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 Mayene; that must mean beyond the Waste。〃
       He stared at her for a moment。 〃Shara; you say? I have never heard any such name before。 Is Shara city or nation or both? Perhaps I will learn a little more。〃
       What did I say? she wondered。 I said something to make him think。 Light! I told him we convinced Coine to change her plans。 It could not make any difference; but she scolded herself severely。 A careless word to this nice old man might do no harm; but the same might kill her in Tanchico; and Nynaeve; too; not to mention the thief…catcher and Thom himself。 If he was such a nice old man。 〃Thom; why did you e with us? Just because Moiraine asked?〃
       His shoulders shook; she realized he was laughing at himself。 〃As to that; who can say? Aes Sedai asking favors are not easily resisted。 Perhaps it was the prospect of your pleasant pany for the voyage。 Or perhaps I decided Rand is old enough to look after himself for a while。〃
       He laughed out loud; and she had to laugh with him。 The idea of this white…haired old fellow looking after Rand。 The feeling that she could trust him came back; stronger than ever; as he looked at her。 Not because he could laugh at himself; or not only that。 She could not have given a reason beyond the fact that; looking up into those blue eyes; she could not make herself believe this man would ever do anything to harm her。
       The urge to pull one of his mustaches again was almost overwhelming; but she schooled her hands to stillness。 She was not a child; after all。 A child。 She opened her mouth … and suddenly everything went out of her head。
       〃Please excuse me; Thom;〃 she said hurriedly。 〃I must。。。 Excuse me。〃 She started toward the stern quickly; not waiting for a reply。 He probably thought the ship's motion had upset her stomach。 Wavedancer was pitching more rapidly; moving faster through the great sea swells as the wind freshened。
       Two men stood at the wheel on the sterndeck; the muscle of both needed to hold the vessel on course; The Sailmistress was not on deck; but the Windfinder was; standing at the rail beyond the wheelmen; bare to the waist like the men; studying the sky where billowing clouds rolled more fiercely than the ocean。 For once it was not Jorin's state of dress … or undress … that bothered Elayne。 The glow of a woman embracing saidar surrounded her; clearly visible despite the lurid light。 That was what she had felt; what had drawn her。 A woman channeling。
       Elayne stopped short of the sterndeck to study what she was doing。 The flows of Air and Water the Windfinder handled were cable…thick; yet her weaving was intricate; almost delicate; and it reached as far as the eye could see across the waters; a web drawn across the sky。 The wind rose higher; higher; the wheelmen strained; and Wavedancer flew through the sea。 The weaving stopped; the glow of saidar vanished; and Jorin slumped at the rail; leaning on her hands。
       Elayne climbed the ladder quietly; yet the Sea Folk woman spoke in a soft voice without turning her head as soon as she was near enough to hear。 〃In the middle as I worked; I thought that you were watching me。 I could not stop then; there might have been a storm even Wavedancer could not survive。 The Sea of Storms is well named; it will throw up bad winds enough without my help。 I meant not to do this at all; but Coine said we must go quickly。 For you; and for the Coramoor。〃 She raised her eyes to peer at the sky。 〃This wind will hold until morning; if it pleases the Light。〃
       〃This is why the Sea Folk do not carry Aes Sedai?〃 Elayne said; taking a place beside her at the rail。 〃So the Tower won't learn Windfinders can channel。 That is why it was your decision to let us aboard; not your sister's。 Jorin; the Tower will not try to stop you。 There is no law in the Tower to stop any woman channeling; even if she is not Aes Sedai。〃
       〃Your White Tower will interfere。 It will try to reach onto our ships; where we are free of the land and landsmen。 It will try to tie us to itself; binding us away from the sea。〃 She sighed heavily。 〃The wave that has passed cannot be called back。〃
       Elayne wished she could tell her it was not so; but the Tower did seek out women and girls who could learn to channel; both to bolster the numbers of Aes Sedai; dwindling now pared to what they once had been; and because of the danger of learning unguided。 In truth; a woman who could be taught to touch the True Source usually found herself in the Tower whatever she wanted; at least until she was trained enough not to kill herself or others by accident。
       After a moment Jorin went on。 〃It is not all of us。 Only some。 We send a few girls to Tar Valon so Aes Sedai will not e looking among us。 No ship will carry Aes Sedai whose Windfinder can weave the winds。 When you first named yourselves; I thought you must know me; but you did not speak; and you asked passage; and I hoped perhaps you were not Aes Sedai despite your rings。 A foolish hope。 I could feel the strength of you both。 And now the White Tower will know。〃
       〃I cannot promise to keep your secret; but I will do what I can。〃 The woman deserved more。 〃Jorin; I swear by the honor of House Trakand of Andor that I will do my best to keep your secret from any who would harm you or your people; and that if I must reveal it to anyone; I will do all in my ability to protect your people from interference。 House Trakand is not without influence; even in the Tower。〃 And I will make mother use it; if need be。 Somehow。
       〃If it pleases the Light;〃 Jorin said fatalistically; 〃all will be well。 All will be well; and all will be well; and all manner of thing will be well; if it pleases the Light。〃
       〃There was a damane on that Seanchan ship; wasn't there?〃 The Windfinder gave her a quizzical look。 〃One of the captive women who can channel。〃
       〃You see deeply for one so young。 That is why I first thought you might not be Aes Sedai; because you are so young; I have daughters older than you; I think。 I did not know she was a captive; that makes me wish we could have saved her。 Wavedancer outran the Seanchan vessel easily at first … we had heard of the Seanchan and their vessels with ribbed sails; that they demanded strange oaths and punished those who would not give them … but then the … damane? … broke two of his masts; and they boarded him with swords。 I managed to start fires on the Seanchan vessel … weaving Fire is difficult for me beyond lighting a lamp; but it pleased the Light to make it enough … and Toram led the crew to fight the Seanchan back to their own decks。 We cut loose the boarding hooks; and their ship drifted away; burning。 They were too occupied with trying to save him to bother us as we limped away。 I regretted seeing him burn and sink; then; he was a fine ship; I think; for heavy seas。 Now I regret it because we might have saved the woman; the damane。 Even if she damaged him; perhaps she would not have; free。 The Light illumine her soul; and the waters take her peacefully。〃
       Telling the story had saddened her。 She needed to be distracted。 〃Jorin; why do the Atha'an Miere call ships 'he'? Everyone else I've ever met calls them 'she。' I don't supp
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