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ture。 Some who survive the rings do not survive their second trip to Rhuidean; to the heart。 You are not giving up a hard and dangerous life for a softer; but for a harder and more dangerous。〃
       A ter'angreal。 Amys was describing a ter'angreal。 What kind of place was this Rhuidean? Egwene found herself wanting to go down there herself; to find out。 That was foolish。 She was not here to take unnecessary risks with ter'angreal she knew nothing about。
       Melaine cupped Aviendha's chin and turned the younger woman's face to her。 〃You have the strength;〃 she said with quiet conviction。 〃A strong mind and a strong heart are your weapons now; but you hold them as surely as you ever held a spear。 Remember them; use them; and they will see you through anything。〃
       Egwene was surprised。 Of the four; she would have picked the sun…haired woman last to show passion。
       Aviendha nodded; and even managed a smile。 〃I will beat those men to Rhuidean。 They cannot run。〃
       Each Wise One in turn kissed her lightly on each cheek; murmuring; 〃e back to us。〃
       Catching Aviendha's hand; Egwene squeezed it and got a squeeze in return。 Then the Aiel woman was running down the mountainside in leaps。 It seemed she might well catch up to Rand and Mat。 Egwene watched her go worriedly。 This was something like being raised to Accepted; it seemed; but without any novice training first; without anyone to give small fort afterward。 What would it have been like to be raised Accepted on her first day in the Tower? She thought she might have gone mad。 Nynaeve had been raised so; because of her strength; she thought at least some of Nynaeve's distaste for Aes Sedai came from what she had experienced then。 e back to us; she thought。 Be steadfast。
       When Aviendha passed out of sight; Egwene sighed and turned back to the Wise Ones。 She had her own purpose here; and holding back from it would help no one。 〃Amys; in Tel'aran'rhiod you told me I should e to you to learn。 I have。〃
       〃Haste;〃 the white haired woman said。 〃We have been hasty; because Aviendha struggled so long against her toh; because we feared the Shaido might don veils; even here; if we did not send Rand al'Thor into Rhuidean before they could think。〃
       〃You believe they'd have tried to kill him?〃 Egwene said。 〃But he's the one you sent people over the Dragonwall to find。 He Who es With the Dawn。〃
       Bair shifted her shawl。 〃Perhaps he is。 We shall see。 If he lives。〃
       〃He has his mother's eyes;〃 Amys said; 〃and much of her in his face as well as something of his father; but Couladin could see only his clothes; and his horse。 The other Shaido would have as well; and perhaps the Taardad; too。 Outlanders are not allowed on this ground; and now there are five of you。 No; four; Rand al'Thor is no outlander; wherever he was raised。 But we have already allowed one to enter Rhuidean; which is also forbidden。 Change es like an avalanche whether we want it or not。〃
       〃It must e;〃 Bair said; not sounding happy。 〃The Pattern plants us where it will。〃
       〃You knew Rand's parents?〃 Egwene asked cautiously。 Whatever they said; she still thought of Tam and Kari al'Thor as Rand's parents。
       〃That is his story;〃 Amys said; 〃if he wants to hear it。〃 By the firmness of her mouth; she would not say another word on the subject。
       〃e;〃 Bair said。 〃There is no need for haste; now。 e。 We offer you water and shade。〃
       Egwene's knees nearly buckled at the mention of shade。 The once…sopping kerchief around her forehead was almost dry; the top of her head felt baked; and the rest of her scarcely less。 Moiraine seemed just as grateful to follow the Wise Ones up to one of the small clusters of low; open…sided tents。
       A tall man in sandals and hooded white robes took their horses' reins。 His Aiel face looked odd in the deep soft cowl; with downcast eyes。
       〃Give the animals water;〃 Bair said before ducking into the low; unwalled tent; and the man bowed to her back; touching his forehead。
       Egwene hesitated over letting the man lead Mist away。 He seemed confident; but what would an Aiel know of horses? Still; she did not think he would harm them; and it did look wonderfully darker inside the tent。 It was; and delightfully cool pared to outside。
       The roof of the tent rose to a peak around a hole; but even under that there was barely room to stand。 As if to make up for the drab colors the Aiel wore; large gold tasseled red cushions lay scattered over brightly colored carpets layered thickly enough to pad the hard ground beneath。 Egwene and Moiraine imitated the Wise Ones; sinking to the carpet and leaning on one elbow on a cushion。 They were all in a circle; nearly close enough to touch the next woman。
       Bair struck a small brass gong; and two young women entered with silver trays; bending gracefully; robed in white; with deep cowls and downturned eyes; like the man who had taken the horses。 Kneeling in the middle of the tent; one filled a small silver cup with wine for each of the women reclining on a cushion; and the other poured larger cups of water。 Without a word; they backed out bowing; leaving the gleaming trays and pitchers; beaded with condensation。
       〃Here is water and shade;〃 Bair said; lifting her water; 〃freely given。 Let there be no constraints between us。 All here are wele; as first…sisters are wele。〃
       〃Let there be no constraints;〃 Amys and the other two murmured。 After one sip of water; the Aiel women named themselves formally。 Bair; of the Haido sept of the Shaarad Aiel。 Amys; of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel。 Melaine; of the Jhirad sept of the Goshien Aiel。 Seana; of the Black Cliff sept of the Nakai Aiel。
       Egwene and Moiraine followed the ritual; though Moiraine's mouth tightened when Egwene called herself an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah。
       As if the sharing of water and names had broken down a wall; the mood in the tent changed palpably。 Smiles from the Aiel women; a subtle relaxation; and said formalities were done。
       Egwene was more grateful for the water than for the wine。 It might be cooler in the tent than outside; but just breathing still dried her throat。 At Amys's gesture she eagerly poured a second cup。
       The people in white had been a surprise。 It was foolish; but she realized she had been thinking that except for the Wise Ones Aiel were all like Rhuarc and Aviendha; warriors。 Of course they had blacksmiths and weavers and other craftsmen; they must。 Why not servants? Only; Aviendha had been disdainful of the servants in the Stone; not letting them do anything for her that she could avoid。 These people with their humble demeanor did not act like Aiel at all。 She did not recall seeing any white in the two large camps。 〃Is it only Wise Ones who have servants?〃 she asked。
       Melaine choked on her wine。 〃Servants?〃 she gasped。 〃They are gai'shain; not servants。〃 She sounded as if that should explain everything;
       Moiraine frowned slightly over her winecup。 〃Gai'shain? How does that translate? 'Those sworn to peace in battle'?〃
       〃They are simply gai'shain;〃 Amys said。 She seemed to realize they did not understand。 〃Forgive me; but
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