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hree of Thom's colored balls one handed and blindfolded; she had seen Thom do that; but she would not want to try。 There was no guide to how they were connected; or what they were supposed to do; the Prophecies never mentioned panions。
       〃I like her;〃 Egwene said。 〃She is good for him; just what he needs。 And she cares for him deeply。〃
       〃I suppose she does。〃 If Faile became too troublesome; Moiraine would have to have a talk with her; about the secrets Faile had been keeping from Perrin。 Or have one of her eyes and ears do it。 That should settle her down。
       〃You say it as if you don't believe it。 They love each other; Moiraine。 Can't you see that? Can't you even recognize a human emotion when you see one?〃
       Moiraine gave her a firm look; one that settled her on her heels in a satisfactory manner。 The girl knew so little and thought she knew so much。 Moiraine was about to tell her so in withering fashion when startled; even fearful; gasps rose from among the Tairens。
       The crowd gave way hurriedly; more than eagerly; those in front ruthlessly forcing those behind farther back; opening a wide passage to the space beneath the dome。 Rand strode down that corridor; looking straight ahead; imperious in a red coat embroidered with golden scrolls up his sleeves; cradling Callandor in his right arm like a scepter。 It was not only he that made the Tairens give way; though。 Behind him came perhaps a hundred Aiel; spears and arrow nocked bows in hand; shoufa wrapped around their heads; black veils hiding everything but their eyes。 Moiraine thought she recognized Rhuarc at the front; just behind Rand; but only by the way he moved。 They were anonymous。 Ready for killing。 Plainly; whatever he meant to say; Rand intended to quell any resistance before it had a chance to coalesce。
       The Aiel halted; but Rand kept on until he stood centered under the dome; then ran his eye around the gathering。 He seemed surprised; and perhaps upset; at the sight of Egwene; but he gave Moiraine an infuriating smile; and Mat one that made the pair of them look like boys when Mat returned it。 The Tairens were white faced; not knowing whether to stare at Rand and Callandor or the veiled Aiel; either could be death in their midst。
       〃The High Lord Sunamon;〃 Rand said suddenly; and loudly; making that plump fellow jump; 〃has guaranteed me a treaty with Mayene; strictly following lines I gave him。 He has guaranteed this with his life。〃 He laughed as if he had made a joke; and most of the nobles laughed with him。 Not Sunamon; who looked distinctly ill。 〃If he fails;〃 Rand announced; 〃he has agreed to be hanged; and he will be obliged。〃 The laughter stopped。 Sunamon's face took on a sickly tinge of green。 Egwene gave Moiraine a troubled glance; she was gripping her skirt with both hands。 Moiraine only waited; he had not brought every noble within ten miles together to tell them of a treaty or threaten a fat fool。 She made her hands let go of her own skirts。
       Rand turned in a circle; weighing the faces he saw。 〃Because of this treaty; ships will soon be available to carry Tairen grain west; to find new markets。〃 There were a few appreciative murmurs at that; quickly stifled。 〃But there is more。 The armies of Tear are to march。〃
       A cheer rose; tumultuous shouts ringing from the ceilings。 Men capered; even the High Lords; and shook their fists over their heads; and tossed up peaked velvet hats。 Women; smiling as rapturously as the men; bestowed kisses on the cheeks of those who would go to war; and delicately sniffed the tiny porcelain bottles of smelling salts no Tairen noblewoman would be without; pretending to be made faint by the news。 〃Illian shall fall!〃 someone cried; and hundreds of voices seized it like thunder。 〃Illian shall fall! Illian shall fall! Illian shall fall!〃
       Moiraine saw Egwene's lips moving; the words crushed beneath the jubilation。 She could read them; though。 〃No; Rand。 Please; no。 Please don't。〃 On the far side of Rand; Mat was frowning in disapproving silence。 They and she were the only ones not celebrating; aside from the ever watchful Aiel and Rand himself。 Rand's smile was twisted contemptuously; and never touched his eyes。 There was fresh sweat on his face。 She met his sardonic stare and waited。 There would be more; and not; she suspected; to her liking。
       Rand raised his left hand。 Slowly quiet fell; those in front anxiously shushing those behind。 He waited for absolute silence。 〃The armies will move north; into Cairhien。 The High Lord Meilan will mand; and under him; the High Lords Gueyam; Arae; Hearne; Maraconn and Simaan。 The armies will be generously financed by the High Lord Torean; the wealthiest of you; who will acpany the armies to see that his money is spent wisely。〃
       Dead silence greeted this pronouncement。 No one moved; though plain…faced Torean seemed to be having trouble standing。
       Moiraine had to give Rand a mental bow for his choices。 Sending those seven out of Tear neatly eviscerated the seven most dangerous plots against him; and none of those men trusted each other enough to scheme among themselves。 Thom Merrilin had given him good advice; obviously her spies had missed some of the notes he had had slipped into Rand's pockets。 But the rest? It was madness。 He could not have had this for an answer on the other side of that ter'angreal。 It was not possible; surely。
       Meilan obviously agreed with her; if not for the same reasons。 He stepped forward hesitantly; a lean hard man but so frightened that the whites of his eyes showed all the way around。 〃My Lord Dragon。。。〃 He stopped; swallowed; and began again in a marginally stronger voice。 〃My Lord Dragon; intervening in a civil war is stepping into a bog。 A dozen factions contend for the Sun Throne; with as many shifting alliances; each one betrayed every day。 Besides that; bandits infest Cairhien as fleas on a wild boar。 Starving peasants have stripped the land bare。 I am reliably informed that they eat bark and leaves。 My Lord Dragon; 'a quagmire' barely begins to describe…〃
       Rand cut him off。 〃You do not want to extend Tear's sway all the way to Kinslayer's Dagger; Meilan? That is all right。 I know who I mean to sit on the Sun Throne。 You do not go to conquer; Meilan; but to restore order; and peace。 And to feed the hungry。 There is more grain in the granaries now than Tear could sell; and the farmers will harvest as much more this year; unless you disobey me。 Wagons will carry it north behind the armies; and those peasants。。。 those peasants will not have to eat bark any longer; my Lord Meilan。〃 The tall High Lord opened his mouth again; and Rand swung Callandor down; grounding its crystal point in front of him。 〃You have a question; Meilan?〃 Shaking his head; Meilan backed into the crowd as though trying to hide。
       〃I knew he would not start a war;〃 Egwene said fiercely。 〃I knew it。〃
       〃You think there will be less killing in this?〃 Moiraine muttered。 What was the boy up to? At least he was not running off to save his village while the Forsaken had their way with the rest of the world。 〃The corpses will be piled as high; girl。 You will not know the difference between th
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