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or Moiraine despite the fact that they rode some little distance behind him; directly ahead of the Aiel。 The soft awed susurration that acpanied his passing certainly rose for the Aiel; not him。 These Tairen folk might even take him for a groom; riding his master's horse。 Well; no; not that; not out in front as he was。 It was a fine day; anyway。 Not sweltering; merely warm。 No one expected him to mete out justice; or rule a nation。 He could simply enjoy riding in anonymity; enjoy the rare breeze。 For a time he could forget the feel of his heron branded palms on the reins。 For a little longer anyway; he thought。 A little longer。
       〃Rand;〃 Egwene said; 〃do you really think it was right to let the Aiel take all those things?〃 He looked around as she heeled her gray mare; Mist; up beside him。 From somewhere she had gotten a dark green dress with narrow divided skirts; and a green velvet band held her hair at the nape of her neck。
       Moiraine and Lan still hung back half a dozen strides; she on her white mare in a full skirted blue silk riding dress slashed with green; her dark hair caught in a golden net; he astride his great black warhorse; in a color shifting Warder's cloak that probably brought as many oohs and aahs as the Aiel。 When the breeze stirred the cloak; shades of green and brown and gray rippled across it; when it hung still it somehow seemed to fade into whatever was beyond it; so the eye appeared to be seeing through parts of Lan and his mount。 It was not fortable to look at。
       Mat was there; too; slumped in his saddle and looking resigned; trying to keep apart from the Warder and Aes Sedai。 He had chosen a nondescript brown gelding; an animal he called Pips; it took a good eye to notice the deep chest and strong withers that promised blunt…nosed Pips could likely match Rand's stallion or Lan's for speed and endurance。 Mat's decision to e had been a surprise; Rand still did not know why。 Friendship; maybe; and then again; maybe not。 Mat could be odd in what he did and why。
       〃Didn't your friend Aviendha explain to you about 'the fifth'?〃 he asked。
       〃She mentioned something; but。。。 Rand; you don't think she。。。 took。。。 things; too?〃
       Behind Moiraine and Lan; behind Mat; behind Rhuarc at their head; the Aiel walked in long lines to either side of loaded pack mules; rank on rank four abreast。 When Aiel took one of the holds of an enemy clan in the Waste; by custom … or maybe law; Rand did not understand it exactly … they carried away one fifth of all it contained; excepting only food。 They had seen no reason not to treat the Stone the same。 Not that the mules held more than the barest fraction of a fraction of a fifth of the Stone's treasures。 Rhuarc said greed had killed more men than steel。 The wickerwork pack hampers; topped with rolled carpets and wall hangings; were lightly laden。 Ahead lay an eventual hard crossing of the Spine of the World; and then a far harder trek across the Waste。
       When do I tell them? he wondered。 Soon; now; it has to be soon。 Moiraine would doubtless think it daring; a bold stroke; she might even approve。 Maybe; She thought she knew his whole plan; now; and made no bones of disapproving that; no doubt she wanted it over and done as soon as possible。 But the Aiel。。。 What if they refuse? Well; if they refuse; they refuse。 I have to do it。 As for the fifth。。。 He did not think it would have been possible to stop the Aiel from taking it even had he wanted to; and he had not; they had earned their rewards; and he had no care to help Tairen lords keep what they had wrung from their people over generations。
       〃I saw her showing Rhuarc a silver bowl;〃 he said aloud。 〃From the way her sack clinked when she stuffed the bowl in; there was more silver in there。 Or maybe gold。 Do you disapprove?〃
       〃No。〃 She drew the word out slowly; with a touch of doubt; but then her voice firmed。 〃I just hadn't thought of her。。。 The Tairens would not have stopped at a fifth if the positions had been reversed。 They'd have carted away whatever wasn't part of the stonework; and stolen all the carts to haul it。 Just because a people's ways are different doesn't mean they are wrong; Rand。 You should know that。〃
       He laughed softly。 This was almost like old times; he ready to explain why and how she was wrong; and she snatching his position and tossing his own unvoiced explanation at him。 His stallion danced a few steps; catching his mood。 He patted the dapple's arched neck。 A good day。
       〃That's a fine horse;〃 she said。 〃What have you named him?〃
       〃Jeade'en;〃 he said cautiously; losing some of his good spirits。 He was a little ashamed of the name; of his reasons for choosing it。 One of his favorite books had always been The Travels of Jain Farstrider; and that great traveler had named his horse Jeade'en … True Finder; in the Old Tongue … because the animal had always been able to find the way home。 It would have been nice to think Jeade'en might carry him home one day。 Nice; but not likely; and he did not want anyone suspecting the cause for the name。 Boyish fancies had no place in his life now。 There was not much room for anything but what he had to do。
       〃A fine name;〃 she said absently。 He knew she had read the book; too; and half expected her to recognize the name; but she seemed to be mulling over something else; chewing her lower lip pensively。
       He was content with silence。 The last dregs of the city gave way to country and pitiful scattered farms。 Not even a Congar or a Coplin; Two River folk notorious for laziness among other things; would keep a place as run down and ramshackle as these rough stone houses; walls slanting as if about to topple over on the chickens scratching in the dirt。 Sagging barns leaned against laurels or spicewoods。 Roofs of cracked and broken slates all looked as if they leaked。 Goats bleated disconsolately in stone pens that might have been thrown together hastily that morning。 Barefoot men and women hoed stoop shouldered in unfenced fields; not looking up even when the large party was passing。 Redbeaks and thrushes warbling in the small thickets were not enough to lighten the feel of oppressive gloom。
       I have to do something about this。 I。。。 No; not now。 First things first。 I've done what I could for them in a few weeks。 I can't do anything more now。 He tried not to look at the tumbledown farms。 Were the olive groves in the south as bad? The people who worked those did not even own the land; it all belonged to High Lords。 No。 The breeze。 Nice; the way it cuts the heat。 I can enjoy it a bit longer。 I have to tell them; soon now。
       〃Rand;〃 Egwene said abruptly; 〃I want to talk to you。〃 Something serious by her expression; those big dark eyes; fixed on him; held a light reminiscent of Nynaeve's when she was about to lecture。 〃I want to talk about Elayne。〃
       〃What about her?〃 he asked warily。 He touched his pouch; where two letters crinkled against a small hard object。 If they had not both been in the same elegantly flowing hand; he would not have believed they came from the same woman。 And after all that kissing and snuggling。 The High Lords were easier to understand than women。
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