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d not try to control the false Dragon; High Lady;〃 Pura said breathily。 〃They would capture him; and gentle him。〃
Taisa looked an indignant question at the High Lady。 The answer had avoided Suroth's query; had perhaps even implied that one of the Blood had spoken untruth。 Suroth gave a slight shake of her head; the merest sideways motion … she had no wish to wait while the damane recovered from punishment … and Taisa bowed her head in acquiescence。
〃Once again; Pura; what do you know of Aes Sedai。。。〃 Suroth's mouth twisted at being defiled with that name; Alwhin gave a grunt of distaste 〃。。。 Aes Sedai aiding this man? I warn you。 Our soldiers fought women of the Tower; women channeling the Power; at Falme; so do not attempt to deny it。〃
〃Pura。。。。 Pura does not know; High Lady。〃 There was urgency in the damane's voice; and uncertainty; she darted another wide…eyed glance at Taisa。 It was clear that she wanted desperately to be believed。 〃Perhaps。。。。 Perhaps the Amyrlin; or the Hall of the Tower。。。。 No; they would not。 Pura does not know; High Lady。〃
〃The man can channel;〃 Suroth said curtly。 The woman on the floor moaned; though she had heard the same words from Suroth before。 Saying it again made Suroth's stomach knot; but she allowed nothing to show on her face。 Little of what had happened at Falme had been the work of women channeling; damane could sense that; and the sul'dam wearing the bracelet always knew what her damane felt。 That meant it had to have been the work of the man。 It also meant he was incredibly powerful。 So powerful that Suroth had once or twice found herself wondering; growing queasy; whether he might really be the Dragon Reborn。 That cannot be; she told herself firmly。 In any case; it made no difference to her plans。 〃It is impossible to believe that even the White Tower would allow such a man to walk free。 How do they control him?〃
The damane lay there silently; face to the floor; shoulders shaking; weeping。
〃Answer the High Lady!〃 Taisa said sharply。 Taisa did not move; but Pura gasped; flinching as if struck across the hips。 A blow delivered through the a'dam。
〃P…Pura does not kn…know。〃 The damane stretched out a hesitant hand as though to touch Suroth's foot。 〃Please。 Pura has learned to obey。 Pura speaks only the truth。 Please do not punish Pura。〃
Suroth stepped back smoothly; letting none of her irritation show。 That she should be forced to move by a damane。 That she could almost be touched by one who could channel。 She felt a need to bathe; as if the touch had actually landed。
Taisa's dark eyes bulged in outrage at the damane's effrontery; her cheeks were scarlet with shame that this should happen while she wore the woman's bracelet。 She seemed torn between prostrating herself beside the damane to beg forgiveness and punishing the woman then and there。 Alwhin stared a thin…lipped contempt; every line of her face saying that such things did not happen when she wore a bracelet。
Suroth raised one finger a fraction; making a small gesture every so'jhin knew from childhood; a simple dismissal。
Alwhin hesitated before interpreting it; then tried to cover her slip by rounding harshly on Taisa。 〃Take this。。。 creature from the presence of the High Lady Suroth。 And when you have punished her; go to Surela and tell her that you control your charges as if you had never worn the bracelet before。 Tell her that you are to be …〃
Suroth shut Alwhin's voice from her mind。 None of that had been her mand except the dismissal; but quarrels between sul'dam were beneath her notice。 She wished she knew whether Pura was managing to hide something。 Her agents reported claims that the women of the White Tower could not lie。 It had not been possible to force Pura to tell even a simple lie; to say that a white scarf was black; yet that was not enough to be conclusive。 Some might accept the tears of the damane; her protests of inability whatever the sul'dam did; but none who did would have risen to lead the Return。 Pura might have some reservoir of will left; might be clever enough to try using the belief that she was incapable of lying。 None of the women collared on the mainland were fully obedient; trustworthy; not like the damane brought from Seanchan。 None of them truly accepted what they were; as Seanchan damane did。 Who could say what secrets might hide in one who had called herself Aes Sedai?
Not for the first time Suroth wished she had the other Aes Sedai who had been captured on Toman Head。 With two to question; there would have been a better chance to catch lies and evasions。 It was a useless wish。 The other could be dead; drowned at sea; or on display at the Court of the Nine Moons。 Some of the ships Suroth had failed to gather in must have managed the journey back across the ocean; and one might well have carried the woman。
She herself had sent a ship carrying carefully crafted reports; nearly half a year ago now; as soon as she had solidified her control of the Forerunners; with a captain and crew from families that had served hers since Luthair Paendrag had proclaimed himself Emperor; nearly a thousand years ago。 Dispatching the ship had been a gamble; for the Empress might send back someone to take Suroth's place。 Not sending the vessel would have been a greater; though; only utter and crushing victory could have saved her then。 Perhaps not even that。 So the Empress knew of Falme; knew of Turak's disaster and Suroth's intention to go on。 But what did she think of that knowledge; and what was she doing about it? That was a greater concern than any damane; whatever she had been before collaring。
Yet the Empress did not know everything。 The worst could not be entrusted to any messenger; no matter how loyal。 It would only be passed from Suroth's lips directly to the ear of the Empress; and Suroth had taken pains to keep it so。 Only four still lived who knew the secret; and two of those would never speak of it to anyone; not of their own volition。 Only three deaths can hold it more tightly。
Suroth did not realize she had murmured the last aloud until Alwhin said; 〃And yet the High Lady needs all three alive。〃 The woman had a properly humble suppleness to her stance; even to the trick of downcast eyes that still managed to watch for any sign from Suroth。 Her voice was humble; too。 〃Who can say; High Lady; what the Empress … may she live forever! … might do if she learned of an attempt to keep such knowledge from her?〃
Instead of answering; Suroth made the tiny dismissing gesture once more。 Again Alwhin hesitated … this time it had to be simple reluctance to leave; the woman rose above herself! … before bowing deeply and backing out of Suroth's presence。
With an effort Suroth found calmness。 The sul'dam and the other two were a problem she could not solve now; but patience was a necessity for the Blood。 Those who lacked it were likely to end in the Tower of Ravens。
On the terrace; kneeling servants leaned forward a hair in readiness as she appeared again。 The soldiers maintained their watch to see she was undisturbed。 Suroth took up her place before the balustrade; this time staring out to sea; toward the mainland hundreds of miles to the east。
To be the one who successfully led the F
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