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 of the world。 〃The corpses will be piled as high; girl。 You will not know the difference between this and a war。〃
       Attacking Illian and Sammael would have gained him time even if it grew into a stalemate。 Time to learn his power; and perhaps to bring down one of his strongest enemies; to cow the rest。 What did he gain by this? Peace for the land of her birth; starving Cairhienin fed; she would have applauded another time。 It was laudably humane … and utterly senseless; now。 Useless bloodshed; rather than confronting an enemy who would destroy him given the slightest opening。 Why? Lanfear。 What had Lanfear said to him? What had she done? The possibilities chilled Moiraine's heart。 Rand would take closer watching than ever now。 She would not allow him to turn to the Shadow。
       〃Ah; yes;〃 Rand said as if just remembering something。 〃Soldiers don't know much about feeding hungry people; do they? For that; I think a kind; woman's heart is needed。 My Lady Alteima; I regret intruding on your grief; but will you undertake to oversee distributing the food? You will have a nation to feed。〃
       And power to gain; Moiraine thought。 This was his first slip。 Aside from deciding on Cairhien over Illian; of course。 Alteima would certainly return to Tear on an equal footing with Meilan or Gueyam; ready for more plotting。 She would have Rand assassinated before that; if he was not careful。 Perhaps an accident could be arranged in Cairhien。
       Alteima swept a graceful curtsy; spreading her full white skirts; only a touch of her surprise showing。 〃As my Lord Dragon mands; so do I obey。 It will please me greatly to serve the Lord Dragon。〃
       〃I was sure it would;〃 Rand said wryly。 〃As much as you love your husband; you'll not want him with you in Cairhien。 Conditions will be hard; for a sick man。 I took the liberty of having him moved to the High Lady Estanda's apartments。 She will care for him while you are away; and send him to meet you in Cairhien when he is well。〃 Estanda smiled; a tight smile of triumph。 Alteima's eyes rolled back in her head; and she crumpled in a heap。
       Moiraine shook her head slightly。 He truly was harder than he had been。 More dangerous。 Egwene started toward the fallen woman; but Moiraine put a hand on her arm。 〃I think she was only overe by emotion。 I can recognize it; you see。 The ladies are tending her。〃 Several of them had clustered around; patting Alteima's wrists and passing smelling salts under her nose。 She coughed and opened her eyes; and looked ready to faint again when she saw Estanda standing over her。
       〃Rand just did something very clever; I think;〃 Egwene said in a flat voice。 〃And very cruel。 He has a right to look ashamed。〃
       Rand did look it at that; grimacing at the floorstones under his boots。 Perhaps he was not as hard as he was trying to be。
       〃Not undeserved; however;〃 Moiraine observed。 The girl showed promise; picking up on what she did not understand。 But she still needed to learn to control her emotions; to see what had to be done as well as she saw what she wished could be done。 〃Let us hope he is finished with being clever for today。〃
       Very few in the great chamber understood exactly what had happened; only that Alteima's fainting had upset the Lord Dragon。 A few in the back raised shouts of 〃Cairhien shall fall!〃 but the cry did not take hold。
       〃With you to lead us; my Lord Dragon; we shall conquer the world!〃 a lumpy faced young man shouted; half…supporting Torean。 Estean; Torean's eldest son; the lumpy…faced resemblance was clear; though the father was still mumbling to himself。
       Jerking his head up; Rand appeared startled。 Or perhaps angry。 〃I will not be with you。 I am。。。 going away for a time。〃 That certainly brought silence again。 Every eye was on him; but his attentions were all on Callandor。 The crowd flinched as he lifted the crystal blade before his face。 Sweat rolled down his face; much more sweat than before。 〃The Stone held Callandor before I came。 The Stone should hold it again; until I return。〃
       Suddenly the transparent sword blazed in his hands。 Whirling it hilt uppermost; he drove it down。 Into the stone floor。 Bluish lightning arced wildly toward the dome above。 The stone rumbled loudly; and the Stone shook; dancing; heaving screaming people from their feet。
       Moiraine pushed Egwene off of her while tremors still reverberated through the chamber; and scrambled erect。 What had he done? And why? Going away? It was the worst of all her nightmares。
       The Aiel had already regained their feet。 Everyone else lay stunned or huddled on hands and knees。 Except for Rand。 He was on one knee; both hands holding Callandor's hilt; with the blade driven halfway into the floorstones。 The sword was clear crystal again。 Sweat glistened on his face。 He pried his hands away one finger at a time; held them cupped around the hilt yet not touching it。 For a moment Moiraine thought he was going to take hold of it again; but instead he forced himself to his feet。 He did have to force himself; she was certain of it。
       〃Look at this while I am gone。〃 His voice was lighter; more the way it had been when she first found him in his village; but no less sure or firm than it had been moments before。 〃Look at it; and remember me。 Remember I will e back for it。 If anyone wants to take my place; all they have to do is pull it out。〃 He waggled a finger at them; grinning almost mischievously。 〃But remember the price of failure。〃
       Turning on his heel; he marched out of the chamber; the Aiel falling in behind him。 Staring at the sword rising out of the floor of the Heart; the Tairens got to their feet more slowly。 Most looked ready to run; but too frightened to。
       〃That man!〃 Egwene grumbled; dusting off her green linen dress。 〃Is he mad?〃 She clapped a hand to her mouth。 〃Oh; Moiraine; he isn't; is he? Is he? Not yet。〃
       〃The Light send he is not;〃 Moiraine muttered。 She could not take her eyes from the sword any more than the Tairens could。 The Light take the boy。 Why could he not have remained the amenable youngling she had found in Emond's Field? She made herself start after Rand。 〃But I will find out。〃
       Half…running; they caught up quickly in a broad; tapestry lined hallway。 The Aiel; veils hanging loose now but easily raised if needed; moved aside without slowing。 They glanced at her; and at Egwene; hard faces unchanging but eyes touched by the wariness Aiel always had around Aes Sedai。
       How they could be uneasy at her while calmly following Rand; she did not understand。 Learning more than fragments about them was difficult。 They answered questions freely … about anything that was of no interest to her。 Her informants and her own eavesdropping overheard nothing; and her network of eyes and ears would no longer try。 Not since one woman had been left bound and gagged; hanging by her ankles from battlements and staring wild eyed at the four hundred foot drop beneath her; and not since the man who had simply disappeared。 The man was just gone; the woman; refusing to go higher than the ground floor; had been a constant reminder until Moiraine sent her into the country。
       Rand did n
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