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cross the ground ahead of the three horses。
       〃Why do you call him that?〃 Moiraine asked when he was out of earshot。 〃One Man。 Do you know him?〃
       〃We know of him; Aes Sedai。〃 Amys made the title sound an address between equals。 〃The last of the Malkieri。 The man who will not give up his war against the Shadow though his nation is long destroyed by it。 There is much honor in him。 I knew from the dream that if you came; it was almost certain Aan'allein would as well; but I did not know he obeyed you。〃
       〃He is my Warder;〃 Moiraine said simply。
       Egwene thought the Aes Sedai was troubled despite her tone; and she knew why。 Almost certain Lan would e with Moiraine? Lan always followed Moiraine; he would follow her into the Pit of Doom without blinking。 Nearly as interesting to Egwene was 〃if you came。〃 Had the Wise Ones know they were ing or not? Perhaps interpreting the Dream was not as straightforward as she hoped。 She was about to ask; when Bair spoke。
       〃Aviendha? e here。〃
       Aviendha had been squatting disconsolately off to one side; arms wrapped around her knees; staring at the ground。 She stood slowly。 If Egwene had not known better; she would have thought the other woman was afraid。 Aviendha's feet dragged as she climbed to where the Wise Ones stood and set her bag and rolled wall hangings at her feet。
       〃It is time;〃 Bair said; not ungently。 Still; there was no promise in her pale blue eyes。 〃You have run with the spears as long as you can。 Longer than you should have。〃
       Aviendha flung up her head defiantly。 〃I am a Maiden of the Spear。 I do not want to be a Wise One。 I will not be!〃
       The Wise Ones' faces hardened。 Egwene was reminded of the Women's Circle back home confronting a woman who was heading off into some foolishness。
       〃You have already been treated more gently than it was in my day;〃 Amys said in a voice like stone。 〃I; too; refused when called。 My spear…sisters broke my spears before my eyes。 They took me to Bair and Coedelin bound hand and foot and wearing only my skin。〃
       〃And a pretty little doll tucked under your arm;〃 Bair said dryly; 〃to remind you how childish you were。 As I remember; you ran away nine times in the first month。〃
       Amys nodded grimly。 〃And was made to blubber like a child for each of them。 I only ran away five times the second month。 I thought I was as strong and hard as a woman could be。 I was not smart; though; it took me half a year to learn you were stronger and harder than I could ever be; Bair。 Eventually I learned my duty; my obligation to the people。 As you will; Aviendha。 Such as you and I; we have that obligation。 You are not a child。 It is time to put away dolls … and spears … and bee the woman you are meant to be。〃
       Abruptly; Egwene knew why she had felt such a kinship with Aviendha from the first; knew why Amys and the others meant her to be a Wise One。 Aviendha could channel。 Like herself; like Elayne and Nynaeve … and Moiraine; for that matter … she was one of those rare women who not only could be taught to channel; but who had the ability born in her; so she would touch the True Source eventually whether she knew what she was doing or not。 Moiraine's face was still; calm; but Egwene saw confirmation in her eyes。 The Aes Sedai had surely known from the first time she came within arm's reach of the Aiel woman; Egwene realized she could feel that same kinship with Amys and Melaine。 Not with Bair or Seana; though。 Only the first two could channel; she was sure of it。 And now she could sense the same in Moiraine。 It was the first time she had ever felt that。 The Aes Sedai was a distant woman。
       Some of the Wise Ones; at least; apparently saw more in Moiraine's face。 〃You meant to take her to your White Tower;〃 Bair said; 〃to make her one of you。 She is Aiel; Aes Sedai。〃
       〃She can be very strong if she is trained properly;〃 Moiraine replied。 〃As strong as Egwene will be。 In the Tower; she can reach that strength。〃
       〃We can teach her as well; Aes Sedai。〃 Melaine's voice was smooth enough; but contempt tinged her unwavering green…eyed stare。 〃Better。 I have spoken with Aes Sedai。 You coddle women in the Tower。 The Three…fold Land is no place for coddling。 Aviendha will learn what she can do while you would still have her playing games。〃
       Egwene gave Aviendha a concerned look; the other woman was staring at her feet; defiance gone。 If they thought training in the Tower was coddling。。。 。 She had been worked harder and disciplined more strictly as a novice than ever before in her life。 She felt a true pang of sympathy for the Aiel woman。
       Amys held out her hands; and Aviendha reluctantly laid her spears and buckler in them; flinching when the Wise One threw them aside to clatter on the ground。 Slowly Aviendha slid her cased bow from her back and surrendered it; unbuckled the belt holding her quiver and sheathed knife。 Amys took each offering and tossed it away like rubbish; Aviendha gave a little jerk each time。 A tear trembled at the corner of one blue…green eye。
       〃Do you have to treat her this way?〃 Egwene demanded angrily。 Amys and the others turned flat stares on her; but she was not about to be intimidated。 〃You are treating things she cares about as trash。〃
       〃She must see them as trash;〃 Seana said。 〃When she returns … if she returns … she will burn them and scatter the ashes。 The metal she will give to a smith to make simple things。 Not weapons。 Not even a carving knife。 Buckles; or pots; or puzzles for children。 Things she will give away with her own hands when they are made。〃
       〃The Three…fold Land is not soft; Aes Sedai;〃 Bair said。 〃〃Soft things die; here。〃
       〃The cadin'sor; Aviendha。〃 Amys gestured to the discarded weapons。 〃Your new clothes will await your return。〃
       Mechanically; Aviendha stripped; tossing coat and breeches; soft boots; everything onto the pile。 Naked; she stood without wriggling a toe; though Egwene thought her own feet would blister through her shoes。 She remembered watching as the clothes she had worn to the White Tower were burned; a severing of ties to an earlier life; but it had not been like this。 Not this stark。
       When Aviendha started to add the sack and the wall hangings to the pile; Seana took them from her。 〃These you can have back。 If you return。 If not; they will go to your family; for remembrance。〃
       Aviendha nodded。 She did not seem afraid。 Reluctant; angry; even sullen; but not afraid。
       〃In Rhuidean;〃 Amys said; 〃you will find three rings; arranged so。〃 She drew three lines in the air; joining together in the middle。 〃Step through any one。 You will see your future laid before you; again and again; in variation。 They will not guide you wholly; as is best; for they will fade together as do stories heard long ago; yet you will remember enough to know some things that must be; for you; despised as they may be; and some that must not; cherished hopes that they are。 This is the beginning of being called wise。 Some women never return from the rings; perhaps they could not face the future。 Some who survive the rings do not survive their second trip to Rhuidean; to the heart。 You are
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