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dusty and the wind had not blown all the time。 Night was only a small relief; trading a dull; fiery red sun for cold。 He wrapped himself tighter in the cape of wild goatskins he used for a blanket。
       His panions scrambled closer; bundled as he was; kicking rocks and muttering until he was sure they would wake the men below。 He did not plain; he was no more used to this than they。 Dustveils hid their faces; but he could make out who was who。 Luca; with his shoulders half again as wide as anyone else's; he liked to play tricks。 Gearan; lanky as a stork and the best runner among the wagons。 Charlin and Alijha; alike as reflections except for Charlin's habit of tilting his head when he was worried; as he was now; their sister Colline was down in that camp。 And Maigran; Lewin's sister。
       When the girls' gathering bags were found on ground torn by a struggle; everyone else was ready to mourn and go on as they had done so many times before。 Even Lewin's greatfather。 If Adan had known what the five of them planned; he would have stopped them。 All Adan did now was mutter about keeping faith with the Aes Sedai Lewin had never seen; that and try to keep the Aiel alive。 The Aiel as a people; but not any one given Aiel。 Not even Maigran。
       〃They are four;〃 Lewin whispered。 〃The girls are this side of the fire。 I will wake them … quietly … and we will sneak them away while the men sleep。〃 His friends looked at each other; nodded。 He supposed they should have made a plan before this; but all they had been able to think of was ing to get the girls; and how to leave the wagons without being seen。 He had not been certain they could follow these men; or find them before they reached the village they came from; a collection of rough huts where the Aiel had been driven away with stones and sticks。 There would be nothing to be done if the takers got that far。
       〃What if they do wake?〃 Gearan asked。
       〃I will not leave Colline;〃 Charlin snapped; right on top of his brother's quieter 〃We are taking them back; Gearan。〃
       〃We are;〃 Lewin agreed。 Luca poked Gearan's ribs; and Gearan nodded。
       Making their way down in the darkness was no easy task。 Drought dried twigs snapped under their feet; rocks and pebbles showered down the dry slope ahead of them。 The harder Lewin tried to move silently; the more noise he seemed to make。 Luca fell into a thornbush that cracked loudly; but managed to extract himself with no more than heavy breathing。 Charlin slipped; and slid halfway to the bottom。 But nothing moved below。
       Short of the camp Lewin paused; exchanging anxious looks with his friends; then tiptoed in。 His own breath sounded thunderous in his ears; as loud as the snores ing from one of the four large mounds。 He froze as the rough snorts stopped and one of the mounds heaved。 It settled; the snoring began again; and Lewin let himself breathe。
       Carefully he crouched beside one of the smaller heaps and flipped aside a rough woolen blanket stiff with dirt。 Maigran stared up at him; face bruised and swollen; her dress torn to little better than rags。 He clapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from crying out; but she only continued to stare blankly; not even blinking。
       〃I am going to carve you like a pig; boy。〃 One of the larger mounds tumbled aside; and a wild…bearded man in filthy clothes got to his feet; the long knife in his hand glittering dully in the moonlight; picking up the red glow of the coals。 He kicked the mounds to either side of him; producing grunts and stirrings。 〃Just like a pig。 Can you squeal; boy; or do you people just run?〃
       〃Run;〃 Lewin said; but his sister only stared dully。 Frantic; he seized her shoulders; pulled to try starting her toward where the others were waiting。 〃Run!〃 She came out of the blankets stiffly; almost a dead weight。 Colline was awake … he could hear her whimpering … but she seemed to be drawing her dirty blankets around her even more tightly; trying to hide in them。 Maigran stood there; staring at nothing; seeing nothing。
       〃Seems you cannot even do that。〃 Grinning; the man was ing around the fire; his knife held low。 The others were sitting up in their blankets now; laughing; watching the fun。
       Lewin did not know what to do。 He could not leave his sister。 All he could do was die。 Maybe that would give Maigran a chance to run。 〃Run; Maigran! Please run!〃 She did not move。 She did not even seem to hear him。 What had they done to her?
       The bearded man came closer; taking his time; chuckling; enjoying his slow advance。
       〃Nooooooooooooooo!〃 Charlin came hurtling out of the night; throwing his arms around the man with the knife; carrying him to the ground。 The other men bounded to their feet。 One; his head shaved and shining in the pale light; raised a sword to slash at Charlin。
       Lewin was not sure exactly how it happened。 Somehow he had the heavy kettle by its iron handle; swinging; it struck the shaved head with a loud crunch。 The man collapsed as if his bones had melted。 Off balance; Lewin stumbled trying to avoid the fire; and fell beside it; losing the cookpot。 A dark man with his hair in braids lifted another sword; ready to skewer him。 He scrambled away on his back like a spider; eyes on the sword's sharp point; hands searching frenziedly for something to fend the man off; a stick; anything。 His palm fell on rounded wood。 He jerked it around; pushed it at the snarling man。 The man's dark eyes widened; the sword dropped from his grasp; blood poured from his mouth。 Not a stick。 A spear。
       Lewin's hands sprang away from the haft as soon as he realized what it was。 Too late。 He crawled backward to avoid the man as he fell; stared at him; trembling。 A dead man。 A man he had killed。 The wind felt very cold。
       After a time it came to him to wonder why one of the others had not killed him。 He was surprised to see the rest of his friends there around the coals。 Gearan and Luca and Alijha; all panting and wild eyed above their dustveils。 Colline still emitted soft sniffling sobs from beneath her blankets; and Maigran still stood staring。 Charlin was huddled on his knees; holding himself。 And the four men; the villagers。。。。 Lewin stared from one motionless bloody shape to another。
       〃We。。。 killed them。〃 Luca's voice shook。 〃We。。。 Mercy of the Light; be with us now。〃
       Lewin crawled to Charlin and touched his shoulder。 〃Are you hurt?〃
       Charlin fell over。 Red wetness slicked his hands; gripping the hilt of the knife driven into his belly。 〃It hurts; Lewin;〃 he whispered。 He shuddered once; and the light went out of his eyes。
       〃What are we going to do?〃 Gearan asked。 〃Charlin is dead; and we。。。 Light; what have we done? What do we do?〃
       〃We will take the girls back to the wagons。〃 Lewin could not pull his eyes away from Charlin's glazed stare。 〃We will do that。〃
       They gathered up everything that was useful; the cookpot and the knives; mainly。 Metal things were hard to e by。 〃We might as well;〃 Alijha said roughly。 〃They certainly stole it from someone just like us。〃
       When Alijha started to pick up one of the swords; though; Lewin stopped him。 〃No; Alijha。 That is a wea
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