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'servant of all。' And 'Aiel'。 'Dedicated;' in the Old Tongue。 Stronger than that; it implies an oath written into your bones。 I have often wondered what the Aiel are dedicated to。〃 The Wise Ones' faces had gone to iron; but Moiraine continued。 〃And 'Jenn Aiel'。 'The true dedicated;' but again stronger。 Perhaps 'the only true dedicated。' The only true Aiel?〃 She looked at them questioningly; just as if they did not suddenly have eyes of stone。 None of them spoke。
       What was Moiraine doing? Egwene did not intend to allow the Aes Sedai to ruin her chances of learning whatever the Wise Ones could teach her。 〃Amys; could we talk of Dreaming now?〃
       〃Tonight will be time enough;〃 Amys said。
       〃But …〃
       〃Tonight; Egwene。 You may be Aes Sedai; but you must bee a pupil again。 You cannot even go to sleep when you wish yet; or sleep lightly enough to tell what you see before you wake。 When the sun begins to set; I will begin to teach you。〃
       Ducking her head; Egwene peered under the edge of the tent roof。 From that deep shade; the light outside glared piercingly through heat shimmers in the air; the sun stood no more than halfway to the mountaintops。
       Abruptly Moiraine rose to her knees; reaching behind her; she began undoing her dress。 〃I presume that I must go as Aviendha did;〃 she said; not as a question。
       Bair gave Melaine a hard stare that the younger woman met only for a moment before dropping her eyes。 Seana said in a resigned voice; 〃You should not have been told。 It is done; now。 Change。 One not of the blood has gone to Rhuidean; and now another。〃
       Moiraine paused。 〃Does that make a difference; that I have been told?〃
       〃Perhaps a great difference;〃 Bair said reluctantly; 〃perhaps none。 We often guide; but we do not tell。 When we saw you go to the rings; each time it was you who brought up going; who demanded the right though you have none of the blood。 Now one of us has mentioned it first。 Already there are changes from anything we saw。 Who can say what they are?〃
       〃And what did you see if I do not go?〃
       Bair's wrinkled face was expressionless; but sympathy touched her pale blue eyes。 〃We have told too much already; Moiraine。 What a dream walker sees is what is likely to happen; not what surely will。 Those who move with too much knowledge of the future inevitably find disaster; whether from placency at what they think must e or in their efforts to change it。〃
       〃It is the mercy of the rings that the memories fade;〃 Amys said。 〃A woman knows some things … a few … that will happen; others she will not recognize until the decision is upon her; if then。 Life is uncertainty and struggle; choice and change; one who knew how her life was woven into the Pattern as well as she knew how a thread was laid into a carpet would have the life of an animal。 If she did not go mad。 Humankind is made for uncertainty; struggle; choice and change。〃
       Moiraine listened with no outward show of impatience; though Egwene suspected it was there; the Aes Sedai was used to lecturing; not being lectured。 She was silent while Egwene helped her out of her dress; not speaking until she crouched naked at the edge of the carpets; peering down the mountainside toward the fog…shrouded city in the valley。 Then she said; 〃Do not let Lan follow me。 He will try; if he sees me。〃
       〃It will be as it will be;〃 Bair replied。 Her thin voice sounded cold and final。
       After a moment; Moiraine gave a grudging nod and slipped out of the tent into the blazing sunlight。 She began to run immediately; barefoot down the scorching slope。 。 Egwene grimaced。 Rand and Mat; Aviendha; now Moiraine; all going into Rhuidean。 〃Will she。。。 survive? If you dreamed of this; you must know。〃
       〃There are some places one cannot enter in Tel'aran'rhiod;〃 Seana said。 〃Rhuidean。 Ogier stedding。 A few others。 What happens there is shielded from a dreamwalker's eyes。〃
       That was not an answer … they could have seen whether she came out of Rhuidean … but it was obviously all she was going to get。 〃Very well。 Should I go; too?〃 She did not relish the thought of experiencing the rings; it would be like being raised to Accepted again。 But if everyone else was going。。。
       〃Do not be foolish;〃 Amys said vigorously。
       〃We saw nothing of this for you;〃 Bair added in a milder tone。 〃We did not see you at all。〃
       〃And I would not say yes if you asked;〃 Amys went on。 〃Four are required for permission; and I would say no。 You are here to learn to dreamwalk。〃
       〃In that case;〃 Egwene said; settling back on her cushion; 〃teach me。 There must be something you can begin with before tonight。〃
       Melaine frowned at her; but Bair chuckled dryly。 〃She is as eager and impatient as you were once you decided to learn; Amys。〃
       Amys nodded。 〃I hope she can keep her eagerness and lose the impatience; for her sake。 Hear me; Egwene。 Though it will be hard; you must forget that you are Aes Sedai if you are to learn。 You must listen; remember; and do as you are told。 Above all; you must not enter Tel'aran'rhiod again until one of us says you may。 Can you accept this?〃
       It would not be hard to forget she was Aes Sedai when she was not。 For the rest; it sounded ominously like being a novice again。 〃I can accept it。〃 She hoped she did not sound doubtful。
       〃Good;〃 Bair said。 〃I will now tell you about dreamwalking and Tel'aran'rhiod; in a very general way。 When I am done; you will repeat back to me what I have said。 If you fail to touch all points; you will scrub the pots in place of the gai'shain tonight。 If your memory is so poor that you cannot repeat what I say after a second hearing。。。。 Well; we will discuss that when it happens。 Attend。
       〃Almost anyone can touch Tel'aran'rhiod; but few can truly enter it。 Of all the Wise Ones; we four alone can dreamwalk; and your Tower has not produced a dreamwalker in nearly five hundred years。 It is not a thing of the One Power; though Aes Sedai believe it is。 I cannot channel; nor can Seana; yet we dreamwalk as well as Amys or Melaine。 Many people brush the World of Dreams in their sleep。 Because they only brush against it; they wake with aches or pains where they should have broken bones or mortal hurts。 A dreamwalker enters the dream fully; therefore her injuries are real on waking。 For one who is fully in the dream; dreamwalker or not; death there is death here。 To enter the dream too pletely; though; is to lose touch with the flesh; there is no way back; and the flesh dies。 It is said that once there were those who could enter the dream in the flesh; and no longer be in this world at all。 This was an evil thing; for they did evil; it must never be attempted; even if you believe it possible for you; for each time you will lose some part of what makes you human。 You must learn to enter Tel'aran'rhiod when you wish; to the degree you wish。 You must learn to find what you need to find and read what you see; to enter the dreams of another close by in order to aid healing; to recognize those who are in the dream fully enough to harm you; to。。。〃
       Egwene listened intently。 It fascinated her; hinting at things she had never suspecte
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