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und floor; had been a constant reminder until Moiraine sent her into the country。
       Rand did not slow down any more than the Aiel when she and Egwene fell in on either side of him。 His glance was wary; too; but in a different way; and touched with exasperated anger。 〃I thought you were gone;〃 he said to Egwene。 〃I thought you went with Elayne and Nynaeve。 You should have。 Even Tanchico is。。。 Why did you stay?〃
       〃I won't be staying much longer;〃 Egwene said。 〃I am going to the Waste with Aviendha; to Rhuidean; to study with the Wise Ones。〃
       He missed a step as the girl mentioned the Waste; glancing at her uncertainly; then strode on。 He seemed posed now; too much so; a boiling teakettle with the lid strapped down and the spout plugged。 〃Do you remember swimming in the Waterwood?〃 he said quietly。 〃I used to float on my back in a pool and think the hardest thing I'd ever have to do was plow a field; unless maybe it was shearing sheep。 Shearing from sunup till bedtime; hardly stopping to eat until the clip was in。〃
       〃Spinning;〃 Egwene said。 〃I hated it worse than scrubbing floors。 Twisting the threads makes your fingers so sore。〃
       〃Why did you do it?〃 Moiraine demanded before they could go on with this childhood reminiscing。
       He gave her a sidelong look; and a smile mocking enough to belong to Mat。 〃Could I really have hung her; for trying to kill a man who was plotting to kill me? Would there be more justice in that than in what I did?〃 The grin slid from his face。 〃Is there justice in anything I do? Sunamon will hang if he fails。 Because I said so。 He'll deserve it after the way he's tried to take advantage; with never a care if his own people starved; but he'll not go to the gallows for that。 He will hang because I said he would。 Because I said it。〃
       Egwene laid a hand on his arm; but Moiraine would not allow him to sidestep。 〃You know that is not what I mean。〃
       He nodded; this time his smile had a frightening; rictus quality。 〃Callandor。 With that in my hands; I can do anything。 Anything。 I know I can do anything。 But now; it's a weight off my shoulders。 You don't understand; do you?〃 She did not; though it nettled her that he saw it。 She kept silent; and he went on。 〃Perhaps it will help if you know it es from the Prophecies。

〃Into the heart he thrusts his sword;
into the heart; to hold their hearts。
Who draws it out shall follow after;
What hand can grasp that fearful blade?

       〃You see? Straight from the Prophecies。〃
       〃You forget one thing;〃 she told him tightly。 〃You drew Callandor in fulfillment of prophecy。 The safeguards that held it awaiting you for three thousand years and more are gone。 It is the Sword That Cannot Be Touched no longer。 I could channel it free myself。 Worse; any of the Forsaken could。 What if Lanfear returns? She could use Callandor no more than I; but she could take it。〃 He did not react to the name。 Because he did not fear her … in which case he was a fool … or for another reason? 〃If Sammael or Rahvin or any male Forsaken puts his hand on Callandor; he can wield it as well as you。 Think of facing the power you give up so casually。 Think of that power in the hands of the Shadow。〃
       〃I almost hope they'll try。〃 A threatening light shone in his eyes; they seemed gray storm clouds。 '〃There is a surprise awaiting anyone who tries to channel Callandor out of the Stone; Moiraine。 Do not think of taking it to the Tower for safekeeping; I could not make the trap pick and choose。 The Power is all it needs to spring and reset; ready to trap again。 I am not giving Callandor up forever。 Just until I。。。〃 He took a deep breath。 〃Callandor will stay there until I e back for it。 By being there; reminding them of who I am and what I am; it makes sure I can e back without an army。 A haven of sorts; with the likes of Alteima and Sunamon to wele me home。 If Alteima survives the justice her husband and Estanda will mete out; and Sunamon survives mine。 Light; what a wretched tangle。〃
       He could not make it selective; or would not? She was determined not to underrate what he might be capable of。 Callandor belonged in the Tower; if he would not wield it as he should; in the Tower till he would wield it。 〃Just until〃 what? He had been intending to say something other than 〃until I e back。〃 But what?
       〃And where are you going? Or do you mean to keep it a mystery?〃 She was quietly vowing not to let him escape again; to turn him somehow if he meant to go running off to the Two Rivers; when he surprised her。
       〃Not a mystery; Moiraine。 Not from you and Egwene; anyway。〃 He looked at Egwene and said one word。 〃Rhuidean。〃
       Wide…eyed; the girl appeared as astounded as if she had never heard the name before。 For that matter; Moiraine felt scarcely less。 There was a murmur among the Aiel; but when she glanced back they were striding along with no expression whatsoever。 She wished she could make them leave; but they would not go at her mand; and she would not ask Rand to send them away。 It would not help her with him to ask favors; especially when he might well refuse。
       〃You are not an Aiel clan chief; Rand;〃 she said firmly; 〃and have no need to be one。 Your struggle is on this side of the Dragon wall。 Unless。。。 Does this e from your answers in the ter'angreal? Cairhien; and Callandor; and Rhuidean? I told you those answers can be cryptic。 You could be misunderstanding them; and that could prove fatal。 To more than you。〃
       〃You must trust me; Moiraine。 As I have so often had to trust you。〃 His face might as well have belonged to an Aiel for all she could read in it。
       〃I will trust you for now。 Just do not wait to seek my guidance until it is too late。〃 I will not let you go to the Shadow。 I have worked too long to allow that。 Whatever it takes。

Chapter 22
(Portal Stone)
Out of the Stone

       It was a strange procession Rand led out of the Stone and eastward; with white clouds shading the midday sun and a breath of air stirring across the city。 By his order there had been no announcement; no proclamation; but slowly word spread of something: citizens stopped whatever they were doing and ran for vantage points。 The Aiel were marching through the city; marching out of the city。 People who had not seen them e in the night; who had only half believed they were in the Stone at all; increasingly lined the streets along the route; filled the windows; even climbed onto slate rooftops; straddling roof peaks and upturned corners。 Murmurs ran as they counted the Aiel。 These few hundred could never have taken the Stone。 The Dragon banner still flew above the fortress。 There must yet be thousands of Aiel in there。 And the Lord Dragon。
       Rand rode easily in his shirtsleeves; sure none of the onlookers could take him for anyone out of the ordinary。 An outlander; rich enough to ride … and on a superb dappled stallion; best of the Tairen bloodstock … a rich man traveling in the oddest of odd pany; but surely just another man for that。 Not even the leader of this strange pany; that title was surely assigned to Lan or Moiraine despite the fact that they rode some little distance behind him; directly ahead of the A
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