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er informants had reported him muttering about Tanchico on his way out of the Stone; he would see they got a good crew and found the right officials。 The purported plan with Mazrim Taim was much the more likely of the two; but her messages to the Amyrlin should have taken care of that。 The two young women could handle the much less likely eventuality of a mysterious danger hidden in Tanchico; and they were out of her hair and away from Rand。 She only regretted that Egwene had refused to go with them。 Tar Valon would have been best for all three; but Tanchico would do。
       〃Speaking of wool…brained; do you mean to continue with this plan to go into the Waste?〃
       〃I do;〃 the girl said; firmly。 She needed to be back in the Tower; training her strength。 What was Siuan thinking of? She will probably give me one of those sayings about boats and fish; when I can ask her。
       At least Egwene would be out of the way; too; and the Aiel girl would look after her。 Perhaps the Wise Ones really could teach her something of Dreaming。 That had been the most astounding letter from them; not that she could afford to heed most of it。 Egwene's journey into the Waste might be useful in the long run。
       The last line of Tairens gave way; making a little hollow; and she and Egwene faced the open area under the vast dome。 The nobles' ill ease was most evident here; many studied their feet like sulky children; and others stared at nothing; looking at anything but where they were。 Here was where Callandor had been kept before Rand took it。 Here beneath this dome; untouched by any hand for more than three thousand years; untouchable by any hand but that of the Dragon Reborn。 Tairens did not like admitting that the Heart of the Stone existed。
       〃Poor woman;〃 Egwene murmured。
       Moiraine followed the girl's gaze。 The High Lady Alteima; already gowned and ruffed and capped in shimmering white as Tairen widows were though her husband still lingered; was perhaps the most posed of all the nobles。 She was a slender; lovely woman; made more so by her small sad smile; with large brown eyes and long black hair hanging halfway to her waist。 A tall woman; though Moiraine admitted she did tend to judge such things by her own height; and rather too full bosomed。 Cairhienin were not a tall people; and she had been considered short even among them。
       〃Yes; a poor woman;〃 she said; but she did not mean it for sympathy。 It was good to see Egwene had not yet grown sophisticated enough to see beneath the surface all the time。 The girl was already far less malleable than she should have been for years yet。 She needed to be shaped before she was hardened。
       Thom had missed; with Alteima。 Or perhaps he had not wanted to see; he seemed to have a strange reluctance to move against women。 The High Lady Alteima was far more dangerous than her husband or her lover; both of whom she had manipulated without either knowing it。 Perhaps more dangerous than anyone else in Tear; man or woman。 She would find others to use soon enough。 It was Alteima's style to remain in the background and pull strings。 Something would have to be done about her。
       Moiraine shifted her gaze along the rows of High Lords and Ladies; until she found Estanda; in brocaded yellow silks with a large ivory lace ruff and a tiny matching cap。 A certain sternness marred the beauty of her face; and the occasional glances she gave Alteima were iron hard。 Feelings between the two went beyond mere rivalry; had they been men; one would have shed the other's blood in a duel years since。 If that antagonism could be sharpened; Alteima would be too busy to make trouble for Rand。
       For an instant she regretted sending Thom away。 She did not like having to waste her time with these petty affairs。 But he had too much influence with Rand; the boy had to depend on her counsel。 Hers; and hers alone。 The Light knew he was difficult enough without interference。 Thom had been settling the boy down to rule Tear when he needed to be moving on to greater things。 But that was dealt with for now。 The problem of bringing Thom Merrilin to heel could be managed later。 Rand was the dilemma now。 What did he mean to announce?
       〃Where is he? He has learned the first art of kings; it seems。 Making people wait。〃
       She did not realize she had spoken aloud until Egwene gave her a startled look。 She smoothed the irritation from her face immediately。 Rand would appear eventually; and she would learn what he meant to do。 Learn along with everyone else。 She nearly ground her teeth。 That blind fool of a boy; running headlong through the night with never a care for cliffs; never thinking he could carry the world over as well as himself。 If only she could keep him from rushing back to save his village。 He would want to; but he could not afford to do so now。 Perhaps he did not know; it could be hoped。
       Mat stood across from them; unbed and slouching with his hands in the pockets of his high collared green coat。 It was half…unbuttoned; as usual; and his boots were scuffed; in sharp contrast to the precise elegance around him。 He shifted nervously as he saw her looking at him; then gave one of his rudely defiant grins。 At least he was here; under her eye。 Mat Cauthon was an exhausting young man to keep track of; avoiding her spies with ease; he never gave any sign that he knew they were there; but her eyes and ears reported that he seemed to slide out of sight whenever they got too close。
       〃I think he sleeps in his coats;〃 Egwene said disapprovingly。 〃On purpose。 I wonder where Perrin is。〃 She went on tiptoes; trying to search over the heads of the assemblage。 〃I don't see him。〃
       Frowning; Moiraine scanned the crowd; not that she could make out much beyond the front row。 Lan could have been back among the columns。 She would not strain; though; or jump up on her toes like an anxious child。 Lan was due a talking to he would not soon forget when she laid hands on him。 With Nynaeve tugging at him one way and ta'veren … Rand; at least … seemingly pulling another; she sometimes wondered how well their bond still held。 At least his time with Rand was useful; it gave her another string to the young man。
       〃Perhaps he is with Faile;〃 Egwene said。 〃He won't have run away; Moiraine。 Perrin has a strong sense of duty。〃
       Almost as strong as a Warder's; Moiraine knew; which was why she did not keep eyes and ears on him as she tried to with Mat。 〃Faile has been trying to talk him into leaving; girl。〃 Quite possibly he was with her; he usually was。 〃Do not look so surprised。 They often talk … and argue … where they can be overheard。〃
       〃I am not surprised you know;〃 Egwene said dryly; 〃only that Faile would try to talk him out of what he knows he has to do。〃
       〃Perhaps she does not believe it as he does。〃 Moiraine had not believed it herself; at first; had not seen it。 Three ta'veren; all the same age; ing out of one village; she must have been blind not to realize they had to be connected。 Everything had bee much more plicated with that knowledge。 Like trying to juggle three of Thom's colored balls one handed and blindfolded; she had seen Thom do that; but she would no
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