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 But Mat was still alive despite the heavy purple welt around his neck。 He might yet be kept alive。
       Filling his lungs; Rand scrambled around to breathe into Mat's mouth as strongly as he could。 Again。 Again。 Then he leaped astride Mat; seized the waist of his breeches and heaved upward; lifting his hips off the pavement。 Up and down; three times; and then back to breathing into his mouth。 He could have channeled; he might have been able to do something that way。 The memory of that girl in the Stone stopped him。 He wanted Mat to live。 Live; not be a puppet moved by the Power。 Once back in Emond's Field he had seen Master Luhhan revive a boy who had been found floating in the Winespring Water。 So he breathed and heaved; breathed and heaved and prayed。
       Abruptly Mat jerked; coughed。 Rand knelt beside him as he put both hands to his throat and rolled onto his side; sucking air in an agonized rattle。
       Mat touched the piece of rope with one hand and shivered。 〃Those flaming … sons … of goats;〃 he muttered hoarsely。 〃They tried … to kill me。〃
       〃Who did?〃 Rand asked; looking around warily。 Half…finished palaces around the great littered square stared back at him。 Surely Rhuidean was empty except for the two of them。 Unless Muradin was still alive; somewhere。
       〃The folk … on the other side … of that … twisted doorway。〃 Swallowing painfully; Mat sat up and took a deep unsteady breath。 〃There's one here; too; Rand。〃 He still sounded as if his throat had been rasped。
       〃You could go through it? Did they answer questions?〃 That could be useful。 He desperately needed more answers。 A thousand questions; and too few answers。
       〃No answers;〃 Mat said huskily。 〃They cheat。 And they tried to kill me。〃 He picked up the medallion; a silver foxhead that almost filled his palm; and after a moment stuffed it into his pocket with a grimace。 〃I got something out of them; at least。〃 Pulling the strange spear to him; he ran his fingers along the black shaft。 A line of some strange cursive script ran its length; bracketed by a pair of birds inlaid in metal even darker than the wood。 Ravens; Rand thought they were。 Another pair were engraved on the blade。 With a rough wry laugh; Mat levered himself to his feet; half…leaning on the spear; the sword blade beginning just level with his head。 He did not bother to lace up his shirt or button his coat。 〃I'll keep this; too。 Their joke; but I will keep it。〃
       〃A joke?〃
       Mat nodded。 〃What it says。

'Thus it our treaty written; thus is agreement made。
Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades。
What was asked is given。 The price is paid。'

       〃A pretty joke; you see。 I'll slice them with their own wit if I ever get the chance。 I'll give them 'thought and memory。' 〃 He winced; scrubbing a hand through his hair。 〃Light; but my head hurts。 It's spinning; like a thousand bits of dreams; and every one a needle。 Do you think Moiraine will do something for it if I ask?〃
       〃I am sure she will;〃 Rand replied slowly。 Mat had to be hurting badly if he sought the Aes Sedai's help。 He looked at the dark spear shaft again。 Most of the script was hidden by Mat's hand; but not all。 Whatever it was; he had no idea what it said。 How had Mat? Rhuidean's empty windows stared at him mockingly。 We hide many secrets still; they seemed to say。 More than you know。 Worse than you know。 〃Let's go back now; Mat。 I don't care if we have to cross the valley in the night。 As you said; it will be cooler。 I don't want to stay in here any longer。〃
       〃That sounds just fine to me;〃 Mat said; coughing。 〃As long as we can get another drink of water at that fountain。〃
       Rand kept his pace to Mat's; which was slow at first; hobbling along using the odd spear as a walking staff。 He paused once to look at the two figurines of a man and a woman holding crystal spheres; but he left them there。 Not yet。 Not for a long time yet; if he was lucky。
       When they left the square behind; the unfinished palaces rearing along the street had a threatening look; their jagged tops like the walls of great fortresses。 Rand embraced saidin; though he saw no real threat。 But he felt it; as though murderous eyes were boring into his back。 Rhuidean lay peaceful and empty; shadowless in the blue glow of its fog roof。 The dust in the streets rippled in the wind。。。 The wind。 There was no wind。
       〃Oh; burn me;〃 Mat muttered。 〃I think we're in trouble; Rand。 It's what I get for staying around you。 You always get me in trouble。〃
       The ripples came faster; sliding together to make thicker lines; quivering still。
       〃Can you walk faster?〃 Rand asked。
       〃Walk? Blood and ashes; I can run。〃 Slanting the spear across his chest; Mat suited his words with a lurching gallop。
       Running alongside; Rand brought his sword back; uncertain of what he could do with it against shivering lines of dust; uncertain that there really was need。 It was only dust。 No; it bloody isn't。 It's one of those bubbles。 The Dark One's evil; drifting along the Pattern; seeking out bloody ta'veren。 I know it is。
       All around them dust rippled and shivered ever thicker; bunching and gathering。 Suddenly; right in front of them; a shape reared up in the basin of a dry fountain; a solid man shape; dark and featureless; with fingers like sharp claws。 Silently it leaped at them。
       Rand moved instinctively … the Moon Rises Over Water … and the blade of Power sliced through that dark figure。 In a twinkling it was only a thick cloud of dust; drifting toward the pavement。
       Others replaced it; though; black faceless shapes rushing in from all sides; no two alike; but all with reaching claws。 Rand danced the forms among them; blade weaving intricate patterns in the air; leaving floating motes behind。 Mat used his spear like a quarterstaff; a spinning blur; but bringing the sword blade into it as if he had always used the weapon。 The creatures died or at least returned to dust but they were many; and quick。 Blood poured down Rand's face; and the old wound in his side burned on the point of splitting open。 Red spread across Mat's face; too; and down his chest。 Too many; and too quick。
       You do not do the tenth part of what you are capable of already。 That was what Lanfear had told him。 He laughed as he danced the forms。 Learn from one of the Forsaken。 He could do that; if not the way she intended。 Yes; he could。 He channeled; wove strands of the Power; and sent a whirlwind into the middle of each black shape。 They exploded in clouds of dust that left him coughing。 As far as he could see; dust settled from the air。
       Hacking and panting; Mat leaned on his dark shafted spear。 〃Did you do that?〃 he wheezed; wiping blood away from his eyes。 〃About time。 If you knew how; why didn't you bloody do it in the first place?〃
       Rand started to laugh again … Because I didn't think of it。 Because I didn't know how until I did it … but it froze in his mouth。 Dust drifted out of the air; and as it settled on the ground; it began to ripple。 〃Run;〃 he said。 〃We have to get out of here。 Run!〃
       Side by side they sped for the fog; slashing at any lines of dust that seemed to be thickeni
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