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re shall be neither Light nor safety。 And he who shall be born of the Dawn; born of the Maiden; according to Prophecy; he shall stretch forth his hands to catch the Shadow; and the world shall scream in the pain of salvation。 All Glory be to the Creator; and to the Light; and to he who shall be born again。 May the Light save us from him。

…from mentaries on the Karaethon Cycle
Sereine dar Shamelle Motara
Counsel…Sister to aelle;
High Queen of Jaramide
(circa 325 AB; the Third Age)
Chapter 1
(Serpent and Wheel)
Seeds of Shadow

The Wheel of Time turns; and Ages e and pass; leaving memories that bee legend。 Legend fades to myth; and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth es again。 In。 one Age; called the Third Age by some; an Age yet to e; an Age long past; a wind rose on the great plain called the Caralain Grass。 The wind was not the beginning。 There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time。 But it was a beginning。
North and west the wind blew beneath early morning sun; over endless miles of rolling grass and far…scattered thickets; across the swift…flowing River Luan; past the broken…topped fang of Dragonmount; mountain of legend towering above the slow swells of the rolling plain; looming so high that clouds wreathed it less than halfway to the smoking peak。 Dragonmount; where the Dragon had died … and with him; some said; the Age of Legends … where prophecy said he would be born again。 Or had been。 North and west; across the villages of Jualdhe and Darein and Alindaer; where bridges like stone lacework arched out to the Shining Walls; the great white walls of what many called the greatest city in the world。 Tar Valon。 A city just touched by the reaching shadow of Dragonmount each evening。
Within those walls Ogier…made buildings well over two thousand years old seemed to grow out of the ground rather than having been built; or to be the work of wind and water rather than that of even the fabled hands of Ogier stone…masons。 Some suggested birds taking flight; or huge shells from distant seas。 Soaring towers; flared or fluted or spiraled; stood connected by bridges hundreds of feet in the air; often without rails。 Only those long in Tar Valon could avoid gaping like country folk who had never been off the farm。
Greatest of those towers; the White Tower dominated the city; gleaming like polished bone in the sun。 The Wheel of Time turns around Tar Valon; so people said in the city; and Tar Valon turns around the Tower。 The first sight travelers had of Tar Valon; before their horses came in view of the bridges; before their river boat captains sighted the island; was the Tower reflecting the sun like a beacon。 Small wonder then that the great square surrounding the walled Tower grounds seemed smaller than it was under the massive Tower's gaze; the people in it dwindling to insects。 Yet the White Tower could have been the smallest in Tar Valon; the fact that it was the heart of Aes Sedai power would still have overawed the island city。
Despite their numbers; the crowd did not e close to filling the square。 Along the edges people jostled each other in a milling mass; all going about their day's business; but closer to the Tower grounds there were ever fewer people; until a band of bare paving stones at least fifty paces wide bordered the tall white walls。 Aes Sedai were respected and more in Tar Valon; of course; and the Amyrlin Seat ruled the city as she ruled the Aes Sedai; but few wanted to be closer to Aes Sedai power than they had to。 There was a difference between being proud of a grand fireplace in your hall and walking into the flames。
A very few did go closer; to the broad stairs that led up to the Tower itself; to the intricately carved doors wide enough for a dozen people abreast。 Those doors stood open; weling。 There were always some people in need of aid or an answer they thought only Aes Sedai could give; and they came from far as often as near; from Arafel and Ghealdan; from Saldaea and Illian。 Many would find help or guidance inside; though often not what they had expected or hoped for。
Min kept the wide hood of her cloak pulled up; shadowing her face in its depths。 In spite of the warmth of the day; the garment was light enough not to attract ment; not on a woman so obviously shy。 And a good many people were shy when they went to the Tower。 There was nothing about her to attract notice。 Her dark hair was longer than when she was last in the Tower; though still not quite to her shoulders; and her dress; plain blue except for narrow bands of white Jaerecuz lace at neck and wrists; would have suited the daughter of a well…to…do farmer; wearing her feastday best to the Tower just like the other women approaching the wide stairs。 Min hoped she looked the same; at least。 She had to stop herself from staring at them to see if they walked or held themselves differently。 I can do it; she told herself。
She had certainly not e all this way to turn back now。。 The dress was a good disguise。 Those who remembered her in the Tower remembered a young woman with close…cropped hair; always in a boy's coat and breeches; never in a dress。 It had to be a good disguise。 She had no choice about what she was doing。 Not really。
Her stomach fluttered the closer she came to the Tower; and she tightened her grip on the bundle clutched to her breast。 Her usual clothes were in there; and her good boots; and all her possessions except the horse she had left at an inn not far from the square。 With luck; she would be back on the gelding in a few hours; riding for the Ostrein Bridge and the road south。
She was not really looking forward to climbing onto a horse again so soon; not after weeks in the saddle with never a day's pause; but she longed to leave this place。 She had never seen the White Tower as hospitable; and right now it seemed nearly as awful as the Dark One's prison at Shayol Ghul。 Shivering; she wished she had not thought of the Dark One。 I wonder if Moiraine thinks I came just because she asked me? The Light help me; acting like a fool girl。 Doing fool things because of a fool man!
She mounted the stairs uneasily…each was deep enough to take two strides for her to reach the next…and unlike most of the others; she did not pause for an awed stare up the pale height of the Tower。 She wanted this over。
Inside; archways almost surrounded the large; round entry hall; but the petitioners huddled in the middle of the chamber; shuffling together beneath a flat…domed ceiling。 The pale stone floor had been worn and polished by countless nervous feet over the centuries。 No one thought of anything except where they were; and why。 A farmer and his wife in rough woolens; clutching each other's callused hands; rubbed shoulders with a merchant in velvet…slashed silks; a maid at her heels clutching a small worked…silver casket; no doubt her mistress's gift for the Tower。 Elsewhere; the merchant would have stared down her nose at farm folk who brushed so close; and they might well have knuckled their foreheads and backed away apologizing。 Not now。 Not here。
There were few men among the petitioners; which was no surprise to Min。 Most men were nervous around Aes Sedai。 Ev
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