembling as though hit between the eyes。 Perrin opened his mouth; and she glared at him; daring him to make any ment at all; maybe a sympathetic one least of all。 He grimaced wryly and wisely kept silent。
       Abruptly Loial came hurtling out of the Waygate; leaping out of a dull silvery mirror with his own reflection growing behind him; and rolled across the ground。 Almost on his heels; two Trollocs appeared; ram's horns and snout; eagle's beak and feathered crest; but before they were more than halfway out; the shimmering surface turned dead black; bubbling and bulging; clinging to them。
       Voices whispered in Perrin's head; a thousand babbling mad voices clawing at the inside of his skull。 Bitter blood。 Blood so bitter。 Drink the blood and crack the bone。 Crack the bone and suck the marrow。 Bitter marrow; sweet the screams。 Singing screams。 Sing the screams。 Tiny souls。 Acrid souls。 Gobble them down。 So sweet the pain。 On and on。
       Shrieking; howling; the Trollocs beat at the blackness boiling around them; clawed to pull free as it sucked them deeper; deeper; till only one hairy hand remained; clutching frantically; then only darkness; bulging outward; seeking。 Slowly the Waygates appeared; sliding together; squeezing the blackness so it oozed back inside between them。 The voices in Perrin's head finally stopped。 Loial rushed forward quickly to place not one but two three…lobed leaves among the myriad leaves and vines。 The Waygate became stone again; a section of stone wall; carved in intricate detail; standing alone on a sparsely wooded mountainside。 Among the myriad leaves and vines was not one; but two Avendesora leaves。 Loial had replaced the trefoil leaf from inside on the outside。
       The Ogier heaved a deep; relieved sigh。 〃That is the best I can do。 It can only be opened from this side now。〃 He gave Perrin a look at once anxious and firm。 〃I could have locked it forever by not replacing the leaves; but I will not ruin a Waygate; Perrin。 We grew the Ways and tended them。 Perhaps they can be cleansed someday。 I cannot ruin a Waygate。〃
       〃It will do;〃 Perrin told him。 Had the Trollocs been ing to this Waygate; or had it just been a chance encounter? In either case; it would do。
       〃Was that …?〃 Faile began unsteadily; then stopped to swallow。 Even the Aiel looked shaken for once。
       〃Machin Shin;〃 Loial said。 〃The Black Wind。 A creature of the Shadow; or a thing grown of the Ways' own taint … no one knows。 I pity the Trollocs。 Even them。〃
       Perrin was not sure he did; not even dying like that。 He had seen what Trollocs left when they got their hands on humans。 Trollocs ate anything; so long as it was meat; and sometimes they liked to keep their meat alive while they butchered。 He would not let himself pity Trollocs。
       Stepper's hooves crunched on gritty dirt as Perrin turned him to see where they were。
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