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llow was tall; taller than an Aiel; and sinewy; but with shoulders too wide for his narrow waist; and skin as white as the finest paper。 Pale leather straps studded with silver crisscrossed his arms and bare chest; and a black kilt hung to his knees。 His eyes were too big and almost colorless; set deep in a narrow jawed face。 His short cut; palely reddish hair stood up like a brush; and his ears; lying flat against his head; had a hint of a point at the top。 He leaned toward Mat; inhaling; opening his mouth to pull in more air; flashing sharp teeth。 The impression he gave was of a fox about to leap on a cornered chicken。
       〃A very long time;〃 he said; straightening。 His voice was rough; almost a growl。 〃Do you abide by the treaties and agreements? Do you carry iron; or instruments of music; or devices for making light?〃
       〃I have none of those things;〃 Mat replied slowly。 This was not the same place; but this fellow asked the same questions。 And he behaved the same; with all that smelling。 Rummaging through my bloody experiences; is he? Well; let him。 Maybe he'll jog some loose so I can remember them; too。 He wondered if he was speaking the Old Tongue again。 It was unfortable; not knowing; not being able to tell。 〃If you can take me to where I can get a few questions answered; lead the way。 If not; I will be going; with apologies for bothering you。〃
       〃No!〃 Those big colorless eyes blinked in agitation; 〃You must not go。 e。 I will take you where you may find what you need。 e。〃 He backed away; gesturing with both hands。 〃e。〃
       Glancing at the ter'angreal; Mat followed。 He wished the man had not grinned at him just then。 Maybe he meant to be reassuring; but those teeth。。。 Mat decided he would never give up all of his knives again; not for Wise Ones or the Amyrlin Seat herself。
       The large five…sided doorway looked more like a tunnel mouth; for the corridor beyond was exactly the same size and shape; with those softly glowing yellow strips running along the bends; edging floor and ceiling。 It seemed to stretch ahead forever; fading into a murky distance; broken at intervals by more of the great five…sided doorways。 The kilted man did not turn to lead until they were both in the hallway; and even then he kept glancing over a wide shoulder as if to make certain Mat was still there。 The air was no longer musty; instead it held a faint hint of something unpleasant; something tickling familiarity but not strong enough to recognize。
       At the first of the doorways; Mat glanced through in passing; and sighed。 Beyond star…shaped black columns; a twisted red stone doorway stood on a dull glassy white floor where dust showed the marks of one set of boots ing from the ter'angreal; led toward the corridor by the prints of narrow bare feet。 He looked over his shoulder。 Instead of ending fifty paces back in another chamber like this; the hallway ran back as far as he could see; a mirror image of what lay ahead。 His guide gave him a sharp…toothed smile; the fellow looked hungry。
       He knew he should have expected something of the sort after what he had seen on the other side of the doorway in the Stone。 Those spires moving from where they should be to where they could not; logically。 If spires; why not rooms。 I should have stayed out there waiting for Rand; is what I should have done。 I should have done a lot of things。 At least he would have no trouble finding the ter'angreal again; if all of the doorways ahead were the same。
       He peered into the next and saw black columns; the redstone ter'angreal; his footprints and his guide's in the dust。 When the narrow jawed man looked over his shoulder again; Mat gave him a toothy grin。 〃Never think you have caught a babe in your snare。 If you try to cheat me; I will have your hide for a saddlecloth。〃
       The fellow started; pale eyes widening; then shrugged and adjusted the silver studded straps across his chest; his mocking smile seemed tailored to draw attention to what he was doing。 Suddenly Mat found himself wondering where that pale leather came from。 Surely not。。。 Oh; Light; I think it is。 He managed to stop himself from swallowing; but only just。 〃Lead; you son of a goat。 Your hide is not worth silver studding。 Take me where I want to go。〃
       With a snarl; the man hurried on; stiff…backed。 Mat did not care if the fellow was offended。 He did wish he had just one knife; though。 I'll be burned if I'll let some fox…faced goat brain make a harness out of my hide。
       There was no way of telling how long they walked。 The corridor never changed; with its bent walls and its glowing yellow strips。 Every doorway showed the identical chamber; ter'angreal; footprints and all。 The sameness made time slip into formlessness。 Mat worried about how long he had been there。 Surely longer than the hour he had given himself。 His clothes were only damp now; his boots no longer made squishing noises。 But he walked; staring at his guide's back; and walked。
       Suddenly the corridor ended ahead in another doorway。 Mat blinked。 He could have sworn that a moment before the hall had stretched on as far as he could see。 But he had been watching the sharp…toothed fellow more than what lay ahead。 He looked back; and nearly swore。 The corridor ran back until the glowing yellow strips seemed to e together in a point。 And there was not an opening to be seen anywhere along it。
       When he turned; he was alone in front of the big five…sided doorway。 Burn me; I wish they wouldn't do that。 Taking a deep breath; he walked through。
       It was another white…floored star…shaped chamber; not so large as the one … or ones … with columns。 An eight…pointed star with a glassy black pedestal standing in each point; like a two span slice out of one of those columns。 Glowing yellow strips ran up the sharp edges of room and pedestals。 The unpleasant smell was stronger here; he recognized it now。 The smell of a wild animal's lair。 He hardly noticed it; though; because the chamber was empty except for him。
       Turning slowly; he frowned at the pedestals。 Surely someone should be up on them; whoever was supposed to answer his questions。 He was being cheated。 If he could e here; he should be able to get answers。
       Suddenly he spun in a circle; searching not the pedestals but the smooth gray walls。 The doorway was gone; there was no way out。
       Yet before he pleted a second turn there was someone standing on each pedestal; people like his guide; but dressed differently。 Four were men; the others women; their stiff hair rising in a crest before spilling down their backs。 All wore long white skirts that hid their feet。 The women had on white blouses that fell below their hips; with high lace necks and pale ruffles at their wrists。 The men wore even more straps than the guide; wider and studded with gold。 Each harness supported a pair of bare bladed knives on the wearer's chest。 Bronze blades; Mat judged from the color; but he would have given all the gold in his possession for just one of them。
       〃Speak;〃 one of the women said in that growling voice。 〃By the ancient treaty; here is agreement made。 What is your need? Speak。〃
       Mat hesitated。 That was not what t
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