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       Side by side they sped for the fog; slashing at any lines of dust that seemed to be thickening; kicking at them; anything to keep them from coalescing。 Rand sent whirlwinds swirling wildly in every direction。 Dispelled dust began shivering back together immediately; even before it reached the ground now。 They kept running; into the fog and through; bursting out into dim; sharp…shadowed light。
       Side aching; Rand spun; ready to try lightning; or fire; anything。 Nothing came through the fog after them。 Maybe the mist was a wall to those dark shapes。 Maybe it held them in。 Maybe。。。。 He did not know。 He did not really care; so long as the things could not follow。
       〃Burn me;〃 Mat muttered hoarsely; 〃we were in there all night。 It's nearly sunrise。 I didn't think it was that long。〃
       Rand stared at the sky。 The sun had not topped the mountains yet; a painfully brilliant nimbus outlined the jagged peaks。 Long shadows covered the valley floor。 He will e from Rhuidean at dawn; and tie you together with bonds you cannot break。 He will take you back; and he will destroy you。
       〃Let's go back up the mountain;〃 he said quietly。 〃They will be waiting for us。〃 For me。

Chapter 27
Within the Ways

       The darkness of the Ways pressed the light of Perrin's pole…lantern to a sharp…edged pool around himself and Gaul。 The creak of his saddle; the gritty click of hooves on stone; seemed to reach no further than light's rim。 There was no smell to the air; nothing。 The Aielman strode along beside Stepper easily; keeping an eye on the dimly seen lanternglow from Loial's party ahead。 Perrin refused to call it Faile's。 The Ways did not seem to bother Gaul; for all their reputation。 Perrin himself could not help listening; as he had for nearly two days; or what passed for days in this lightless place。 His ears would be first to catch the sound that meant they were all going to die or worse; the sound of wind rising where no wind ever blew。 No wind but Machin Shin; the Black Wind that ate souls。 He could not help thinking that traveling the Ways was slack…witted folly; but when need called; what was foolish changed。
       The faint light ahead stopped; and he drew rein in the middle of what appeared to be an ancient stone bridge arching through utter blackness; ancient because of the breaks in the bridge walls; the pits and shallow ragged craters freckling the roadbed。 Very likely it had stood close to three thousand years; but it seemed ready to fall; now。 Maybe right now。
       The packhorse crowded up behind Stepper: the animals whickered to each other and rolled their eyes uneasily at the surrounding dark。 Perrin knew how the horses felt。 A few more people for pany would have lifted some of the endless night's weight。 Still; he would not have gone any closer to the lanterns ahead even had he been alone。 Not and risk a repeat of what happened back on that first Island; right after entering the Waygate in Tear。 He scratched his curly beard irritably。 He was not sure what he had expected; but not。。。
       The pole lantern bobbed as he stepped down from his saddle and led Stepper and the packhorse to the Guiding; a tall slab of white stone covered with cursive silver inlays vaguely reminiscent of vines and leaves; all pitted as if splashed with acid。 He could not read it; of course … Loial had to do that; it was Ogier script … and after a moment he walked around it; studying the Island。 It was the same as the others he had seen; with a chest high wall of white stone; simple curves and rounds fitted in an intricate pattern。 At intervals bridges pierced the wall; arching out into the darkness; and rail less ramps running up or down with no means of support he could see。 There were cracks everywhere; ragged pits and shallow craters; as though the stone were rotting。 When the horses moved there was a grainy sound of stone flaking away beneath their hooves。 Gaul peered into the dark with no visible nervousness; but then; he did not know what might be out there。 Perrin did; too well。
       When Loial and the others arrived; Faile immediately hopped from her black mare and strode straight to Perrin; eyes intent on his face。 He was already regretting making her worry; but she did not look worried at all。 He could not have said what her expression was; besides fixed。
       〃Have you decided to talk to me instead of over my hea…?〃
       Her full armed slap made spots dance in front of his eyes。 〃What did you mean;〃 she practically spat; 〃charging in here like a wild boar? You have no regard。 None!〃
       He took a slow; deep breath。 〃I asked you before not to do that。〃 Her dark; tilted eyes widened as if he had said something infuriating。 He was rubbing his cheek when her second slap caught him on the other side; nearly unhinging his jaw。 The Aiel were watching interestedly; and Loial with his ears drooping。
       〃I told you not to do that;〃 he growled。 Her fist was not very big; but her sudden punch to his shortribs drove most of the air from his lungs; hunching him over sideways; and she drew back her fist again。 With a snarl; he seized her by the scruff of her neck and。。。
       Well; it was her own fault。 It was。 He had asked her not to hit him; told her。 Her own fault。 He was surprised she had not tried to pull one of her knives; though; she seemed to carry as many as Mat。
       She had been furious; of course。 Furious with Loial for trying to intervene; she could take care of herself; thank you very much。 Furious with Bain and Chiad for not intervening; she had been taken aback when they said they did not think she would want them to interfere in a fight she had picked。 When you choose the fight; Bain had said; you must take the consequences; win or lose。 But she did not seem even the tiniest bit angry with him any longer。 That made him nervous。 She had only stared at him; her dark eyes glistening with unshed tears; which made him feel guilty; which in turn made him angry。 Why should he be guilty? Was he supposed to stand there and let her hit him to her heart's content? She had mounted Swallow and sat there; very stiff…backed; refusing to sit gingerly; 
staring at him with an unreadable expression。 It made him very nervous。 He almost wished she had pulled a knife。 Almost。
       〃They are moving again;〃 Gaul said。
       Perrin jerked back to the present。 The other light was moving。 Now it paused。 One of them had noticed his light was not following yet。 Probably Loial。 Faile might not mind if he got lost; and the two Aiel women had twice tried to talk him into walking off a little way with them。 He had not needed the slight shake of Gaul's head to refuse。 He heeled Stepper forward; leading the packhorse。
       The Guiding here was more pocked than most he had seen; but he rode on past it with only a glance。 The light of the other lanterns was already starting down one of the gently sloping ramps; and he followed with a sigh。 He hated the ramps。 Sided only by darkness; it began to curve; down and around; with nothing discernible beyond the squashed light of the lantern swaying above his head。 Something told him that a fall over the edge would never end。 Stepper and the packhorse kept to 
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