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 that white was snow? He would not find out。 Faced with this; the Jenn must decide to turn east。 They had trailed north along that mountainous wall for long months; painfully dragging their wagons behind them; trying to deny the Aiel that followed them。 At least there had been water when they crossed a river; even if not much。 It had been years since Rhodric had seen a river he could not wade across; most were only cracked dry day away from the mountains。 He hoped the rains would e again; and make things green once more。 He remembered when the world was green。
       He heard the horses before he saw them; three men riding across the brown hills in long leather shirts sewn all over with metal discs; two with lances。 He knew the one on the lead; Garam; son of the chief of the town just out of sight back the way they came and not much older than himself。 They were blind; these townsmen。 They did not see the Aiel who stirred after they passed; then settled back to near invisibility in the sere land。 Rhodric lowered his veil; there would be no killing unless the riders began it。 He did not regret it … not exactly … but he could not make himself trust men who lived in houses and towns。 There had been too many battles with that kind。 The stories said it had always been so。
       Garam drew rein; raising his right hand in salute。 He was a slight dark…eyed man; like his two followers; but all three looked tough and petent。 〃Ho; Rhodric。 Have your people finished filling their waterskins; yet?〃
       〃I see you; Garam。〃 He kept his voice level and expressionless。 It made him uneasy; seeing men on horses; even more so than their carrying swords。 The Aiel had pack animals; but there was something unnatural about sitting atop a horse。 A man's legs were good enough。 〃We are close。 Does your father withdraw his permission for us to take water on his lands?〃 No other town had ever given permission before。 Water had to be fought for if men were near; just like everything else; and if there was water; then men were near。 It would not be easy to take these three by himself。 He shifted his feet in readiness to dance; and likely die。
       〃He does not;〃 Garam said。 He had not even noticed Rhodric's shift。 〃We have a strong spring in the town; and my father says that when you go; we will have the new wells you have dug until we go ourselves。 But your grandfather seemed to want to know if the others started to move; and they have。〃 He leaned an elbow on the front of his saddle。 〃Tell me; Rhodric; are they truly the same people as yourselves?〃
       〃They are the Jenn Aiel; we; the Aiel。 We are the same; yet not。 I cannot explain it further; Garam。〃 He did not really understand it himself。
       〃Which way do they move?〃 Jeordam asked。
       Rhodric bowed to his greatfather calmly; he had heard a footfall; the sound of a soft boot; and had known it for an Aiel's。 The townsmen had not noticed Jeordam's approach; though; and they jerked their reins in surprise。 Only Garam's upflung hand stopped the other two from lowering their lances。 Rhodric and his greatfather waited。
       〃East;〃 Garam said when he had his horse under control again。 〃Across the Spine of the World。〃 He gestured to the mountains that stabbed the sky。
       Rhodric winced; but Jeordam said coolly; 〃What lies on the other side?〃
       〃The end of the world; for all I know;〃 Garam replied。 〃I am not sure there is a way across。〃 He hesitated。 〃The Jenn have Aes Sedai with them。 Dozens; I have heard。 Does it not make you uneasy traveling close to Aes Sedai? I have heard the world was different once; but they destroyed it。〃
       The Aes Sedai made Rhodric very nervous; though he kept his face blank。 They were only four; not dozens; but enough to make him remember stories that the Aiel had failed the Aes Sedai in some way that no one knew。 The Aes Sedai must know; they had seldom left the Jenn's wagons in the year since their arrival; but when they did; they looked at the Aiel with sad eyes。 Rhodric was not the only one who tried to avoid them。
       〃We guard the Jenn;〃 Jeordam said。 〃It is they who travel with Aes Sedai。〃
       Garam nodded as if that made a difference; then leaned forward again; lowering his voice。 〃My father has an Aes Sedai advisor; though he tries to keep it from the town。 She says we must leave these hills and move east。 She says the dry rivers will run again; and we will build a great city beside one。 She says many things。 I hear the Aes Sedai plan to build a city … they have found Ogier to build it for them。 Ogier!〃 He shook his head; pulling himself from legends back to reality。 〃Do you think they mean to rule the world once more? The Aes Sedai? I think we should kill them before they can destroy us again。〃
       〃You must do as you think best。〃 Jeordam's voice gave no hint of his own thoughts。 〃I must ready my people to cross those mountains。〃
       The dark…haired man straightened in his saddle; plainly disappointed。 Rhodric suspected he had wanted Aiel help in killing Aes Sedai。 〃The Spine of the World;〃 Garam said brusquely。 〃It has another name。 Some call it the Dragonwall。〃
       〃A fitting name;〃 Jeordam replied。
       Rhodric stared at the towering mountains in the distance。 A fitting name for Aiel。 Their own secret name; told to no one; was People of the Dragon。 He did not know why; only that it was not spoken aloud except when you received your spears。 What lay beyond this Dragonwall? At least there would be people to fight。 There always were。 In the whole world there were only Aiel; Jenn; and enemies。 Only that。 Aiel; Jenn; and enemies。
       Rand drew a deep breath that rasped as if he had not breathed for hours。 Eye…splitting rings of light ran up the columns around him。 The words still echoed in his mind。 Aiel; Jenn; and enemies; that was the world。 They had not been in the Waste; certainly。 He had seen … lived … a time before the Aiel came to their Three…fold Land。
       He was nearer still to Muradin。 The Aiel's eyes shifted uneasily; and he seemed to struggle against taking another step。
       Rand moved forward。
       Squatting easily on the white…cloaked hillside; Jeordam ignored the cold as he watched five people tramp toward him。 Three cloaked men; two women in bulky dresses; making hard work of the snow。 Winter should have been over long since; according to the old ones; but then they told stories of the seasons changing from what they had always been。 They claimed the earth used to shake; too; and mountains rose or sank like the water in a summer pond when you threw a rock in。 Jeordam did not believe it。 He was eighteen; born in the tents; and this was the only life he had ever known。 The snow; the tents; and the duty to protect。
       He lowered his veil and stood slowly; leaning on his long spear so as not to frighten the wagon folk; but they stopped abruptly anyway; staring at the spear; at the bow slung across his back and the quiver at his waist。 None appeared any older than himself。 〃You have need of us; Jenn?〃 he called。
       〃You name us that to mock us;〃 a tall; sharp…nosed fellow shouted back; 〃but it is true。 We are the only true Aiel。 You have given up the Way。〃
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